chapter 2 part 3

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Blare's POV
I walk up to them and just smirk showing my canines. You see I may be a wizard but I'm also super powerful. You see I'm part werewolf thanks to Greyback but the thing is I can control it and not transform on the full moon but whenever I want. "You male genitalia have done it haven't you." I say as i walk in a circle around them with my eyes switching from black to red. fray just smirks like I'm some weakling says," You know you can't hurt us. You're just a puny little thot." Everyone at the Slytherin table gasps. I smirk and say, "We'll see who's puny after this." Then I turn around and do a roundhouse kick to his face. I smile when I see his nose is crooked and has blood coming off of it. " I pull him by the hem of his shirt and say through gritted teeth right in his face, "Never mess with the daughter of the Malfoy's. Because if you do, you end up getting your arse beat." I then just push him to where he falls on his butt and brat slap him in the face to wear he passes out. I turn to the others and say loud enough so Snape can hear, " Y'all still think I'm a puny little thot, huh?" They just shake their heads except for one and I smirk and say , "Hey, K, you can come take care of this one," She smirks and comes up while I go to Ajax and peck his cheek after calming down.

Kendra's POV
As soon as she asked me if I wanted him I smirked and thought oh boy ain't this gonna be fun.I walk past her as she sits back down next to AJ and give her highfive. All the Gryffindors except for the one back off but still crowd around the boy still standing there. "What's your name? I'd like to know who's arse I'm gonna kick." The boy stands up tall and says, "Jackson Williamson. Now can I know yours?" "How about this if you win I'll tell you?" Saph just smirks at that and chuckles. "That's fine with me." he replies.
I get into a fighting stance and just stands there. Once he sees I'm not gonna make a move he begins to circle around me. I just hold my position waiting for him to strike first knowing he's that type of fighter. I sense his movement from behind me. Knowing he's gonna try and kick out at me, I duck and roll, instantly landing back on my feet. He turns around and looks at me, surprised. I just smirk and say, "Come on. I hope that ain't all you got." He is instantly angered as predicted and tries to lunge at me. Me, being my quick self sidesteps it and he crashed into some of the Slytherin guys but they just push him back to me. I flash them a smile and look back at Jackson. As he stumbles towards me I grab him by his shirt and throw him to he ground. I straddle his chest and throw one good punch to his face. He recovers quicker than what I thought and manages to get a hit in on my jaw.
On the sidelines I see Rin trying to get up And AJ and Saph are holding him down. I hold up a hand telling him to stop. He pauses in place and nods, signalling he understands. I look back at Jackson and all I know is i'm seeing red . Oh, yeah, did I mention I'm also part werewolf. Whoops, must have slipped my mind but my power is different from Saphs she has fire and electricity and I have air and darkness.
He must have seen my eyes because he now looked at me in fear and began to back away. All this time I can't help but wonder, where are the professors? Shouldn't they have stopped us by now? Instead of allowing that to bother me I continue towards him even as he tries to back away quicker. Before I know what is happening I can feel my power of darkness surrounding us. Shadow falls over everyone. AJ, Saph and Rin are the only one that can see through it. It's like we are in a endless black hole.
Once he realizes he can't go anywhere he stands and tries to face me. He tries to look confident but I can still feel his fear, which makes my power stronger. I continued to stalk toward him and place a hand on his chest, allowing his pain to drain into me. His face begins to pale and he falls to his knees. I continue to drain him of this energy when I hear in the distance Saph saying, "Ok Kendra that's enough we don't want to kill him. Now take away the darkness." I feel her hands touch my arm. I look back at her and see the guys are also here as well. I look back at Jackson and slowly release the hold I have over him and allow the darkness to slip away. My eyes turn from the gold back to my regular forest green.
I now see that everyone has stopped eating and was now surrounding us. I look around and see some faces filled with fear, others with envy. I look behind me and see the Slytherins are smiling, but of course they would be. I turn to face Saph and the guys. I try to step forward but my head is sent spinning. The last thing I remember is Rin catching me and Saph growling before everything goes black....

