Chapter 12- Back To Business

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Maia got up and moved to the door, "Okay. We're coming."

Gabriella tapped my shoulder and I got up. I bit down on my lip and didn't speak as we walked towards a new area of the base I hadn't seen before. Although I hadn't been away for too long, I found myself struggling with my direction sense. Ria and Chris were inside, staring at Hunter. He was on a hospital bed. There was a huge slash from above his right eyebrow down to his right cheek bone, barely dodging his eye. Blood was surrounding the scar, going as far down as his piercings under his lip. Adam and Edwin looked at us as we walked towards them.

Gabriella ran next to Adam and hugged him. "You idiot! Better not get hurt again." She kissed him, holding the sides of his face.
His laughter kept him from kissing back. "Of course I didn't do that on purpose! It was someone's boyfriend that got us in trouble."
I rolled my eyes and moved next to Hunter. "He's not my boyfriend anymore," I said truthfully.

"Thank god," Hunter coughed lightly, his eyes still closed, "My brother is the worst."
Maia smiled, "You're alive! Oh my gosh! I thought you died . If you'd have died, then we'd have to have a funeral. I hate wearing black. I mean black isn't terrible, but it isn't my favorite color. It's so gloomy. I mean, Ember likes black, and so does Gabriella. If you died, their wardrobe wouldn't change, but-"

"STOP TALKING!" Edwin yelled stomping his foot down on the tile floor, much to Wendy's amusement. We could tell Maia was stressed by the way she was ranting.

Chris nodded, gripping Ria's hand, "Please be quiet. He hasn't talked in awhile. We don't want him to stress out unnecessarily."

"I agree, but can someone explain to me why E.O.P. came? They never do this kinda stuff," Ria asked, applying more medicine on Hunter's wounds.

"I bet Ember knows. The rest of us are as clueless as you," Gabriella said, smirking at me.

"Of course I do. Just think that because I spent two days with them, I know everything," I replied, giving Gabriella the same cocky tone. I gave them the answer anyways, "They came because Siren payed them to come," I shrugged.

"They listened to a fourteen year old?" Chris asked, confused.

"Fifteen," Hunter sputtered, barely opening his mouth.

"Well," I froze, realizing they might not know about Shivani, "Siren told me they came as distractions, but they might have came to tell Shivani something. She's a double agent!" I finished, praying that atleast this would be some helpful information.

Wendy yawned and put her hand around Edwin's shoulder, "Well, to be fair, she left before you came. It was fairly obvious she was a double agent. Maybe they have another double agent now," she said, obviously implying that was me.

"Shut the fuck up," Gabriella yelled, throwing her arms up in the air.

Maia nodded, obviously annoyed by Gabriella's language at the moment. "Anyways, Ember saved my life and kicked Siren's butt," she said.

"Ass," Gabriella corrected, rolling her eyes.

"Just because you're fourteen and want to swear, doesn't mean you should! It's a bad time to curse," Maia muttered, crossing her arms and pouting her lips. She was fine with swearing under extreme situations, but apparently Shivani being labeled as a double agent wasn't one. In fact, it seemed like most of them weren't that surprised about the news.

"Let's focus on Hunter," I said, changing the topic to something more important, "He's hurt."

Wendy mumbled, "Because of you. But no, you're a mage, so it doesn't matter."

I ignored her as Hunter sat up, finally opening his eyes. Ria tried to tell him to lay back down, but he put his back against the wall behind the bed and smiled weakly, "I'll be fine. Just please promise to tell me the truth, Ember."

I smiled, realizing how much the roles have switched. "Sure."

"How many times did you kiss him?" He grinned with an almost identical smile to Luke's.

I hesitated and started fiddling with my fingers before talking in a very high voice, "One major kiss and just small signs of affection after."

"Did he let you call him Luke?" His smile gone after my answer.

I nodded. "Well, Siren fits his personality so much more. I swear, if he likes you, he can get you to kiss him in three seconds."

Maia interrupted our conversation, "Did he get that name from Alvara's story?!"

Hunter started to smile again. "Yes, in fact, I think he did. Our parents would read it to us every night when we were kids, until... Until he killed them. Lu- Siren was eight. I don't think he knew what he was doing. I remember him saying he wanted to be a moonlight princess when he was older. Of course, Siren was his manly way of adapting to that. I guess the nickname stuck, until the last second, when he decided to throw me to a tree and give me this mighty scar. There's nothing princess about that."

All of us starting laughing, except Edwin, who had very little idea of what was going on. He just smiled his usual smile and commented on how pretty Wendy was. Everything in the room was happy again for that little second. Then, Hunter started coughing very badly. We all stopped smiling and looked at Hunter. The blood from the coughs weren't red like before, but instead a bright blue.

Ria ran to the little trolley on the left side of the room and started mixing purple powder with green water, with help of Wendy and Edwin. That's when I decided Ria was a healer. She moved quickly and gave Hunter the water-ish liquid to drink. Hunter drank the weird mixture and started to relax back into the bed.

"I just wanted to say, I think I know what the Keq are planning. I know the rest of Bonum Spectrum won't trust a beginner group to hunt them out, but I think you guys are our best change," Hunter said weakly, repositioning himself in his bed.

Chris turned around and stopped looking at Ria to look at Hunter. "You know what they're planning?! How? Plus, these kids can't do anything! They are too inexperienced!"
Adam, quiet for awhile now, cut in, "Actually, Ember kicked Siren's butt according to Gabriella and the rest of us have pretty good training."

I could hear Gabriella muttering, "ass," under her breath.

Hunter closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair before he started talking. "E.O.P. wouldn't have trusted Luke to go on a mission with him if he wasn't important. Plus, when was the last time Luke could beat me? And did you see his-"

"Are you implying that Siren has some master plan?" Ria interrupted, not stopping her work of mixing more fluids together.

Hunter weakly nodded, "Pretty much, and we need Ember to figure it out."



and Nelson. Hi.

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