chapter one

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Blare's POV
" B. Wake up it's time to get ready so we can go to the train." I hear my brother, Draco whisper in my ear."Nnngggggg go away," I say as I wave my hand trying to find his face. I find it and move it around until I feel his lips smiling into my palm and push his head away. I hear him chuckle and hear his footsteps recede out of my room. It's not long after that that I hear different footsteps come in. Then there is a dip in the bed and someone starts shaking my side.
" Come on Fira, get up or else you'll miss the train," My Uncle Snape says quietly.
I peak one eye open and whine, " But Uncle Snay why do I have to go, people spread those nasty rumors about me even though they know it's not true. Especially that Potter boy."
"Because, don't you wanna grow up and be like me and become potions master one day?" He smirks.
" Aww don't do that to me you know that's my dream job," I groan as I pull the covers off of me and sit up. Snape just smirks at me as I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. 'Ok I'm up now, you're right I don't want to miss the train. So if you'll be so kind as to leave so I can get dressed I'd really appreciate it, Uncle Snape." I say to him and he just smiles and hugs me back and closes the door on his way out.
I go to my closet and find my favorite dress. It's a blue wavy dress that goes about mid thigh in length. I wear it with a blue leather jacket and galaxy converse shoes. I then go to my vanity and brush my platinum blonde hair with the two colored strips, one green and the other blue. I braid it to the side and put my makeup on. I put on some blue eyeshadow with blue winged eyeliner and put on my dark red lipstick. I take some of the blue glitter that's on my vanity and dab it onto the lipstick on my lips, just enough to make it sparkle, but not to where it overpowers everything else. I get up from the vanity and grab my trunk then go and get Scarr out of her cage and put her on my neck and walk out of the room. I close my door and head to Draco's room.I see him laying on his bed with his laptop and his headphones in his ears. I set my stuff down and got and sit by him. "Who you watching Dray?" I ask him.
"Who do you think B? I'm watching some Markiplier like always."
I laugh and say, "Ok then let's go." He chuckles and closes the laptop and puts it back in his trunk. We walk down the stairs and I see my dad talking to my uncle Snape. It looks like they are arguing and I mindlink Dray and say,"What's going on with them? Why are they arguing?"
" I don't know but it's kinda weird." Dray says. I then just shrug my shoulders and we head down. At the bottom of the staircase we drop our trunks and I head over to my Uncle Snape and ask," So what's going on?"
My dad shuts up immediately and I shoot him a questioning glance and then shrug my shoulders as Snape puts his arm around me. " Nothing Fira, just talking to Lucius about something." Snape says, and shoots my dad a hard stare.
I look at Dray and then say," Ok, well I'm ready to go if you are."
Dray walks over to my dad with his stuff and grabs his arm while I get my stuff and grab Snape's arm, and he says, "I'm ready."
We hold on tight and get apparated to platform nine and three quarters. when we get there Snape grabs our stuff and takes it to the train. When he gets back, he kisses my cheek and says," I'll see you at Hogwarts Fira. Don't get into any trouble, ok?"
"Common Uncle Snay, you know I can't help but get in trouble. It's in my nature," I whine. He just chuckles and ruffles my hair before apparating out. I growl slightly, and mumble, "I hate it when he does that." I then smoothed my hair back.
I go and hug my dad and stand on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek and tell him goodbye. I'm just about to walk on the train when I see my BFFETE (Best Friend Forever, Even to Eternity) K, and I squeal and Dray says, "Dangit B, don't do that. That hurt."
"Sorry Dray it's just K is over there. So I'll see you on the train ok?" I say as I kiss his cheek and run over to her. She has her back turned to me so I, being me, jump up onto her back and wrap my legs around her and squeal into her ear. She winces and says, " Dang Saph, now I know what Drake means when he says you hurt him." I just laugh and jump off her back before saying, "Ya and that's how I feel when you do it to me so we're even. Though I still have a hundred more of those to give you."She pouts as I'm laughing evilly and wrap her arm through mine and grabs her stuff and we head to the train.
