Chapter 7 - No One Is Safe

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There was a similar training outfit the next morning. All the sky blue was replaced with a bright magenta. I braided my hair in two braids again, as required by Alexa. I was actually excited to go to training today, since Alexa said she would answer my questions, which I had a lot of. I walked quickly and rather quietly to the large dome. I was very close to the dome door when I heard voices from inside the door. Of course, my curiosity got the better of me. I decided to listen in. As I started listening, I immediately recognized Hunter's voice. Now I really wanted to know what he was talking about. I wanted to know why he was in the dome before my training time. I put my ear on the door and listened.

    "You have to let her know the cautions of being a Galdur. Remember what happened to him? We don't want it to happen to her, too. We need all the power we can get," Hunter said.

    "Don't you trust me? Before I can tell her all this, she has to learn the history between us and the Keq Cantar and the history of her powers. In order to master something, she has to understand it first."    

He grunted in frustration. "Yes I get that, but you have to understand that she is just 14. She is still a little kid. Little kids get attracted by things like that. They don't know what's right and wrong yet, and it's your duty to teach her."

    I frowned. He only thought of me as a little kid. He didn't think I was capable of being a Mage. I pushed this thought aside and instead thought, who's he? I probably could do better than that random him that Hunter was comparing me to. I sighed and continued listening.

    "Hunter, look.Although, she is just 14, I can form her into a perfect Mage," Alexa assured him.

    "Hopefully this perfect Mage, doesn't turn evil. I still have no idea, what in the world made him evil," Hunter replied.

    "Are you blaming m-," Alexa started.

    Hunter cut her off. "No, but something triggered him. Hopefully, you can stop the trigger on her. I'll be on my way now. Goodbye."

    I ran away from the door to make it seem like I was just arriving. Hunter opened the door and smiled at me uneasily. I smiled back and entered the room. Alexa was standing, ready for me. I was holding the book in my hand. I needed some answers. I pulled my hood down, leaving the two braids on my shoulders to be visible. I walked to her.

    I looked Alexa in the eyes and said, "I have questions that you have to answer."

    "Well, go ahead. I can't stop you." She ran her hands through her hair. I froze, not knowing where to start. "Go on, come on," Alexa urged.

    I decided to start on why they decided to attack us, when there was Hunter at Donut Wheel. She frowned at my question

    "Simple. Do you know who attacked you?" She asked.

    "Alice and S- something. I don't remember his name. It was like a weird word, not even a name."

    "I believe his name is Siren. I must admit I'm not surprised at Siren, but Alice- Alice is certainly the last person I'd expect. Her parents worked with Keq Cantar, but Alice never really showed any strong magical powers."

    I laughed, "Well, she almost killed me."

    "If Alice attacked you, she probably did it for selfish reasons. She never was a smart one. She had to go to normal school, because she couldn't do magic. On top of that, I guess she got even madder that she got rejected by a guy, a normal guy. It was probably so much that the magic inside her burst. Because Alice finally got her powers, Siren and Alice probably decided to celebrate. They knew one of us was near, but didn't know where, so they bombed the school, knowing it would get our attention. Kind of like a signal. Warning us, that there will be more attacks to come. That's why you're here training."

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