chapter 3 part 4

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Cerin's Pov
Ajax and I head to the place where our school is staying and we head to our room together. "So, did you give her the promise ring?" I ask him. He had been planning on giving it to Saph for a while now he just never had the chance to do it. That;s another reason why I wanted to give them some alone time tonight after we found out the girls were Dusk and Dawn. Who would've thought that the girls I've known for about a year and a half, would turn out to be the the biggest pop stars ever. My mind was still surprised from when I found out. "Yeah, I gave it to her. Man, you should've seen it, she was so happy. I don't think I've ever been so happy, except for the day when she said she would go out with me. I know we are only third years, but still I love her, I really do." I looked at him and i could see the cheshire grin on his face. "That's great man." I looked down, thinking. I wonder if Ken is into that kind of stuff. I mean she isn't one to really wear jewelry or fancy things. At least she seems that way. And when I first met her she seemed so broken. Why was she that way? Who did that to her? I don't know what to do. Maybe I can ask Saph. Maybe she'll know what I can do. Maybe she'll have some advice. I come out of my thoughts to AJ shaking me. "Come on man let's get to bed we have to train tomorrow." he says. I reluctantly change into nothing but sweats like he is. Instead of laying in bed and going to sleep. I just sit there and think. I pull out the mini camera I had hid in the guitar. I recorded our singing together. I wanted the memory. even though she looks like Dawn and noy Ken, she is still the girl I love. I just hope she knows that I feel that way.
I place the camera in the table by my bed hoping to get some sleep. It doesn't come so I decided to pace the room, hoping to tire myself out. That doesn't work either, so I lay back in bed and think about Ken. her laugh, her smile, the way she stands up for who she loves and what she believes in. I love everything about her. She is perfect in every way possible. I hope she sees it.
She may not realize it but the girls envy her and the guys want her, she just doesn't see it. I know how lucky I am to have her. Sometimes I wonder, if she could have any of them, then why is she with me?
Who knows maybe I could put into a song. A song about how beautiful and wonderful she is. A song that would shine down on her as a whole and not just parts of who she is, but how I see her. Maybe, just maybe. I decide to grab my little black book from my trunk and use my wand as my light and I begin to write. I'm glad her birthday is only a week away.

I slowly drift off to sleep words of the song still playing in my head...

"She lives in the shadow of a lonely girl
Voice so quiet you don't hear a word,
Always talking but she can't be heard,
You can see it there if you catch her eye,
I know she's brave but it's trapped inside,
Scared to talk but she don't know why..."

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