chapter two part 1

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Kendra's POV
We had just arrived at Hogwarts, and I gotta admit my hand still hurts a little from punching Pugface. As we get off the train and head to the carriages I see Hagrid calling out for all the first years. Saph nudges me pointing and saying, "Remember when that was us?" I comment on how dorky we used to look; her with her glasse and me with my braces. She even goes and says how sexy she had looked in them. I laugh at the memories.
As soon as we arrive I see Snape waving us over. He addresses Saph, "Fira why did Mrs. Parkinson come off the train with a broken and bloody nose and have to go straight to Madame Pomfrey?"
"Well ummm you see the reason for that was ummmm." She looks over at me for help.
"You see professor Snape, I had broke her nose because of what she called Saph." I respond knowing it's the truth.
"What did she call you Fira?" I could see the tear welling up in her eyes as she recalls what was said.
" She called me a thot and acted like she was a mighty princess and made me feel like I was worth nothing."
His eyes soften from the hard stare they were at first and he pulls her into a hug and says, "Ok now that I know what happened I will see to it that she gets punished." She waves her hand in front of her face and fixes her makeup. We enter the building and take our seats at the Slytherin table. We begin talking to our Slytherin buddies before Dumbledore announces that we were hosting the triwizard competition. I didn't pay attention as the Beauxbatons came in doing their stunts, knowing all the guys were swooning over them.
Once he announced that the Dumstrang boys were here I instantly looked towards the door. I knew that Cerin would be entering soon. First I spotted AJ, Saph's boyfriend. He has blue-green eyes with black hair that's not too short or too long. I saw him as he blew her a kiss which followed with her hiding her blush in her jacket sleeve.
A few minutes later I see Rin enter. He was wearing his school uniform as he always did when visiting another campus. He had jet black hair that went down of the bottom of his ears and bangs that swept over to the right side of his face. In contrast to his dark hair he had icey blue eyes. He was well built and tan. He was also one of the smartest people I knew.
He caught me looking at him and sent a wink my way. I could feel a blush make its way up to my cheeks and i mimicked Saph's movement of hiding my blush in my sleeve. I could hear both of the boys laughter as they made their way towards us and our table.

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