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The Mage mark on my arm started to glow bright blue, and I quickly crossed my arms, trying to conceal the light. Realizing that there was still blue light, I looked around, unsure of where it was coming from. Maia and Gabriella stared at me. They ran towards me and Luke. Alexander and Cecile were behind them. My eyes scanned for the rest of my friends. Adam, Wendy, and Edwin were behind me. I darted my attention back to my two best friends, realizing the Keq members running behind them had glowing blue eyes. I looked around to find that every single Keq member had glowing blue eyes. Luke staggered away from me, crawling on the floor, and blood dripping from his lip. The blood was dripping slowly down. The red was clearly visible against his pale skin. Suddenly, the blood quickly changed direction and shot upward as he started to laugh. His body looked helpless, beaten up, but his face looked as energetic and demonic as ever. My attention faded away from Siren as I noticed that the blue light coming from all the Mages started flowing in between Luke and I. All the lights mixing together created a dark glow of black and white light shining everywhere. It was almost blinding. The ball of light began to grow bigger and Luke's laughter got louder and louder. Soon, all the Keq joined in, laughing unnaturally. I gulped, taking a deep breath.

"Ember, quick! Get over here!" Maia screamed. She was panting, still tired from the huge battle only seconds before. She clutched at Gabriella's arm. "The light! It's getting bigger!"

I realized the ball was started to grow and I made a run for it, trying to pass everything surrounding me. Black and white lightning zapped me as I quickly tried to get past the strands of blue flame surrounding the ball. The lightning started flickering, trapping me, and twisting the bolts around my body. I tried to move and almost immediately, I was electrocuted. I cringed from the impact, trying to comprehend this while standing at the same time.

"What is going on? I thought we won! We killed Alvara!" Gabriella yelled, pulling Maia closer to her. She was sweating. The wound on her body and arrow stuck in her leg were clearly visible. "Isn't it over?"

Luke wiped the blood off his face as the blue glow in his eyes started to grow, turning into a blue flame burning out from the side of his face. He smirked villainously, "Alvara was never the main part in all of this. She was merely a pawn in order for me to obtain all this power." He snapped his fingers, and notebook hidden inside Alexander's coat started to levitate towards Luke. Alexander and Cecile both grabbed it, trying to secure the book. Their grunts of struggle were clear even over the loud crackling of the Lightning chains that bound me together. The book moved out of their hands and Alexander ran after it, only to be pushed back by the blue flames coming from all the Mages. Luke clasped onto the book. "The real master, the god of this plan just needed this book to come through. Why do you think it was so easy summoning Alvara? Why do you think even though it was so simple, no one tried it before? It's basically useless! Alexa, the main Mage in this mission, tried getting this book for years and failed. Now embracing the dark magic, especially at a time where all the Mages powers are activated, I am finally able to get this book. Out there, all your little Bonum friends are struggling to fight against the Mages fully activated power. THEY CANNOT AND WILL NOT SUCCEED! BS HAS PLAYED RIGHT INTO MY HANDS! Well enough of this chit chat. I have work to get to. Ready to unleash the god? The god so many have deemed legend?" He tossed the book carelessly into the black and white ball of lightning. The book sizzled into the center and Alexander let out a cry of defeat.

"It's all over. Everything we tried to hard to save is gone," wept Cecile. Tears were forming in her otherwise harsh, cold eyes. She gripped her hands together, squeezing them hard. Her blonde hair fell over her face, concealing the tears. Alexander looked at her, his face showing no signs of bravery either.

Adam's voice echoed behind me, "No matter what it is, nothing can stop the Bonum Spectrum!" His fist was clenched in the air triumphantly, revealing his torn gloves. An uproar from the remaining of our group was heard, all of them agreeing on what he said. I kept quiet. I wasn't so sure if I could defeat this guy. It took hard work to defeat Alvara.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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