realizing something

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So, who's Richard?" Blare asks as we head to lunch, bumping my shoulder.

"Just someone I bumped into in the hall. I helped him pick pur stuff back up. He's an animagnus. Oh and he complimented our fighting skills." We continued walking through the doors.

"What does he look like?"

"Well, he's a little taller then me. He has brown hair. And his eyes are brown with gold specks in them. And when he's not in uniform he wears jeans, button ups and boots. And I really love his hat though." I got the feeling that I knew him from somewhere but I couldn't decide here.

"Don't forget, you've already got Cerin. Don't get too excited about some other guy you just met."

"Well, I'm hungry so let's hurry up." We rushed to our seats. The guys were already there. "Yum, yum for my tum tum!!" I began saying before the food began appearing. I was bouncing like a child in my seat. Anyone who knew me knew that I absolutely loved food. I could never eat enough.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Richard standing there with a grin on his face. "Oh, ummmm, hi Richard. Why do you need?"

"Well, I hate to intrude on your child moment but I seemed to have picked this up with my papers by accident." He rubbed the back of his neck before handing me my art journal. "You're pretty good. But , uuuh, sorry again for the intrusion. Just wanted to return it." He wasn't looking at me, he was now looking at Cerin who was shooting him a glare.

I slapped Rin's arm. "Be nice. He was most returning my journal. No need to be hostile." I turned back to Richard and grabbed my journal. "Thank you so much." I paused and looked him over once more. Something about him was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Do I know you from somewhere else? You seem familiar to me."

"Ummm. Youre welcome for he journal back, but I've got to get back to my table. Maybe I'll see you around." He turns away quickly and headed off. I watched him until I couldn't see him anymore. Why didn't he answer. Guess I'll never know.

"I don't like him." I hear Cerin say as I'm turning back around. I turn to see a frown on his face. Blare and A are just sitting there looking confused.

"I don't know about him. Something seems off here." A said, following Rin's comment.

"He was just being nice and giving my journal back. Is that such a crime?" Before they could say anything else I stormed from the table and headed out to the big old oak in front of the school.
Thankfully Richard had given me the journal went he had. I sat there and opened it to a clean page and pulled out my mini art set. It consisted of drawing pencils, erasers, charcoal pencils and more. I let the pencil guide me. I know that sounds strange. Shouldn't I guide the pencil? Well this is how I draw.

I sat there in the sun drawing for a while. Then a shadow passed over and I looked up. I expected Rin or Blare. But it was neither. It was Richard. "We should really stop meeting like this." He said as he sat down. "Why are you out here?"

I simply held up my art journal. "Mind if I ask what are you drawing?" I looked at him and he really seemed like he wants to know.

I held up the page. I had been drawing a wolf. "It's from when I was younger. This wolf saved my life. It kept me from falling off a cliff. I was being chased by a bear and it had chased me there. The wolf caught the bears attention and led it away from me. Then it came back. It led me out of the woods. Without its help who knows what would have happened."

We sat their in silence. He was still staring at my drawing in what looked like awe. "Why are looking at it like that? My picture, I mean." He looked up at me. He looked like he was about to leave again. Instead, he took a deep breath and let out a sigh. He turned and sat by me, back against the tree.

"You do know me. We grew up together. I am a year older than you. Your parents did not like me. I don't know why. I mean, we played, went to school, you were always home way before dark. Nothing bad ever happened. We were the kids that everyone thought would end up together when they got older. I was an early bloomer. I gained my animagnus animal a few years earlier then my parents expected. They were gonna send me away. That day they kept me inside. I saw you wonder into the woods from my bedroom window. I snuck out to follow you and make sure you stayed safe. Then the bear owed up. We were too far in the woods for me to turn back and get help. So I did the last thing I expected. I changed. And I saved you. The next day my parents shipped me off to my grandparents house. I was there for years. Then I got invited to Hogwarts. So here I am."

We sat there in silence. And I turned to look at him sitting with his head in his hands. I set my book down and turned where I was . facing him. I looked at him for a while. "How do I know for sure you're telling the truth?" He looked up at me before reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me. I reluctantly took it before unfolding it. It was a photograph. I recognized the little girl. It was me. I was wearing jeans with a blue and white little button up shirt. I was also wearing blue boots. There was also a boy, obviously older then me. He had on a red button up and jeans with black boots. I recognized the eyes though. Brown with golden specks.

I looked up at him. I folded the picture back and handed it to him. I waited patiently as he put it back in his pocket. Then hugged him. He was surprised at first but he soon hugged me back. "Thank you." Those were the only words I could think to say.

We heard a cough come from behind us and we jumped apart. I turned to see a very upset Cerin standing there. I felt guilty. I mean I know it was just a hug but he doesn't know why hugged him. "I came to get you because Blare was looking for you. She said I might find you here. But it seems youre busy. Come to your dorm when you're done." He turned and walked away.

I sat there a few more moments before I began packing all my stuff back up. I was about to get up but Richard was up and offering his hand before I could move an inch. I accepted and he pulled me up. I dusted off before I began to head back to my dorm. "Thank you... again." I called before I continued walking.

"Happy birthday!" He called just as I made it to the door. I turned a flashed him a smile before disappearing inside. I rushed inside to my dorm. I was 100% sure there was surprise party waiting for me. A party that would last for hours and leave me with little sleep.

I love my friends

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