chapter 2 part 2

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I don't know if Saph noticed but I could a few gasps of surprise from some of the girls as they saw the boys sit next to us. I look up as the guys sit down only to see them smirk at each other. I look at Blare with a questioning glance but I don't think she saw it because right that moment the guys turned out faces to them and lightly pecked our lips. I swear it was one of the most sweetest things ever until Dray decided to come up and fist bump AJ saying, "So I can't kiss someone but you can. That's just wrong." It was obviously directed toward Saph.
"A. We kissed as in peck. B. You were snogging the pugface thot." she replied, ending the conversation.
We chatted and caught up with each other for about ten minutes before Dumbledore announced that we were gonna introduce the new first year. This was always my favorite part, beside the food. Can't blame me though free endless buffet, all you can eat. Man it was heaven.
I see all the first years come through the door all in single file to the front of the room to where the chair with the Sorting Hat sits. Some of the faces I recognize from the train ride. The hat begins to sing a song for each house. Since its songs change every year no one can sing along.
It takes the hat about five minutes to finish its song. Then Professor McGonagall begins to call up the students. "Rodrick Brown." A little boy slowly walks up to the chair and sits. He has reddish brown hair and spread of freckles on his face. McGonagall places the hat on his head. The hat instantly yells, "Gryffindor." That table instantly stands and yells congratulating the new arrival. The boy rushes to the table just as the next name is called, "Lilly Valley." A little blonde girl, with pink stripes in her hair, walks up to the chair and takes her seat. The hat was then placed on her head. "Gryffindor." Once again the table stands and cheers. "Lucas Lovegood." "Ravenclaw." "Plum Creevey." "Gryffindor." "Derek Diggory." "Hufflepuff." "Akaku Sasaki." "Slytherin." This time we cheered for our first new year of the year. "Setsuna Sasaki." "Slytherin." This continues for 20 more minutes before they finished. In total we got like 15 new mates. We all continue to chat with our new members until Dumbledore silences us so he can tell us to begin to eat. We all look forward in anticipation, our stomachs rumbling with hunger. Dumbledore and a few other professors laugh at our eagerness. He raised his glass and made a toast to all our first years, our past now returned students, and our new and old professors. "Now let us eat!"
He sat back down as the food on platters began to arrive on our tables. Hands began reaching for food. The food doesn't even hit our plates, just goes straight from the platters to our mouths. Ajax and Cerin laugh at us eating so fast and joke that it's gonna make us fat. Blare and I just look at each other like oh so it's gonna be like this. I flash her an 'you know what i'm thinking' kind of look. She smiles mischievously and nods her head. I turn to Cerin as she turns to AJ. "Hey, Rin?" "Yeeeah?" He asks almost suspiciously. "Do you really think I'm gonna become fat?" I look up at him, drawing fake tears to my eyes. His face instantly has a look of regret. "NO, no, no. NO, of course not. We were just joking. I swear. Please don't cry." He tries to pull me closer but I just push him back away. "Of course you do. Look at me. I'm already fat and ugly. Are you only dating me out of pity!? Do you even really love me?" "K, look at me. Of course you're not ugly or fat. You are the most beautiful girl I know. Please don't think otherwise." I see Saph storm from the table. Everything was going according to plan. Time for me to go as well. "Whatever Rin." I push him back and I rush out the great hall. I find Saph at the end of the hall at the staircase. I see her just as she sees me and we bust out laughing. We laugh for a few minutes then i hear footsteps. We quickly silence assuming that it is the boys coming to find us and try to fix everything.
Fake tears instantly back in our eyes. We hug and act as though we had been crying together the whole time. And as we thought, it was the guys. They each walked up to us. Slowly we lifted our heads and saw them looking at us. Regret and sadness written all over their faces. They walk towards us slowly. AJ towards Saph and Rin towards me. They each pull us off into different directions. i buried my face into his shirt hoping he doesn't see the smile on my face. "K, will you please look at me?" I shook my head and buried it deeper into his shirt. He slowly pulled me back to where I was looking into his eyes. "YOu know I didn't mean it. We were just joking. You aren't fat. Even if you were I would still love you. I don't want you to be mad at me. PLease forgive me. I'll do anything." "Anything?" I say it almost in a whisper, hoping I still seem sad. He quickly nods his head and a smile spreads across my face. "Really, no matter what?" Once again he shakes his head. "Alright, I'll get back to you on what I want." He looks at me shocked. "You just played me, didn't you?" "Mhmmmmm. Damn straight. And you fell for it." "Was Saph in on it?" I nod my head and he just sighs. "Should have seen this one coming." He mumbles.
"Yes, yes you should have," We hear Saph say from behind us. We turn and see her holding AJ's hand and chuckling. She walks over to me and high fives me. I just laugh at how the guys look. They look so upset that they got outsmarted by a couple of girls. I slip my arm around Saph's shoulder and we head back to dinner, laughing as we take our seats. I see Dray mouth drop as he asks 'What's just happened?' and Saph just tell him "Later." He nods his head and goes back to talking to his friends. I look up from the table and see some of the guys from Gryffindor stand up. I notice one of them is Justin Fray. He led a group of the guys over to our table. Some of the Slytherins, Saph and myself included, got up and met them. It wasn't until then that I noticed that AJ and Cerin had joined us once again. Each one had his arm slung around either me or Saph, you can guess at which is where. Then Dray came and stood in between us.
"So, I see you two guys found a couple of thots to last for the night, huh?" Fray asked.
Saph and I faces contorted to pure anger. Anger was also evident on the guys face. Spah and I turned and gave them a look that said 'we got this covered.'
We stepped out from under their protective holds and walked straight up to Fray and his group of junkies. And Saph said, "Listen here gryffindorks, we ain't no thots and unless you want a snake biting you and my godfather to most likely kill you I'd stop before you get ahead of yourselves." Thens she walks back to AJ. "Whatever. You know what, it's just like you to hide behind that man you call a godfather. What, you too scared to fight your own battles?" I see her eyes start to turn black and fire flicks at her hair and AJ takes her hand and whispers into her ear telling her to calm down. But she doesn't and she starts to shake slightly meaning she's infuriated. I place a hand on her shoulder hoping to calm her down further but when I realize it doesn't work I just turn and look at the boys. "Oh, you've really got it coming now. You should really learn to watch what you saw to a Malfoy." I just laugh evily as I head back to Cerin and allow Saph to approach the boys on her own. Of course, all Slytherins know to stay back, but the Gryffindors being clueless just step closer aching for a fight. Not knowing what she's capable of.
Ajax even comes and sits back at the table smirking. The Gryffindor boys are becoming slightly confused at seeing how we just sat back and allow her to take over on her own.

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