Chapter 5 - Forest of Death

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Waking up was almost as easy as falling asleep. To my surprise, a new pair of clothing was put on the edge of the bed. There was a black bra crop top and black shorts.There was a plaid, red and black flannel hanging over the bed frame. It was almost as if they carefully took notes on my wardrobe back at home. I put the clothes on, tied the flannel around my waist, and pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. Gabriella got a crop top like mine, but with black leggings. Instead of a flannel, a black leather biker jacket was hanging on her bed. Her hair was in a braid. Wendy had black leggings, a black hoodie, and a red tank top. She left her hair down. Maia was wearing a jumpsuit with a bright red top and black bottom. She tied her hair into her usual low ponytail. All of us had black sneakers on. With our new clothes, we looked like a group of badass chicks. After we got ready for the day ahead, Ria knocked on the door and took us to Chris and the boys. They were all dressed alike. They wore black leather jackets with a black T- shirt and black pants. Standing with them was a rather handsome older guy. He, unlike the others, was dressed in a black motorcycle suit.

"My name is Hunter Magister and I saved all of your sorry asses back there." We gave him a puzzled look. "Oh, y'all prob don't remember me with my disguise. I'm the dude at Donut Wheel. Sorry for looking like an old bastard back there." We all exchanged glances. This guy looked nothing like the one who brought us here. For one thing, he was pretty young. He was also really good looking. "I am probably the most likely to get killed by the Cantar weirdos, so sorry for not showing my beautiful face." My cheeks got a little red. He was practically reading my mind. I hoped that no one noticed. "Just for the record, I'm not like 80 years old," he continued, "I'm actually 18, a registered adult. Trust me, it'll come in handy to have an adult around. I'm here to figure out your strengths and areas of specialty. Then, you'll have strength training and group training with yours truly as your leader." As he talked, I found myself drifting away. This guy, Hunter, looked terribly familiar. My thought was interrupted with his strict command.

"Okay, all of you, inside the room." Hunter motioned.

He pointed to the door next to him. We all walked in, one at a time. I found myself holding my breath at the sight in front of me. It was a forest landscape under a huge glass dome with a huge line of robots. They had blue eyes that glowed. I looked at Maia, who was quietly taking in the views. She smiled at me and I mouthed to her, he's hella hot. She signaled back with a heart. I just rolled my eyes at her. Just then, Hunter stopped walking, and we formed a line, shoulder to shoulder. To my right was Gabriella, then Maia. Edwin stood to my left and Wendy next to him. Adam was in between Wendy and Hunter, waiting for instructions. Hunter's jet black hair was shaved on the sides and the top was slicked back. His previously friendly green eyes were now looking cold and harsh. His pale skin popped out against the black of his jumpsuit. He had three earrings on each ear, and two piercings under his lip. Tattoos were peaking out from under his suit. This guy looked even more badass than I thought he was. For a second, I was scared.

He spoke very fast, "We will see how you guys act and fight in a war-like situation. Based on how you act and how you fight, we will group and train you. Make this quick, we'll be watching. You may get hurt, but these robots won't stand back. They will keep fighting until you render them useless. Don't worry, we won't put you through too much harm. There's nothing we can't heal. You can power down the robots by harming them in a way a human would be stopped" He started to leave, but stopped in his tracks. He looked at me and said, "Use the scar to your advantage, young lady. We hope you can, it'll be useful."

"Who's we?" I asked, color rushing to my cheeks. I knew he was way older than me, but hey, a girl can dream, right?

"Me, Ria, Chris and a few other people. Basically, the head honcho here," He answered, not even looking at me. Before leaving out the door, he clicked a green button on the wall and spoke, "Begin."

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