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Soon I was wandering the halls, waiting for classes to begin. As I a was turning the corner I ran into someone. We both went down, books and papers scattered everywhere . "I'm so sorry..." I started to pick up the papers and books, sorting them out. "...Richard, is it? I'm so very sorry. Just I wasn't looking witch way I was going." I slipped my stuff back into my bag and picked up the rest of his stuff to give it back.
"It's alright I shouldn't have been going so fast." He says. He helped me up before taking his stuff from me. "You're Kendra, right?" "Uhh Ya. That's me." I say a little nervously. He smiles and says, " I saw you fight that guy at dinner the other night with your best friend. That was pretty impressive. I was wanting to know whers you learned to fight." "Oh! I learned that after an incident that happened to me and Blare last year." Now that I was looking at him more closely, I noticed that he was only a head taller than me and had brown hair and eyes with little flecks of gold in them. He was wearing his muggke clothes and not his house uniform. He had a blue button up shirt with with jeans and boots on. On top of it all he had a black cowboy hat with a blood red hat band and a sliver wolf with Ruby eyes necklace on his neck. "Thats cool. I wish I knew how to do that cool magic you did. The only thing I can do is turn inti my animagus form." I look at him surprised. " Oh wow that must be fun. What can you turn into? " I ask curiously. "I become a pure white wolf with red and black tips on my ears and tail." I nodd before I see A.J. coming, over his shoulder. "Thats really cool. Ummm...I've got to go meet up with a friend. But I'll most likely see you around." I say. "Oh OK. Bye then." "Sorry again for running into you." I say walking to A.J.
I call out to him and A.J. comes my way. " hey Ra. Happy birthday. Who was that?" He says looking towards Richard over my shoulder. "Oh that's Richard. We ran into each other in the hall just now. Anyways, had you seen Blare at all?" I ask looking around. "No I also haven't seen Rin at all since last night." He says apologetically. I nid and start walking with him." Oh OK, Snape said that they stooped by for breakfast this morning and then left. So they have to be around here somewhere." I say. He nods and says, "OK let's go look for them."
We take off in search around the castle for them but we can't find either if them. After about twenty minutes of walking around the castle grounds we finally see them coming our way eating ice cream and laughing. We both look at each other before racing off to them.
"WHERE WERE YOU GUYS AND WHY DO YOU HAVE ICE CREAM?!?!?" A.J. and I all but yell at them, at the exact same time. I swear me and him are so similar sometimes. They both start chuckleing and Blare says. "We went to Hogsmead to grab some stuff for Snape. Calm your britches." We nod and say OK.
Soon after that we headed to class and started our day. As we walked, I wondered why they we're in Hogsmead. Snape never said that they were running an errand for him. So what could have been doing???...........

HEYYYYY GUYS it's me ang sorry I have been slow on updating. Hope you like it and what do you think not the new character do you think Kendra and Richard should be together or should it stay cerin and Kendra? I honestly think it should stay as Cindra. Anyways I hope you'll leave a like comment and vote. OK have a nice day.Oh and when do you the Cerij should give her the promise ring. Leave it down in the comments below. BIAAAAAA

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