Mad World

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It has been a few days since Josh left us. I was about to meet this guy named Isaac I saw his picture. Would he be cool? Would he be evil like Josh sometimes? A pang of loss stabbed my heart, thinking of Josh.
      To my surprise and happiness, my arm actually healed. I was now on crutches.
      Getting out of bed with a sleepy Louis still under the covers, I made my way to the bathroom. Grabbing my hair brush and I started getting ready for the day before the Louis came in and took over the bathroom.
      After placing the hairbrush down and taking one last glance at myself in the mirror, I went over to the door and turned the knob. I was about two inches from whacking Louis' forehead and pushing him to the ground, but Louis reacted quickly enough to bounce backwards.
      "Boobear, are you okay?" I fussed and glanced Louis' entire body. He chuckled. "Hey, it was close, Hazza, but I'm fine."
      I smiled at Louis, who hopped into the bathroom and started on his makeup.
      Opening the door, I saw the kitchen; Niall, Zayn and Liam. The new drummer (I don't know the drummer who replaced josh name so we're just gonna call him Isaac) will be nice, but he won't be any Josh. Sighing, I plopped down in my chair and poured a pile of syrup on the steaming pancakes in front of me.
      Louis, after about half an hour, came into the room, all dazzled up in glitter. My heart did it's usual hammering, and I stabbed my fork into the puffy, syrup-soaked pancakes. Ripping of a chunk of it and putting it in my mouth, I tasted the butter and syrup mix in my mouth.
      After everyone finished their breakfast, Zayn spoke up. "So, when is Isaac coming?" I swallowed. "Sometime around noon," I explained. Zayn nodded and looked at the clock, which read 10:30 a.m.
Louis sat down next to me with a glass of orange juice and put his arm around me on my chair. I smiled and chewed more of the pancakes, blushing slightly.
Louis surprised me, the way he left the table. He threw his plates in the sink and slipped into our bedroom and closed the door behind him.
      As soon as my plate was clean, I leaped out of the chair and on my crutches, to Louis . I'm not sure why, but something was nagging at me... Go to Louis! Go to Louis!
      I opened the door just wide enough for me to slip through. Adam was sitting on the bed, thinking about something. "Baby, you okay?" I quietly asked and hopped to him. Sitting down next to him, I waited for his reply.
      "Yeah, everything's fine, I just miss Josh..."
      I sighed. "We all miss Lisa."
Louis cast a confused glance at the wall. "Everything... it's happening so quickly..."
      "What do you mean, honey?"
      "This, I mean, this. Meeting you... New Year's, Vacation, Valentine's Day, the car crash, you healing, Josh leaving... it all feels like it's happening in one day, all smashed together so quickly and unplanned."
      I thought for a moment and said, "It's a Mad World, huh?"
      Louis stared at me. Without hesitation, he quietly sang. "When people run in circles it's a very very... Mad world... mad world... mad world... mad world..." Trailing off, he stared at the wall, as if something was staring back. "I'm just not used to the boyband life yet," Louis mumbled. "I'd like it a lot better if we could just be unknown faces, left alone, be somewhere where cameras wouldn't be on us all the time."
      I nodded, remembering the days nobody knew who I was, nobody gave a damn about my signature, they just pushed past me, walked by. I sighed quietly. "The last time I was at an actual restaurant, just getting a meal and then leaving, it was about a year ago. Now, I can't even take a bite without swarms of fans following me, y'know..."
      Louis looked at me with curious eyes. "I definitely know, Harry. "
      After a few moments, we heard Niall and Longineu saying, "Welcome! Nice to meet you!" Isaac must be here? I smiled at Louis and got up on my crutches.
      The door clicked closed behind me, and I saw a tall guy with black hair, some in draping over his eyes. She smiled weakly at all of us, and waved.
      "What happened..." Isaac drifted off as she pointed at me on crutches. "Oh, car accident..." I muttered. "Ah," she nodded.
      "Your bedroom is over there," Niall smiled and pointed to the empty room Josh once owned. She nodded and everyone drifted away. I decided to talk and meet Isaac first.
      "Hi, I'm Harry. Harry Styles" I held out a hand and smiled as Isaac shook it. "Isaac Griggs" she replied. He pushed hair out of his face, and muttered, "The world. It's a terrible place." He revealed her arm, which was under a long, black sleeve. My eyebrows raised as I saw scratches all along his arm. "My scars."
      "Excuse... me?" Was Isaac emo? I was about to apologize, but instead he cracked up in hysterical laughter. "I like making people think I'm emo. Nah, don't judge me!" I ended up laughing too. The look on my face was probably hilarious.
      "But, if you don't mind... how did the scars..?" I asked, obviously confused. Isaac snorted. "My mom's cat likes to use me as a scratching board." He gave a cocky smile and I chuckled. "Doesn't that hurt?" Isaac grinned. "Nah, I don't feel pain easily, I'm not sure why exactly, though." Nodding, I murmured, "Interesting."
      "So you and Louis are a couple?" He asked after an awkward moment of dead silence. I blushed. "Oh, um, yeah, how'd you find out?" He smiled. "Josh talks about you two all the time, I feel like I already know you all." After he finished her sentence, Louis came over to us.
      "Hey, Isaac! Nice to meet you," He greeted calmly. A smile crept along Isaac's lips and she shook Louis' hand. I let Louis and Isaac talk and went to our room,g thinking I looked at myself in the mirror. Wow, I've had this hairdo for a long time. I grinned, thinking, it's time for a change. Grabbing my wallet, I got out of the room, hopping to our personal hair salon.

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