Chapter 19- A Change Of Teams

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This building was much better than the Ukraine base and Bonum base combined. The walls were transparent with shining black jewels frozen in between. I looked around in awe. There was a round glass table in the center. It was empty, with the exception of a few unfamiliar faces. I was pretty sure wherever they were going to put me wouldn't be as nice as the hallways.

    "Well, what are you going to do to me? Where do the prisoners go?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of the black diamonds.

    Jake turned to me and frowned, "You're not our prisoner. Naturally, the prisoner would go in custody of whoever caught them, but Siren's Clan is getting a lot of unneeded attention. It's so annoying! So, we are going to do something else with you. You should be happy you aren't going to Siren," he added.

    "Wait a second." Kara turned a corner, tugging me into the end of a long hallway before continuing to talk. She talked in a low voice, "If you tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, I will kill you. Understand?" I nodded. "Good. I don't trust Siren and his people. I want to know everything you can get to know about them. If you can do that, then I will help you escape, ok? We aren't allies, but I'm just curious, and you could be a big piece of the puzzle."

    "Sounds tempting, but how can I trust you? Last time I trusted one of you, my friends almost died," I stated, trying to sound as if I didn't trust her. I was planning from the start to take on her deal, but I wanted to stall time from going to meet Luke. I knew they were going to send me there to get information, but I didn't want to go. Even if it was for a deal like this, going back to the Keq base was at the bottom of the list. I just wanted to save my friends and kill Alvara. I just wanted life to be like it was before all this shit happened. It was a stupid idea leaving the BS base by myself. I should've taken at least one more person with me. "Well, Kara... why should I trust you?" I reiterated.

    "You're right. With everything that happened, you probably shouldn't trust me, but you don't want to stay a prisoner do you? Plus, you have nothing to lose if you take on the deal. At the end of the day, we both have the same goal," Kara smiled.

    I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Take me to Luke. My friends were promised to be let go if I came to him."

    Kara looked confused. She tucked her hair behind her ear. "Your friends? We haven't caught anyone around your age in a long time and Hunter was definitely not caught." There was a pause. I started shaking and bit down on my thumb. I was tricked- again. "Well, don't worry our deal is still on," she said demandingly. We better get you to Siren. Jake knows about what I'm telling you, so don't worry about him."

    We walked to Jake, sweat dripping down the side of my face. Everything felt uncomfortable. The cold air flew into my shirt, and my shoes seemed tighter than before. Kara stayed behind me, pushing me every now and then. She nodded at Jake, who did the same back. He opened the door in front of him.

    "Good luck," He said, watching me walk into the door. The second that both of my feet were in the room, he slammed the door behind me, causing me to jump a little.

    I stared in front of me. There was a big table in the center. Alice/Alvara was standing in the middle of the table, jumping up and down. She was in a long dress, smiling and laughing at a group of boys she was facing. Luke's back was facing towards me. I recognized a few of the people there with them. There was some mumbling and then Luke pushed his chair back and stood up. He walked towards me. The room was dead silent, except for Alice. He gripped his hand on my arm and pulled me forward a little. I fell forward. I twisted my shoulder around, letting my arm get out of his grip.

    "Nice to see you again," he said with a smirk on his face. His eyes glistened a slight silver, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I stayed silent. I hated him, and I hope he knew that. I hope he knew if I had the chance to kill him I would, without any hesitation. "Well, you can sit down."

    He pulled a chair and I sat in it. I took a deep breath and sat on my hands before talking. "I know you don't have my friends, so who was that pretending to be Edwin?"

    "Oh, just some magic. You might know some of these people. This is Siren's Clan. We are officially better than E.O.P. Feel proud of us?" He smiled putting his hands behind his head and sliding down his chair. He pointed across the table. "David, Abby and Jane all transferred here. We have some people you won't recognize, and life is good."

    "What's your plan anyways? I mean you didn't have to kidnap me, I won't be of any use. I won't help you and my friends can beat you like they did before," I said trying to get the useful information out of him.

    Abby slammed her hand on the table. "Do. Not. Tell. Her. Kara wants to know badly. Didn't she bring her here? Don't tell her." Her black hair flipped behind her when she took her hand off the table.

    I sighed, why were they so smart? I looked around the table. No one here was around my age, except for Luke and Alice. Everyone else seemed much older than us. The wall I was facing was a television screen, projecting multiple pictures of Bonum. Every other wall was dark black. Nothing stood out. The table was black, the chairs were black, and even the outfits they were all wearing were black. My prisoner suit, the white door, and the TV screen were the only colored things in the room.

    "I know that much," Luke snickered. Alice laughed and mumbled something under her breath. He shot a death glare at her and she looked down. Even as Alvara, she was very submissive. He continued talking. His voice sounded as if he was trying to tease me. "Well we do have plans for you. That much she can know."

    "That's a bad ide-" Abby started, raising her arm in the air. David shushed her and she slouched in her seat. She began grabbing the ends of her hair and started pulling it. Jane stared at the ground trying to ignore Abby.

    I looked at Luke who looked back at me and frowned. He rolled his eyes when I curled my upper lip. "I'll start explaining what I'm going to do with Ember. Everyone else, be silent. Understood?" Everyone nodded. I didn't. "Well, it's pretty simple. You're bait for Hunter."

    "What?!" I yelled, standing up out of my seat. "You coward! Just go and fight him! Don't bring him here!" I stomped my foot, before Luke used magic to push me back into my seat. I groaned before letting him continue.

    "Let me get to the point, princess. Nothing bad will happen to him. I just need to give him you, but in exchange for you I want something. You see, we need to figure out how Alvara used her power. I can't- I mean, Alice can't control it very well. There is a certain book in the library that has all the answers. It transports you in the book. After a Mage reads that book, they have control over Alvara, but sadly no Mage has ever read the book. I think, no, I know Alexander has it. Do you know what I'm talking about?" He spoke in a very smoky voice, cackling at the end of the sentence. I froze, did he know I read the book before?

    I strangled with my words, trying to think of a good lie. "No, I didn't read it. What do you want to do with Alvara's power anyway? I mean, Alice seems her usual self before Alvara had full control of her," I said wobbling with my voice. I tried to get the truth out of him. I kicked my legs under the table, accidentally hitting someone's foot and kicking the table twice.

    "That remains confidential," Luke smiled at me. I didn't smile back. He seemed annoyed at that. I put my hair behind my ear. There was silence before he spoke again. "Well I'll take you to a jail cell. Then I'll contact Hunter. Next time you try to sneak in here, I'll make sure you don't get out of here alive and I'll make sure Hunter gets killed too. On a lighter note, just saying, you can still join us and date me."

    "No way, you sicko," I fussed. I cringed and pretended to throw up. "Leave me alone, and take me to my jail cell, but if you try to pull a Frederick on me-"

    David cut me off. "He won't do that. No guy here would do that, Other than Frederick. Seriously, we aren't bad guys. Can I just take her to her cell?" He pestered, looking straight at me and then at Luke.

    Luke sighed and nodded. He muttered in a low voice, "I told you to stay silent, but I guess I have nothing I can control. You can take Jane with you. I'd say you can take Abby, but I need to tell her something. Jail Cell 2E. Go on, don't waste my time. Make sure she gets in there and the door is locked, so she can't escape."



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