chapter four part one

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1 Week Later
Blare's pov
I woke up before K did, which was around like 5 am because I had to get everything ready for her birthday, which was only ten hours away but she still couldn't know about it. So there I am trying to be as quiet as possible as to not wake her up and I end up stubbing my toe on the door jam, hitting my head on my way down and end up on my back. I stifle a groan and pray to the gods that she didn't wake up. I sit there for what feels like ten minutes just waiting for that light to come on and when i'm positive she's not awake, I let out the breath that I had been holding in.
I slowly get up and snap my fingers lightly to wear a small flame appeared and I open my hand palm out so it stays there and walk to my closet and pull out a jewelry box and look at the ring before putting it in my leather jacket pocket. I then go and put on my outfit for the day which was a black skirt that came to just above my knees, with like a clear lace going over it to my heels which were black with a snake and then a green long sleeve crop top shirt that had the slytherin crest on it and my snake earring that i always wear. I slip on my leather jacket and wrap my fingers round the box. then I get a text from Rin and I look at it on my phone and it says, "need your help get here asap pls." I reply with ok and head to where they have their sleeping quarters.
When I get there I see Rin pacing back and forth and I sit on the edge of Aj's bed and whisper as to not wake him up. "What you need Rin? I was just about to go to the kitchen to see if Eliza had the cake are ready." He says "Well I can tell you on the waty. Let's go." I say "Ok.", then i get up and lightly kiss ajax on the forehead and we walk out "So A. What are you doing up so early and B. What'd you need?" I ask him. "A. I couldn't go to sleep, I was tossing and turning all night and B. I need to ask you a question." he tells me. "Ok shoot." "Ok umm. Does Kendra like rings and stuff because I never really see her wearing anything like that except for her cartilage earrings?" "Well ya. In fact you wanna see what I got her for her birthday?" "Ya" He says and I pull out the box and open it to show him."This is one half of the two rings the other's mine and why did you ask about this stuff for her anyway?""Well umm you see i was wanting to get her a promise ring like aj got you" I just look at him speechless for the longest time before a smile breaks across my face."AWWWWW Rinny thats so sweet she'll love it."he just smiles at me and says "Thanks Blare- bear now all I need is to find the ring before tonight." I smile and give him a hug and say" Ill help you with that. But first let's go see that cake" He just laughs and we continue our way to the kitchen.
When we get there we see Eliza putting the finishing touches on the cake. "Wow" me and rin breathe out when we see it." You like mistress blare and master cerin?" "Oh liz Son Magnifique Son merveilleux" I say." Merci Blare"she replies back. I hug her then say"au revoir liz nous devons aller chercher un cadeau" "Au Revoir Blare."We then leave. "what was that Blare?" Rin asks me. "What was what?" " That language you were just speaking it was awesome but also weird." Cerin tells me and I just laugh and say," RInny That was french." "How do you know french?" "I studied it when i went to visit some friends in Paris. It's a nice place very romantic and Extremely Magnificent"I say to him. He just nods his head and we continue walking .I lead him to Uncle Snape's quarters and say the password which was just "déesse slytherin" or in other words, since i am his goddaughter, french words for "Slytherin Goddess" so we head in and i smell the unmistakable smell of bacon and deep fried eggs and i immediately follow it to the kitchen area he has. "Hmmmm yum. That smells great Uncle Snape." He just chuckles and grabs three plates down and says,"Sit down you two it'll be done in a minute." I smile and look at Cerin and i can see the question on his face of 'how did he know i was here with you?' I just chuckle and snape turns around with three cups of coffee and a bottle of oj and some id creamer. " Oh hi I thought you were Kendra because she usually come here with Saph." I laugh at Cerins face and just pull him down into a seat and start pouring in the creamer for my coffee. I get like three gaping spoonfuls of sugar and just drop it down into the cup and stir it. When I'm done with that i take a big drink and shiver. "mmmmm That's good coffee," I half moan half whisper out. Snape and Cerin just chuckle and shake their heads.
After we eat the food Uncle Snape gives us. I lean back and just smile."So what did yall come here for Saph?," He asks me."What your god-daughter can't come here to just say hi," I say pretending to be offended. He looks at me over the rim of his glasses and says,"Blare. How long have i known you?""All my life..""Exactly. So I know you pretty dang well and i know that you 85% of the time come here when you or your friends need something so what is it?" I sigh and say,"Cerin and I need to go to hogsmeade so that we can go find a gift for k. But we need a teacher's approval and then we'll be back." He smiles and gives us the slip saying we can go.We go to leave and I hug him and say thank you and that i'll find something and bring it back to him like i always do.

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