Chapter 9 - E.O.P.

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The next day, I woke up earlier than Alice, excited that I would get to see my friends again after so long. I was excited to see Hunter again, too. He lied to me, according to Luke, but, did he really? I would figure it out today, I guess. I creeped toward the closet quietly, trying not to wake up Alice. I pulled out high waisted black and white vertical striped shorts, a black tank crop top, and put my hair in two braids. I put on some combat boots and saw a black hood like the one Alexa gave me, but the complimentary color was white. It was hung high up in the closet, so I jumped to get it. I grabbed it, but I fell on my butt. THUMP!

"Why are you awake?" Alice said groggily.

I got up and turned around to see her sitting up in her bed. "Sorry. I'm just excited to see my friends."

She let out a laugh, "They'll hate you."

"They won't, you bitch," I said, gritting my teeth.

Alice glared at me. "Wanna' start a catfight with me? You understand that I'm stronger than you, right?"

I smiled sweetly, "They won't hate me."

"They might not, but how about Hunter, when he realizes you like Luke? Have you decided which one you like? You talk in your sleep, you know. I barely got any sleep tonight because of you saying, Hunter, Luke, Hunter, Luke, all freakin' night!" She yawned.

I blushed and put the hood on. "I don't know yet. I'm just going to get ready so we can go."

Alice shrugged. "Fine by me," she said, getting up from her bed. "You're wearing that Mage cape?" Alice asked, rubbing her eyes. I nodded. "Ok, then I'll wear one too." She seemed as if it was a privilege to wear that ugly hood.

Alice flicked her wrist as it glowed blue, letting a black and green cape came down. Alice flicked her wrist again and she magically changed into the Mage's outfit Alexa had given me, but with green replacing the previous colors. Her hair was in a bun and she had a green bow on it. She wore green converse. I stared at her, amazed at what magic could do.

"Quit staring, Ember. After we visit your friends, you'll get training or whatever, then you'll be able to do that too. It's no biggie," She said smirking.

I bit my lip, "Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize for everything," Alice said, "After all, we are the Keq. We don't really care much for apologies."

"Sorry for apologizing. Damn. Sorry I apologized again. Shit, never mind," I laughed.

Alice smiled at me. "You want to wake your boyfriend up? He's right next door. He'll probably love waking up to your face."

"He's not my boyfriend," I said, feeling myself blush in denial.

"Saving yourself for Hunter?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, let's just go to wake him up."

"Whatever you say!" Alice smiled.

She lead me to a wooden door with the name Luke carved into the front, but it was crossed out and Siren was written over it in in black marker. I knocked at the door, but Alice rolled her eyes as she pushed open the door with ease.

"Wake up, Princess!" Alice shouted into the room.

Siren shot up out of his bed. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He yelled.

The black sheets that covered him fell as he shot upward, showing him shirtless. Goddamn these guys and their six packs, I thought. Unlike Hunter though, Luke didn't have any tattoos or piercings. I looked him up and down and then straight into his eyes as he smirked at me.

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