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"Sit! Storm, sit!"
Louis bust out laughing. "What!?" I asked irritably. "Cats don't sit...!" Louis let out more laughter and pointed at me. I turned a dark red. "S-Shut up!" Louis wiped a tear from his eye and calmed down. "It was funny; you have to admit..."
I sat down, clearly unamused. "I hate you..." I grumbled, obviously joking and not serious. I looked to Storm, who was staring at me, confused. He probably thought I was crazy, too. Kubo hissed from his cage.
Louis sat down next to me on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me for a second or two and smiled. I blushed and turned to Storm, who meowed and played with her bells. "I love you," he murmured simply and squeezed my hand. I sighed, my heart pounding, and repeated, "I love you too..."
A moment of silence passed before Storm grinned at me and stood up, leaving me a bright pink. Louis talked sweetly to Kubo for a moment, who curled into a knot. I snorted and said, "Storm doesn't tie herself so she can't move..."
Kubo was clearly frustrated, trying to untangle himself. Louis sighed and picked him up, gently untying the green snake. Once Kubo was finally unknotted, he slithered under his log and sat there, embarrassed. Storm ran around the room before landing in Louis' lap and pooping, which made me snort and bust out in hysterical laughter.
I laughed so hard and fell off the bed, leaving Louis confused while staring at my heaving body. "What?" I choked on my laughter, literally rolling. Louis grinned, but he was still dumbfounded from the situation. "Storm... She.. took a..."
Louis' eyes bugged and he freaked. "Storm! NO!" He shooed the cat off of his lap and dashed to the bathroom, frantically trying wash off Storm's mark. I laughed harder then I had in months, and eventually stopped after a good fifteen minutes. Louis slowly emerged from the bathroom his hands in fists. I snorted again as he glared at Storm. "Never again," he grumbled, more pissed then I have ever seen him. The freak was not happy with the small white kitten.
"What tricks do cats do?" I asked after Louis continued to stare at Storm, probably thinking of different ways to get revenge. I was afraid Storm would be eating hair gel for the next week. Kubo hissed again, asking for food. Louis reluctantly got up and threw him a dead mouse. Kubo swallowed it whole, and I stared at him, spacing out as his tongue slithered in and out of his mouth, sniffing the air.
"Hazza, are you okay?" Louis asked after a few minutes. I shook my head and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, but what tricks to kittens do?"
"I have no idea, sweetie... call Vix," He replied after thinking a moment. I sighed and dialed Vix's number, and pictured her spazzing out. "Hello?" I heard her voice. She was clearly trying to stop a fangirl squeal. "Hey, Vix, it's Harry..."
"Hi!" She squealed excitedly and coughed. "What did you call about?"
"Well, I was trying to teach Storm some tricks, but she doesn't understand... what should I try and teach her?" I trailed off, waiting for Vix's answer.
"My kitty, Ariel, she knows some tricks. Some are easy and some take time. One trick you can do his hold a mirror in front of her and she'll follow her reflection enthusiastically, and you can call that the spaz trick!" She giggled and continued. "Try training her to come when you call her. Talk sweetly and calmly to her and hold your finger out until she wants to come."
"Okay, thanks Vix! I'll try some of those!" I was grateful for Vix. She helps me on all things cat related, and she even helped me and Louis pick out our new house. I looked around our bedroom, remembering getting the house shortly after the wedding. It was only a few weeks later Louis had suggested getting a pet, and I sort of missed having breakfast every morning with Zayn, Niall and Liam... but we still visit them all on a daily basis.
"Bye Harry-orange!" Somewhere along the road of meeting Vix and her hyperactive friends, she started calling me Harry-orange, and every time she did, Krys would snort and crack up. I had no idea why, but it must be some sort of inside joke thing.
The line went silent and I snapped my phone shut; and just then, I realized our honeymoon was in one week. Louis and I had some concerts to perform, then we were leaving.. I smiled at the thought. To Italy we go!

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