Chapter 18 - Mission Interrupted

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Hunter. God! Why am I thinking of him? That's all I could think about as I changed back into a white tee-shirt and black leggings with three white lines on the sides. I put my hair into a ponytail and threw the wig on the floor. I tied the laces of my black sneakers and tried to move the sleeves of the tee-shirt so it would cover the black sports bra straps that were showing, but they wouldn't budge, so I gave up. It was rather hot, so I pulled out a black zip up hoodie and put it into my bookbag, just in case it got colder.
I grabbed the map. It had some Icelandic writing, otherwise it didn't look like a map, just a damaged piece of parchment. I put my hand with the scar over the map. It didn't rearrange letters like usual. I tried again, directly putting it on the words. Nothing. I sighed and put my head against the dirty bathroom stall. I never imagined my year going like this. Fuck it. I wanted to die. I didn't want to do this. Maybe if Hunter was here, it would be better. Maybe if he was here to hug me. Or if Luke was here to do the same. I shook the thoughts out of my head and tried to get the map to work.
I looked at the map, until the edges of the papers sliced the top of my finger. Just what I needed, a paper cut. The blood trickled down the page. It hurt much more than a regular paper cut would. I put the map down and sucked on the blood from my finger. The map immediately started to glow and open. It shined blue. I took the finger out of my mouth and smirked.
"Good job, Ember." I smiled to myself, staring at the map, ignoring the people outside, talking.
The map's letters rearranged into English. It formed a short sentence. You have the blood of a Mage. I nodded and put my scar over the map to see if it would work again. It did. Ah, have a mark too? Someone will speak to you now. I froze, what?! The letters started to form a face. I jumped away so the face was looking away from me. It was Luke. I couldn't tell you if I was happy to see him or not.
"Who is it? What do you want? Forgot where the base is?" His accent was strong. I stared at the back of his blue holographic head as he spoke. "Hello?"
I froze. "Hello," I said in a deep masculine voice. I tried to disguise my own voice.
"Who is this?" He repeated, sounding irritated.
    "You don't know my name?! How dare you! I am more important than your fifteen year old body will ever be! You don't even deserve to know my name!" I said, trying not to laugh when talking in the deep voice, trying to make up excuses.
I could hear the smirk in his voice, "Oh really? Then why are you calling, oh mighty one?" He said sarcastically. Obviously, this guy had an attitude.
    "Because, I wanted to know if you have any more information on them!" I said referring to myself and my friends.
    "Who's them?" He said, obviously testing me.
I hesitated. I had an urge to say BS or bullshit, just like he called them, but I stopped myself and said something different. "The people that go around hunting you and Alvara! Those darn Siren Hunters," I scoffed.
    "Siren Hunters?" He laughed. "I like that. Better than what I came up with, Ember."
    "Ember?" I said, trying to pretend like he was wrong about who I was.
    "Give it up," Luke said coldly. "Well? Are you alone? Decided to join us? How did you get this map?!"
     I bit my lip and continued talking in a masculine voice, "Ugh... yes?"
    "COME ON! You know we analyze the blood right? I knew it was you right away. I didn't let the map work when you showed your scar, and had a bit of fun with you and made you bleed," He said, enjoying himself.
I rolled my eyes and talked in my normal voice, "Well why are you doing map duty? I thought you were more important."
    "Well, with Alvara, I mean I am- I'm- IMPORTANT- I don't get- WHATEVER!" He stuttered.
I gave out a little laugh, "Cool. So yeah, I am alone, vulnerable, and ready to kick your ass. Isn't that fun?"
    "Or you can come to our side or just surrender and then we won't kill
your friends. Idiots really!" He said, moving someone else to the camera. "Let me face you, look who it is."
I turned the map and looked at Edwin being held by Luke. I opened my jaw, "What?! Why is he caught?"
"HELP PLEASE!" Edwin shouted, struggling.
"Kara and Jake are outside the door, ready to escort you here. If you don't go with them, we will kill them. We have Maia, Gabriella, Adam, and Wendy too! YAY ME! Map duty is fun!" He smiled evilly, "Are you coming?"
"You bastard," I said putting my hoodie on and not zipping it up. I threw my books into my bookbag. "Of course, I'm coming. If you wanted me, you could have tracked me down, no need to get my friends into this."
He rolled his eyes, "That would be no fun, see you soon."
I shoved the map in my bookbag, crunching it in between the books and sighed as I got out of the bathroom. I nudged past the line for the bathroom and ignored some people complaining about how long I took and how I was on the phone. I wished I was on the phone, then I wouldn't have to see Edwin being viciously grabbed by Luke. I pushed the glass doors to get outside. There was Kara, with a mean scowl, and Jake, half the height of Kara, trying to look tough.
Kara tugged on my arm and pushed me into the back seat of a yellow cab. Jake took the driver's seat and Kara sat next to me. Apparently, it was so I don't escape. I doubt I would, since they would kill my friends if I did. I was such an idiot. I left my friends unprotected. Although, I wasn't much help either. I almost got killed, and only god knows what happened with Maia and Frederick. She refused to talk about it. The other two talked about Alvara, while I listened to bustling noise outside. Kara never let go of my arm, until she got on a touchy subject with Alvara.
"You know if I hadn't killed a few people, I might have just been able to be in Alice's place. That idiot does not deserve to be there, with all of Alvara's magic," Kara said, crossing her arms.
Jake looked back, not taking his arms off of the wheel. "A few people? You killed Sravya and her boyfriend Edric. Not to mention Sumitra. I mean I get it, Sravya and Edric were in Bonum, but Sumitra was with us. Not to mention all those random innocent people you killed. You killed like forty people! That isn't a few!"
"Well, I did what was best for Derrick. Sumitra was annoying," Kara answered, putting her hand back on my arm. I just realized that for her age, she looked pretty good. "Anyways why couldn't you here get possessed by Alvara?" She directed her attention to me.
I looked her straight in the eye and tried not to cringe while I gave the truthful answer. "Luke kissed me. Remember Ronak going on about how gross it was?"
Jake gave out a laugh from the front seat. I got see his smile from the mirror. "I remember. You guys looked cute together."
"Yeah, definitely not," I said looking down, trying not to blush.
I felt like I was lying, but I easily got over the feeling when a picture of Hunter popped into my head. I missed him a lot. At least he wasn't captured, but if he was... I could have seen him again before I left. I sighed and closed my eyes. Hunter sees me as a little sister. Ria made that clear. She was probably right. I tried not to think about it anymore, because my mood had gone from terrible to even worse in a few seconds.
I was suddenly jolted out of my thoughts. Jake was steering the car around 360°, and straight into a building! I gripped my seat belt. I put my head in Kara's lap and put my hands over my head, bracing myself for what could possibly be my last memories.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Kara yelled, pushing my head off her lap.
I shouted back, sounding just as revolting, "HE'S DRIVING INTO A BUILDING!"
Jake looked back and rolled his eyes before proceeding into the building. A quick jolt of blue light went through the car. I cringed. The light was bright. Kara and Jake were transformed into matching blue and black jumpsuits, with EOP written on the front and the back. I looked down at my own outfit. I was wearing the same suit, but instead of EOP, it said "Siren Clan". My suit was orange and black, looking like a criminal's uniform. My thoughts were confirmed when I saw prisoner written on the sleeves. Kara stepped out of the car, her grip etching red fingerprints onto my arm. I didn't even try to struggle. I got out of the car silently, my head empty with ideas.



(ALMOST 500 READS TYSM❤️... anyways, hi nelson)

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