my talk with cerin

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I sent cerin to go find Kendra because we needed her to come to the room real fast. I'm pacing back and forth when he comes in slamming the door shut. I look at his face and I can tell he's furious and I step in front of him before he can punch the wall and I say,"woah woah woah DON'T HIT THAT WALL!!what is wrong?!?" He looks at me pissed and says with clenched teeth, " I went to go get her and I see her hugging up on some dude." "Ok what did the dude look like have we seen him from some were?" I ask him. He thinks about it for a minute then nods his head saying, "ya we saw him at lunch and he handed her her journal back. " I nod and make an oh shape with my mouth before chuckling. He looks at me with a confused face and says ,"why are you laughing she was hugging the guy. And he wasn't me. " I just continue to chuckle but it turns into a laugh and when I calm down I say, " he's one of her childHood friends dude she's not cheating on you and before you say anything I know that that is wear your mind was heading so don't try to deny it. She loves you because you helped her in some difficult times. She was hugging him probably because she missed him because she hasn't seen him in a long time." He looks at me still with the confused face before it contorts into one if regret. I notice and put my hands on his shoulders and say, "what did you do?" He looks at me sheepishly before saying,"I kinda got pissed at her and stormed off after telling her you need her." I stand there shocked before slapping him  hard but not hard  enough that it really hurts badly."Dumbass, that is what you are. You need to apologise to her immediately and I think the best time to do that is when you give her the ring ok. In fact if you can conjure some chocolates that might make it ten times better. Ok? " He nods his head knowing I'm right and I say "ok now you need to go get changed for the party because you are NOT coming in that I have set out a button down shirts with some Jean pants and a pair of converse that match it in your bed so go get in that and then come back ok." "Ok" he replies before walking out.

Hi fires sorry it's been awhile I had to read books for and English three summer projects but here is he long awaited update I hope y'all like it and remember to leave a like, comment, and vote it greatly appreciated and if y'all want a character just ask in the comments and I can find a place to work you in ok bye! O/

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