When we get to our cart, we stop dead in our tracks when we see.... Draco snogging Pugface Pansy. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK," K and I say at the same time while covering each other's eyes. They jump apart and Draco groans. We take our hands away from each other's eyes and I growl out, "Hey Pugface get away from my brother and out of our cart or I'll sick Scarr on you." She sticks up her snotty little noise like she's a princess and says in her screechy voice, "I don't have to, thot. Dray told me I can. Besides I was here first." K's mouth is dropping to the floor and I start shaking when Dray rushes over to me and wraps his arms around me protectively and says to her through gritted teeth," Don't EVER call my baby sister that EVER again or else you won't be able to stand. And don't ever call me Dray because that's Blare's and Blare's only nickname for me and no one else's. Oh and P.S. youre a thot." K gets out of her shock and marches right up to her, anger now evident on her face. She is no longer paying attention to Blare, who Dray is now trying to calm down. She grabs her by the hem of her shirt and forces her up against the wall. She lands a quick blow to the girl's face. Showing a smile of satisfaction when she hears a crunch, signalling she had broken the girl's nose. "Listen here, miss-i-think-i'm-all-that. I don't have time for your attitude. As you can see you have infuriated my friends and me as well. I have just about had it with girls and guys like you. So if you don't move this very second you will regret ever deciding to come in this train cart." She drops her and Pugface runs out with her tail behind her legs (figuratively speaking) holding her nose.
She then comes over to me and takes me out of Drays arms and guides me to a seat and sits on my left while he sits on my right. "Hey why did I see Pansy running out holding a crooked and bleeding nose?" I hear our friend Blaise ask. "Because she was a little thot and she got punched in the face by me because of what she did to Saph," Kendra says. "Well then, she deserved it," He then comes and sits across from me and pats my knee. I then just start laughing like a lunatic. They all look at me weirdly and I say in between laughs, "Uncle Snape," Then Dray catches on and starts laughing with me, Ken and Laise just look at us like we are crazy and when I start to calm down I tell them, " Before we got on the train my Uncle Snape told me Not to get into any trouble. And look what happened. I wasn't looking for the trouble, and yet the trouble looked for me." And then I just calm down after laughing for another ten minutes.
Time lapse- At Hogwarts
When we get there we see Hagrid standing there calling for the first years. I elbow K in the ribs and say," Remember when that was us?" And I point toward Hagrid. She just laughs and says, "Ya and remember how dorky we looked. Me with my braces and you with your glasses." " Well maybe you looked dorky but I on the other hand looked sexy in those glasses." Then we both just start laughing. We got on the magical carriages and get driven to the castle. When we get there my uncle Snape is standing there and he motions for us to come to him real quick. We head over there and he says, "Fira why did Mrs. Parkinson come off the train with a broken and bloody nose and have to go straight to Madame Pomfrey?" "Well ummm you see the reason for that was ummmm." I look at the others for a little help when K says,"You see professor Snape, I had broke her nose because of what she called Saph." "What did she call you Fira?" he asks. I make tears come to my eyes and say," She called me a thot and acted like she was a mighty princess and made me feel like I was worth nothing." His eyes soften from the hard stare they were at first and he pulls me into a hug and says, "Ok now that I know what happened I will see to it that she gets punished." I nod my head into his shoulder and pull away and wipe my eyes before waving my hand infront of my face fixing my makeup. We walk in and and go and sit at the Slytherin table. We start talking with the other Slytherins when Dumbledore quiets us down. "This year hogwarts will be hosting the triwizard tournament. We will be hosting the girls from Beauxbatons," When he says that the girls walk in doing flips and a bunch of other things. Them, being Villa's, caused all the boys, especially Lays and Dray, to swoon whenever they came by. Dumbledore just smiles even though he isn't affected and goes and hugs Madame Maxine and then gets back to his speech. "We will also be hosting the boys from Durmstrang," K and I turn to the door when we see a lot of really buff men one being Victor Krum, another being my very own, Ajax Amador. He looks over at me and blows me a kiss and I just start smiling and hide my blush in my jacket sleeves. And then I see K doing the same thing, most likely because of her boyfriend, Cerin Blackwood. I just look at her and we just sigh and then start laughing before hiding our faces again.When the guys are done doing their little intro thingy AJ and Rin come and sit on either sides of us. They look at each other then smirk and turn our faces towards them and give us both light pecks on the lips. K and I just sigh and snuggle into their arms when they wrap them around us. Draco fists bumps Aj and then says, "So i can't kiss someone but you can. That's just wrong." " A. We kissed as in peck. B. You were snogging the pugface thot," I say.

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