Blare's POV
My eyes turn black and my canines start to show and I whip around to see one of the other guys just standing there smirking. I just smile evilly and when I talk my voice is amplified and sounds scary. I say, "Hehe, you shouldn't have done that," and I grab his arm as he raises it to slap me and make my hands catch fire just on the palms and he starts screaming as i burn him. " you've done messed with the wrong girl. Haven't you learned to never hurt a girl's sister?" my eyes turn pitch black and i just punch him with the force of a thousand rhinos hitting you and make him pass out. i calm myself and turn around to see rin holding Kendra in his lap and a tear trickles down my face. I then turn and run up to my uncle Snape and tell him that she's hurt. He immediately stands up and follows me over. Did i tell you she's like a daughter to him. Oh well now you know. We get over there and he picks her up bridal style and he tells us to follow and to grab the other three. I'm about to get Fray when I get kicked in the face and fall flat on my butt. I growl out a threat and then just get up with my nose bleeding and i pick him up like he weighs nothing and carry him to the infirmary with the others.
By time we reach the infirmary I have calmed down. Now I'm just worried about Ken, and if she'll be alright. The thought of losing her causes tears to well up in my eyes. She can't leave me. She's my sister. My best friend. my confidante. Who knows maybe I'm overreacting and she'll be okay.Maybe she's awake right now and I'm just standing out here like a fool waiting for an invite. I see Dray, Rin and AJ waiting outside her room and and I drop Fray into a bed, AJ is the first to see me and the tears on my face and walks over to me and I just cry into his shirt. He starts petting my hair trying to calm me down and when my sobs turn into just little hiccups he pulls my head away and kisses me lightly. He then looks at my face and sees it bleeding and he wipes the blood with his thumb and makes me sit on a bed as he gets a towel and holds it to my nose. He then asks," Fireball why is your nose bloody?" I wrap my hand round his as he presses and say, "I was picking up the rat over there when i got kicked in the face by some male genitalia. So I just growled out a threat and came here." He just smiles and kisses my lips gently. Then Cerin rudely interrupts us and says, "Come on guys stop your lovey dovey crap. My love is in the next room probably in a coma. Who knows if she's ever going to come out of it. yet you guys want to sit there in your own little world and not worry about her." My mouth drops open and I get up and say, "Listen here Rin i was the one that introduced you to her. You seriously think i don't care that my SISTER is probably never gonna wake up? well you're wrong. If i didn't care i wouldn't have knocked out the dumbbutt that did this to her. so don't go and play that card bc if she died I'd die with her." As i say this angry tears fall from my eyes and i poke his chest with every word spoken.
"Really? Well last I heard you convinced her to go with you that day which caused her to get bit. It caused her to have these powers. and those powers are the reason she's laying in that bed. THey are the reason I may never get to hear her sweet voice ever again, or hear her laugh. I don't care if you introduced her to me. I fell in love with her on my own terms. Yes you've known her longer, hell you may even be closer to her than I am. But just know this, I don't just like her, like most guys would. I LOVE HER. YOU HEAR ME! L-O-V-E HER! And that won't ever change. Not because she might be on her deathbed or because her SISTER is out here with her boyfriend in her little world and she is in there all alone. I will go with her all the way to the ends of the earth. If she goes, I go. At least if she goes you have someone else to go to. I'm all alone without her. You have family, you have AJ, and you have other friends. I've got nobody, just her." His rant started out with him yelling but slowly it became nothing more than a whisper. I just stare at him in shock. I back up and mumble," You're right... This is all my fault. If i had never asked her to go with me two years ago she wouldn't be in there. If I hadn't have met her she wouldn't be in this place.... I I I have to go." After I say that I run outside to our place by the lake and just sit on a rock and hug my knees to my chest and cry. " Why did i have to do this to her? Because of me she's hurt. If she wakes up I'm going to stay as far from her so I don't hurt her again. I CAN'T hurt again. I won't let it happen."I just sit there crying. I lift up my palm and see a little flame flicker and i just stay there.

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