Chapter 16- Alive and Well

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"Can I please see her? Hunter gets to visit her and we're her best friends!" Maia's voice reasoned.

    "What she means is LET US SEE HER RIGHT NOW!" Gabriella yelled, making me open my eyes.

    There was a bright light shining onto my eyes from a lightbulb right in front of my face. I tried to push it away, but then realized I was strapped. Where the hell was I?

    "I'm sorry! You can't see her. She hasn't woken up yet and we have no idea what Luke did to her! She can be contagious!" Ria screamed back, throwing her arms in the air.

I stared at them and tried to smile at my friends, but they were too far away to see me.

"We both know Hunter goes in there all the time and might as well have kissed her! He's fine!" Gabriella insisted, pushing past Ria.

Ria pushed back and didn't let her in, "Hunter doesn't like her like that! He thinks of her like a little sister! She reminds him too much Luke and he misses him, so she's a little sister!"

"Okay, okay, just if she wakes up, tell her we said hi," Maia said retreating, pulling Gabriella and leaving.

Ria walked back into the room with me and I stared at her, thinking about how Hunter looks at me.

"Ria! Hey, I'm awake!" I said, just moving my head to face her.

"You're awake?! Finally! It's been like three weeks. You would have been dead if not for Tyler and Mabel's healing, and with my help of course," She said, smiling as she moved the light out of my face.

I smiled back at her, "Why am I tied up? Can you untie me?"

"You were shooting random blasts in your coma thing, here let me untie you. Your friends said hi by the way." She said untying the white buckles on me.

I looked down at myself. I wore a hospital gown that was the ugliest shade of yellow. It looked like vomit. I looked at my skin, it was fine.

"What did he do to me? What's wrong with me?" I ask, looking away from my gown, "Why would I be contagious? I look fine."

"Yes, your skin looks fine, but that's not what happens. Your magic has been going haywire. The part we fear is contagious, is that your body, during these times of magic, kept changing, I don't know why. We can't explain it, so we just kept the others away," She explained, showing me pictures of me from a laptop.

I put it on my bright yellow lap and looked at the first photo

My skin was pale with veiny looking blue things running across my skin. I clicked next, it said Day Four on the side. My hair was a bright magenta and my skin a bright green. I must say, I looked pretty good for a green person. I itched the side of my head as I clicked next, looking at a Day Ten picture. I looked perfectly fine, except my hair was an ombré going from blue to pink and my skin was a bit pale. I clicked next again, going through it faster. Day 11 I was back to normal.

    Ria pulled the computer away from me, "That's it. You've been normal since then. I must say I have no idea what triggered it. Hunter said it was just your magic needing a way to get out and it worked in that way. That's not what you should be worried about. Your stomach has a huge scar on it, but it looks fine. Your shoulders healed perfectly on the brightside."

    "Great, now I'm never going to get to wear short shirts," I sighed, looking at Ria's cropped purple top. She pulled it down right after I said it.

    "Nah, it makes you look awesome. But I've got more bad news," She smiled apologetically and sat on the bed next to me, "We lost the Battle Of Ukraine. We all rushed to help you, but we had to flee to save you. Alex and Klaudia stayed to fight, but lost too and had to rush back. Alvara, or Alice, whoever she is now, got away with the Keq and have been killing innocent children. Every time we get there to help, it's too late. Your squadron hasn't been allowed to go out after what happened the last few times. Just so you know, I think they might be blaming it all on you, BUT IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! Don't worry!"

    Of course not,I thought. It was just me that betrayed my friends and lead Keq here to harm Hunter, and I'm the one who had no plan and led us to get caught. It was me who got hurt and had to interrupt the battle, but it wasn't my fault. I sighed, "Well, I am not staying inside."

    "Of course not. Well, I'll have to report you if you leave," Ria said, cocking her head.

    I shrugged my shoulders and got out of bed, "Well I'm not going to stay here either. I ruined everything! I'll get Keq by myself!"

"That's a suicide mission!" Ria yelled, letting her shirt slip back up.

"Oh come on, my whole entire life is already messed up! Alvara can't get to me, and I need to save them. I can't risk anyone else to get hurt. Can you just do me a favor and lend me a bunch of spellbooks?" I asked with hope.

Ria rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, "Yeah, whatever. I'll steal some clothing for you too and get books! I'll even tell you where Alvara's hideout is! No one went after them, not wanting to risk normal people. I mean people have gone after them, but none of them back alive."

"Ria please! You have to listen to me. I have to do this."

"FINE! If I get in trouble, I'm telling them where you went. Otherwise, I'll be quiet. I'll be back in ten minutes!"

I smiled at myself as she left. I started to think of what to do, other than obviously going after Alvara. She was easily killed with a knife last time, but this time it would be harder to get to her. Siren could easily hurt me, but I had to do this. I knew I could, I mean I wasn't having those visions during coma for no reason, although no one must know of them. Ria returned fast, with a pile of three books, my bookbag, a map and some clothing.

"You owe me a lot if you survive! I trust you. The bookbag has food and water. Oh, some money too. There is two spellbooks and one book has outfits that you can literally get off the page. I think there is a white penny board, to help you fit in during your trip. Also, the map shows where Alvara is. I don't know how it works because it's in Icelandic." I smiled when Ria said that. I have never been so happy to be thought Icelandic by Shivani. "Anywho, get changed and leave. Their base is in Manhattan, and they are probably going to plan their next attack soon. You can go to Manhattan with a normal plane, and then sneak in. Although the, other than that, I can't help you. Good luck! I'll keep watch outside as you change and get invisible. The nearest exit is down the hall through a blue door. It will ask where you want to go, but there are guards, so you might want to go invisible and say nearest airport. It can't go as far as Manhattan! Good luck once again."

I smiled and said a quick thank you before changing out of the ugly gown. I put on the black ripped jean shorts, the plain gray short sleeved shirt that went barely past the shorts, and black nike shoes. I smiled and put my hair up in a loose ponytail. I opened the clothing book and quickly grabbed some black slap on bracelets which I put on. I also put on a black choker on, like the one I had before. I stuffed the books inside my bookbag and kept one to read how to become invisible. It said to just think of why you would want to disappear from the world and say brotinn to yourself, three times, while still thinking of the bad memory. That's exactly what I did before walking past Ria, who told me she couldn't see me. I ran to the blue door and snuck past the guards. I slowly typed in the little computer keyboard, nearest airport to Manhattan that we can go to. It popped up one from Texas, I clicked on more specific and clicked Manhattan flights. One was flying off in an hour. I clicked on it and I was teleported inside of a airplane.



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