Chapter 17- Manhattan

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I looked around, but this didn't seem like a normal airplane. It had only four seats on each side and a table in between each of the seats. It was incredibly clean. I had to stop myself from laughing as I looked up. Krump Industries. This was Ronald Krump's private airplane! Oh my god! He was the biggest douchebag in the existence of the world. No wonder this place looked nice. I sat down next to one of the seats on the floor, making sure no one was going to sit on me. I was invisible, not transparent. I put my bookbag next to me and pulled out Kool Aid and a sandwich. I haven't ate in forever, and started to eat quietly. Everything I wanted to be invisible turned invisible. It was quite wonderful.

After I finished my quick snack, which I had to give Ria credit for, I pulled out a spell book and began to read. They were normal books, nothing like Alexander's Alvara story. I tried to focus, but I could only think about Hunter and Luke. Hunter thought of me as a sister and nothing more. Luke "saved" my life and claimed to like me, but he almost killed me. Ugh! Why do I need to be in love? Love is stupid, so why can't I just be normal love-hating Ember again? Hunter is just so perfect. His green eyes, black hair, tattoos and six pack. But then again, I always crush on the bad guys? I mean have you seen Luke's evil smile? It's so... Ember HE TRIED TO KILL YOU! My brain shouted at me, I yelled back in my mind. WELL LOKI WOULD TRY TO KILL YOU AND HE'S DAMN HOT. WHEN HAD THAT STOPPED YOU? It never did! I always imagined myself on the bad guys side, so I guess real life is different than the little things you make up in your head. Ember JUST READ. YOU'RE TALKING TO YOURSELF PLEASE JUST READ. I was right as usual.

I learned some quick spells, but nothing important. It was mostly protection spells. The second book was about how spells should be handled. I sighed. This would get me nowhere in the fight. Quickly, two men rushed in.

"Are you sure the person will be in here?" A girl whispered, rolling her eyes and sitting in one of the seats next to where I was on the floor.

The young adult man followed her and sat next to her before joyfully giggling, "I don't know. She said so, and when was the last time she was wrong?"

"I guess you're right! Let's wait for Krump." She sat up straight, slicking back her platinum blonde hair.

I wonder who they were waiting for. They seemed important. Although, I could have sworn I knew them from-.

My thoughts were interrupted as a white man with a huge head of hair came and sat across from the two people. He grinned with straight white teeth, "Are you the associates I was supposed to speak with about expanding my company even further? I plan on running for president. It's so stupid, it might work."

"Of course, how else would we get on the plane?" The lady said. I have no idea what she was doing. Her head was turned away from me.

"Pardon me, so what is your BIG idea?" Krump said, pouting his lips and emphasizing the word big.

They had a long useless conversation for what seemed like forever. I actually fell asleep for a while, waking up in a sweat after the plane landed. I only remember the young man touching his collar before falling asleep. I didn't care what I missed. I grabbed my things and was about to leave, but the two associates were standing in the way. I waited, but they just wouldn't budge. The rest of the private plane, jet, or whatever, was empty. It was silent. They just wouldn't move.

"Okay, we can change into our normal selves now," The woman said, creating a blue ball and changing figures. The man did the same thing.

I slowly moved back. I only knew Keq who used that magic. I was next to a window. I touched the surface. What spells can I use to break it? Before I could answer, I saw Jake and Kara right there staring at each other.

"Omnes invisibiles fiant visibiles!" Kara shouted, stomping her foot. A blue wave of light hit me. She smiled at me. "There you are."

Damn it. I threw a random attack spell at them, throwing them back. I banged my bookbag at the window, it didn't budge. Jake came up behind me, trying to grab me. I pushed him back with my leg and ran, grabbing my bookbag. I slid past Kara's grip and ran to the airplane door. Locked. It was locked! I focused fast and yelled the same spell I threw at them, causing the door to run forward. I ran into the airport, shortly being followed by the two of them.

I tried to get lost in the crowd. I ran in zig zags, but I couldn't lose them. I finally gave up and locked myself in a bathroom, rushing into the stall. I stood up on the toilet. I barely had any time before Kara would rush in here. I wish I could just change my- YES! YES! Ria! I love you! I grabbed out the clothing book and picked out an entirely different outfit. I picked a blonde wig, a bright pink hoodie jacket, and bright blue leggings. I threw my other clothing onto the book and they were inserted into the book. I smiled, I always figured out books weirdly fast by accident. I also got bright purple converse and a bright green beanie. I changed into it fast using magic and then waited until Kara came in. The only thing setting me the same was my bookbag. I sighed. I looked so weird, but I looked nothing like Ember. I even had a barbie t-shirt under the hoodie.

I heard someone walk in and recognized Kara's shoes. I flushed and walked out of the stall, putting my hoodie on and not even washing my hands. I gently pushed past Kara, who glared at my bookbag. I tried to decorate it with pins. I walked past Jake, who was waiting outside, before running for my life outside. It was LaGuardia Airport and Manhattan was not very close. I had to use a taxi. Lucky enough, there was a car with four teenagers making out outside.

I walked up to them and waved, "Hello, mind taking me to Manhattan? I'll pay."

One of the boys, pushed the girl away from them. He was in the driver's seat and seemed a few years older than the girl. He sat up and smiled, "I'm Nathan." He wrapped his arm around the girl, who smiled bigger. "This is Allison. The people in the back snogging are Riley and Blake. In case you didn't notice, we're having a little make out session here! Can't you use a taxi?" His tone changed from friendly to snobby.

Allison nodded, and pulled down her white t-shirt, "Yeah, use a taxi."

"Why don't we give them a ride? Then maybe we can hook her up with one of our single friends," Blake smiled loosely. He was either drunk, or that was his natural look. His huge smile made it look like he was on drugs.

Riley nodded, "I agree with Blake. We are going to Manhattan anyway, where are you going?"

I thought of the map, but realized I hadn't examined it yet. "Anywhere is fine, just like-"

"If you want me to drive you, get in the black seat and you're coming to Times Square, blondie. You don't have to pay, I'm nice like that," Nathan said dryly, barely having emotion. He kissed Allison hard, before whispering, "We'll continue when she's gone."

I sat in the back seat of the black convertible awkwardly. During the ride, Nathan played the weirdest music possible, and Riley had an intense make out session with Blake. I tried not to look, because Riley did not have anything but her bra on for the other half of the kissing. It was thirty minutes of stone cold, looking out of the window, hoping Kara and Jake were not there. They weren't. Nathan and his friends saved my life, and I will probably save theirs once I kill Luke.

"So, we are here. Give me your number. I didn't just sit in the car with a stranger, I'll consider you my friend," Allison smiled, and Nathan rolled his eyes and looked the other way. Riley and Blake didn't pay any attention to me.

I got out of the car and grabbed my bag, "Sorry. Don't have a phone. Bye!' I said, speed walking away from them.

I wasn't fast enough, so I heard Nathan going, "What a bitch."

I ignored him and ran inside of the big toy store in front of me, so I could examine the map and get out of my crazy costume. I took the book and the map out and walked until I finally found a bathroom. I sighed, this was not going to be easy. I guess who said it was easy, when you sneak out all the way across the country to stalk down, and kill one of the most dangerous and powerful people you've met? I didn't want to doubt myself, but I was not the most prideful. I just went inside a stall like last time, and sat on the floor. I was ready to redeem myself.



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