Hotel Party

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Louis was cracking up as he was jumping on the bed. Zayn and I were screaming "Party!" It was about two weeks since New Year's Day.
"Hey Louis!"
Louis came over. "Yeah?" He huffed. "Why don't you chuck that TV out the window?" I dared him. Louis laughed. "Sure, why not!?"
He ripped the flat-screen TV from the wall and threw it out the window with no hesitation. The glass shattered and he watched the TV smash to the ground far, far below.
Louis turned to a cameraman and screamed, "Yeah!" And held up the 'Rock on!' sign. We all laughed.
Liam sat in the corner, holding the remote, crying and moaning, "You're so handsome!" I had no clue what was wrong with him. He was acting like it was his dog that got killed! Maybe he had a little too much to drink.

We were all watching Our music video. My heart skipped a beat when Louis did the smirk. "Louis, come over here!" Zayn called to Louis. He came up and snuggled under me, which made me very embarrassed.
Louis had a video camera and was filming it all. Louis and I played around on the screen, holding our hands to the lens, making signs. Everyone was singing with the music video, including me.
As we all sang "That's what makes you beautiful!" I grabbed Louis' neck playfully and he pulled away, laughing. I was also smiling. Liam still was sitting down, petting the remote.
He decided to get up from the corner and walked to us. "What's wrong?" Louis asked him as he cuddled up onto Louis, holding the remote. "The TV," he sobbed. "Oh, I know, but we have the VEVO! We don't need this." Louis gently pulled the TV from him and chucked it out the window. "I love you." He cried.
He always does that when he's sad, so I wasn't offended by any means. He does it to guys, too, and as far as we know he is straight. We kept partying, having a blast. It was a fun night.
Later on in the evening, Louis pulled me from everyone and checked the pool. It was empty. Louis told his security guards to guard the pool doors so me and Louis could be alone. My heart started thumping, thinking of what was going to happen next.
We, yes, were in bathing suites, and Louis  turned on the hot tub. I looked at him, and he pointed his head to it, beckoning me to come in. My heart leaped and I stepped into the steaming hot water.
I relaxed and leaned against the wall of the tub, my arms spread out, the bubbles crowding around my chest. Louis stepped in.
He waded over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I fit my head in his neck and my arm curled around his hips. Louis kissed my hair. "It smells good," Louis murmured. I smiled.
I turned my head up to him and looked him directly in his eyes. My chin rested on his shoulder and we just stared at each other. Everything was silent except for the gentle rumble of the jacuzzi.
Louis kissed the corner of my mouth and I shut my eyes. My heart was beating like the bubbles popping. Endlessly, fast, hard. With our arms still around each other we went into the sauna. We sat down and cuddled with each other.
Louis looked down at me and slid his fingers to my swimming shorts and pulled them off like they were nothing. I was used to random stripping by now, and I pulled his shorts off. I laid down, and Louis crawled on top of me. We only played our little game a few times, but mostly just kissed. We didn't get into it too much like we did the night we got together.
After a while the sauna bench was killing my back, so we got into the hot tub again. We kissed in there, and I was leaning against the wall of the tub and my legs were spread out behind Louis.
Time past- I have no clue how much time- and me and Louis pulled our swimming shorts back on and left the pool. On the way back to the room we had to sign about ten people's shirts, towels, and faces.
Once we were back, it seemed it was very late. Me and Louis shared a bed together. Neither of us thought of playing, only because about the whole band was there in the same room. I only trusted Louis to see me 100% naked. But we did kiss occasionally. We did it as quiet as possible, and made sure everyone wasn't watching and that the camera men were well out of our distance.
I snuggled under Louis and instantly fell asleep to his rhythmic breathing.  

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