Finding Our Way

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(This Chapter is from Diamond's Eyes)

Vix was positive this door lead to Louis and Harry, I could tell by the look in her eyes. She licked her dry lips and glanced to me, nodding again. I shrugged and stepped forward, turning the nob and peeking in the eyehole. There was a small click, which I figured was the door opening, but Vix gasped and pushed me to the floor, collapsing on top of me. As I hit the hard wood of the ground, there was a loud bang- unmistakably a gunshot.
"How... how did you..." I stammered in disbelief, and Vix crawled off of me and looked to the wall. A black hole was in the wall where the bullet hit, and the eyehole on the door was blasted out.
"Saw 2," she muttered. "A guy went to open the door and it triggered a gun to shoot him and make his head explode. Eleanor must like those movies as much as I do."
"Is it safe now?" I whispered, and Vix nodded. To be safe, she ducked low and turned the nob carefully. No click. She pushed the door, and it opened with a loud creaking noise. In the room were 3 big windows, but they were too dirty to even tell what was outside. In the room was absolutely nothing; just a huge safe in the middle of the room.
"Well this looks promising," I muttered, letting my hands fall to my sides. Vix shook her head, a little shocked herself.
"There must be a way to get down... a hidden staircase, perhaps?" She concluded, and I nodded a little. It could be right. Instinctively, we started feeling the walls, moving our hands up and down, side to side, diagonally. We searched the entire room, and still no staircase.
"Can't there be doors on the floor?" I stated, and Vix whipped around, her eyes wide. She smiled, obviously liking the idea.
"Look for some sort of latch," She told me, and we both got on our hands and knees to look for a handle. We crawled around for a bit on the floor, and Vix gasped. "I found something!" With that, I scrambled over to her, my heart beating quickly in anticipation. Vix's fingers curled around a small circle-sized handle, and she pulled. A section on the floor budged, but it was under the safe.
"We have to move it," I grumbled, and Vix's river-green eyes flashed. She stood up, and beckoned me to stand as well. I did, and she gripped one side of the safe with her gloved hands. I scurried next to her and gripped the safe, gave her a glance, and Vix counted down.
"3... 2... 1... PUSH!" Vix howled, and we both put as much force as possible on the huge, solid metal safe. It slowly dragged along the wood, but we were pushing it. Small beads of sweat rolled down Vix's forehead, and she clenched her eyes shut, grinding her teeth as she pushed will all force possible. I don't sweat, I just get heated. I felt the heat rushing through my head and my knuckles were becoming white.
Vix slipped and gasped, falling forwards and hitting her forehead on the safe.
"Fuck..." she hissed, panting heavily on the safe. Our breathing evened out, and Vix sat up, and realized we moved it far enough to open the door.
"Good," I patted her on her back, and she was obviously overheated in her leather jacket. She held a thumbs up and shakily stood, then staggered over to the door on the ground. I nodded, and she did too, panting lightly, and we both curled our fingers around the latch. We pulled up, and the door opened with a groaning noise, revealing a staircase leading down into darkness, almost like the basement. I noticed, though, there was a faint blue glow, so obviously there was something else down there but darkness.
"Let's go in," Vix sighed, and led the way down.

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