Chapter 8 - The Truth

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"Are you really letting her go back if she wants to?" A familiar voice said. I recognized it as Alice's.

Siren's voice blared loudly, "Of course! I'm just going to tell her the truth. She can't deny the truth."

"But then-"

"Shut up, she's waking up."

"Fine, Lukey."

"Call me that again and I'll kill you."

"Sorry," Alice ended.

I opened my eyes to see the two of them. I was laid down on a bed. I was dressed in an over-sized gray tee-shirt and short black shorts, or as Maia would call it, underwear. I stood up quickly, and the shirt covered my shorts, leaving only around an inch to be shown. These weren't my clothing, or anything the Bonum Spectrum gave me. On my feet were gray fluffy socks. My hair was in a bun. I was certain they didn't kidnap me like this.

Siren smiled at me, "Good morning, darling."

"What am I wearing? And how did these get on me?" I questioned fiercely.

Alice rolled her eyes, "That's your first question? We used magic to put you in comfy clothing. I don't know why that matt-"

"Where am I?" I cut her off.

"The main base of Keq Cantar. Stay for a day or two and then you can leave if you want." Siren said calmly.

I didn't get it. "Why would you kidnap me to let me go?"

"So you can know the truth- the whole truth," Alice said, mimicking Siren's accent.

Siren smirked at Alice, "You almost got it right. Anyways, our guest needs to eat, doesn't she?"

"You hurt Gabriella. She was coughing up blood." I said, moving back. Now, I was sitting down on the edge of the bed. "How can I trust you?"

Alice laughed and Siren hit her on her arm, "You don't have too trust us, just hear us out. But you have to understand that I don't control other people. I only told them to get Gabriella, not to tackle or hurt her."

Alice laughed again and said sarcastically, "Totally."

"What do you mean?" I said.

"No, he's just used to getting his way. Don't know how, but he always does. Plus, he got nicknamed Siren. Before you ask why, he always gets the girls he wants, and he's a pretty good singer," Alice explained.

"Jeez Alice! Don't you ever stop talking?" he said. I swear I saw his cheeks redden a bit. "Get dressed, so I can take you to the cafeteria. That closet is filled with clothing," he said, not making eye contact with me.

Siren and Alice left the room, leaving me alone. I could run away, if I wanted too, but I decided against it. I was hungry and didn't know where I was. I stood up and walked to the closet. It really was filled with clothes. I quickly picked an outfit. I took my hair out of the bun, leaving it down in waves. I put on a black skater dress and kept the shorts under it. I found some long burgundy socks and put it on. I tossed on some black combat boots. I found a burgundy kimono cardigan and put it on. There was a burgundy beret too. How did these people always know my style of clothing? Kind of creepy.

"Are you done?" Siren yelled, knocking on the door.

"Uh- yeah." I walked outside and he smiled at me.

"Very pretty," He said, looking me up and down.

"Okay, whatever. I want to go back, so do whatever you need to quickly, so I can leave," I responded.

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