chapter 2 part 4

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Kendra's POV
Slowly my eyes open and I sit up. I see Madame Pomfrey looking through a book and Snape sitting in a chair by my bed. "Snape. Snape, look at me." His head stays hung low and I stand up go stand next to him. When I try and touch him my hand goes straight through him. I turn and look back at my bed only to see what I was scared of. THere my body laid, pale, yet I could still see my steady breathing.
I can't stay in there so I run out into the area where they keep the people that aren't hurt as bad. There I can hear Rin's voice so I follow it. "...But just know this, I don't just like her, like most guys would. I LOVE HER. YOU HEAR ME! L-O-V-E HER! And that won't ever change. Not because she might be on her deathbed or because her SISTER is out here with her boyfriend in her little world and she is in there all alone. I will go with her all the way to the ends of the earth. If she goes, I go. At least if she goes you have someone else to go to. I'm all alone without her. You have family, you have AJ, and you have other friends. I've got nobody, just her." I had heard what he said but what Saph said next really hurt me, "You're right... This is all my fault. If i had never asked her to go with me two years ago she wouldn't be in there. If I hadn't have met her she wouldn't be in this place.... I I I have to go." I saw her run out the room. I also saw the broken look on Rin's face as she ran out.. He almost followed her but just then Snape came out the room and said they were allowed in but I was still unconscious. So i decided to follow Blare. I wasn't going to leave her alone. The guys were inside the room with me and she was all alone.
I followed her out to our favorite spot and watched her hug her knees to her chest and cry out, " Why did I have to do this to her? Because of me she's hurt. If she wakes up I'm going to stay as far from her so I don't hurt her again. I CAN'T hurt again. I won't let it happen." I saw flames flicker in her hand. A ball of fire slowly growing. I rush up to her and try to touch her. Hoping I don't go through her like with Snape. Thankfully, my hand rests on her palm, using my air ability to put out the flame. SHe looks up from her knees and sees me. Wait, she sees me! Before I could respond she throws her arms around me and hugs me. "I'm so so so so sorry. If I hadn't begged you to come with me that night you wouldn't have had your abilities and you wouldn't have been in the infirmary. Wait! Why aren't you in the infirmary? That's where you should be resting. Come on let's go lay you down." I pull her hard and stop her.
"I never left the bed Saph." "What do you mean? Of course you did. You're right here." "I don't know how I did it. But I think I can Astral Project. I followed you out here,. When I touched Snape I went through him, but with you, I can actually touch you and you can see me. My god you can see me." "Wait, how can you astral project?" "I don't know, i just can i guess. But seriously. we need to get back to the infirmary, I need to get back in my body. This feels weird now."
She just chuckles and hugs me one last time before we head back inside.
Once we reach the door to my room, she opens the door and we both walk in. She stays at the door while I walk back to my body that still lays on the bed. Before I get back in my body I hear Rin, "I'm so sorry, Blare. I didn't mean what I said about you. Without what happened she wouldn't be the amazing girl she is today. I just got upset that you and AJ still had each other while there is still the chance that I could be left all alone." " It's ok Rin, I understand, I would do the same thing, but what you said really made me think. You were right, about everything. This is my fault and I'm sorry." Before i could hear any more of their conversation I laid back in bed with my body. Gosh, you have no idea how bad that sounds. I close my eyes and allow myself to mild back together.
Slowly I opened my eyes again. Ths time when i open them, there's light streaming through the window. Snape once again back in his chair, asleep, Rin pulled up another chair on the opposite side, asleep, and AJ and Saph put together two cots at the end of my bed and are fast asleep. I cough and Rin's head shoots up. "Oh my gosh, you're okay. I was so worried. We all were." He wraps me in a hug, everyone else waking up due to his loud outburst. Everyone surrounded me, taking turns giving me hugs. Then Madame Pomfrey shoos them out the way so she could run a few more test and then see if i was ok to be released today. Of course I was and i was also told to get plenty of rest because tomorrow was the first day of classes.

Blare's POV
I was so glad when she woke up. I also realized something at that time. If she hadn't woken up I wouldn't have my co-writer and co-singer anymore but most importantly i wouldnt have my sister. I decided I had to write a song about it. But before I did that I pulled her aside and said," K we have to tell them." "Tell who what?"she asks. " "We have to tell Rin and AJ about us being you know who," I tell her. "Ooooooh. That. Well isn't our next concert in a few nights. We could invite them and give them backstage passes and tell them after that performance." I consider this idea and tell her, "Ya let's do that. Now if you'll excuse me I have a song to go write." and then I run off to our room.
When i get there i get out my song journal and start writing a song.
I get to the end of the song and I have come up with this as the lyrics:
I feel so numb
Staring at the shower wall
It's begun,
The feeling that the end has come
And now the water's cold
I tried to eat today
But the lump in my throat got in the way
In this time I've lost all sense of pride
I've called a hundred times
If I hear your voice I'll be fine
And I, I can't come alive
I want the room to take me under
'Cause I can't help but wonder
What if I had one more night for goodbye?
If you're not here to turn the lights off, I can't sleep
These four walls and me
I lay in bed
Can't seem to leave your side Your pillow's wet
From all these tears I've cried
I won't say goodbye
I tried to smile today
Then I realized there's no point anyway In this time I've lost all sense of pride
I've called a thousand times
If I hear your voice I'll be fine And I, I can't come alive
I want the room to take me under
'Cause I can't help but wonder
What if I had one more night for goodbye?
If you're not here to turn the lights off I can't sleep
These four walls and me
Oh oh oh And I, I can't come alive
I want the room to take me under
'Cause I can't help but wonder
What if I had one more night for goodbye?
If you're not here to turn the lights off I can't sleep
These four walls and me
When I'm done I title it 'These Four Walls'.

I close my book feeling satisfied.
I then leave and go get dressed into this. i wear a sky blue mid sleeve button up shirt with some black skinny jeans and my green tom shoes that have a snake on the side if them. I am also wearing my snake cartilage earring I have a black leather jacket with it. I head out and see K in her outfit. She is wearing an ankle length white strapless dress with a jean overcoat. The dress has a brown tie around the middle of her stomach. WIth it she is wearing her brown and teal cowgirl boots and cartliage earrings that hook with a string at the two points. I look her up and down and say, "Nice K, where'd u get."
"I don't remember. I think it's the one my mom got me for the start of this year at Hogwarts." i then just link my arm through hers and we head down the halls and see the guys. We go up to them and kiss their cheeks. "Wow nice outfits girls. Y'all look great. "AJ says to us. w]We just look at each other and say, "We know." We then just laugh and head to class.
When we get there we go through our day and then my uncle pulls K and I out of class early so we can go get ready for the concert which is in two hours. Before we leave we remind him to invite the boys and tell him we'll meet them after backstage. He tells us ok and then we go get ready.

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