The Miracle

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  I was so nervous, I wanted to EXPLODE .
Yet I was so in love at the same time.
In about three minutes, Louis and I were getting married. Oh God. We were going on live television, too. Gulping, I stepped into the elevator, hoping my white tuxedo wouldn't get ruined right before the wedding.
"Hey, Harry!"
Ellie was in the elevator, as usual. He was listening to the elevator wall with a stethoscope. Oh, Ellie and is weird and random things he does in an elevator. He looked like he was going to the wedding too. He was in a black tuxedo.
My phone started buzzing, so I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked.
"Harry, hey, it's Niall. Look, the kid who was going to bring the rings threw up a few minutes ago; we don't have one now. Any plans? Should I do it or something?"
"I've got the plan, I'll be right there with someone."
"You sure?"
"Okay, see you in a sec."
The phone went silent. "Ellie," I turned to E.K. He pulled the stethoscope out of his ears. "Yeah?"
"Why are you dressed so nice?"
"I don't know, really."
"Well, it's perfect, can you carry the rings to me and Adam today?"
"Sure, where do I go?"
I thought for a second. I remembered he met Niall, Zayn, Liam and Isaac before, so they'd know Ellie.. "Sneak in front of me to where I'm going and to Monte. You know him."
Ellie nodded and followed me out of the elevator. Wow, he actually left the elevator for once.
I peeked to the door that lead outside. Oregon was beautiful. It blew me away we were actually getting married outside, on the gorgeous coast of Oregon! The ocean... I remembered Louis' oceany eyes, and then glanced at the navy-blue water. A perfect match.
I heard the music playing and family members going down the aisle. As soon as Niall saw me, he poked my mom's shoulder and she turned around. Seeing me, she rushed over.
"Honey! You have to go out there in a bit." She fussed with my hair and I inched away. "Gemma, I'll be fine--"
"Harold, I'm so proud of you..."
I gave a weak smile as Mom hugged me, and I hugged back. Once she let go, she pat my back and whispered, "Kill yourself out there."
I felt sick to my stomach in love. I stepped out to reveal myself. The whole crowd turned their heads and stared. I was focused on Louis' face. He sighed as I came down the isle.
Louis was in a black tuxedo and- to prove it's Louis- there was even a tint of glitter. He was beautiful. His hair was gelled up . I remembered the day we announced to the fans we were a couple; they went nuts in joy. And they literally screamed in delight when they heard we were getting married.
I finally reached Louis. Out fingers laced together, and I gazed into his eyes.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together these two Men in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church..."
The rest of the priest's words were drowned out. First, I thought the bible was against same-sex marriages. That's weird. Second, I was completely dazed from Louis... the wind gently ruffling the lose parts of his messed up hair, his eyes shining against the faint sunlight, his skin slightly blushing. I felt myself burning up, too, and the wind, making my bangs gently move with the breeze.
"These two have written poems for each other, describing their love. Thomas, would you please read your poem to Louis." My heart started thumping. I clutched the small paper in my hands, and read.
"We started out strangers. Strangers to friends. Friends to bestfriends. Best friends to lovers. There's nothing more I could wish for in my life but you. Without you, I'd be nothing. I'd be an unknown face to the world. I'd be nobody. Louis, I love you."
I gave the paper back to the priest, the nervousness finally easing on me. Anxiety nagged at me as the priest gave Louis his poem.
"When I saw your face, I thought you'd be one who'd just be a crush. After I learned you were a crush I went to love. After I knew I was in love, I changed to love and beyond. Every time I see your face now, I get that swooping sensation and the burning fire inside. I had that feeling when we met and I still do. Tommy, you mean the world to me."
I was in complete awe. It was the sweetest thing I've ever heard from Louis' lips. My heart hammered my chest even more.
"Now the couple will place a ring on each other's fingers."
I saw some movement from the corner of my eye and turned my head.
Oh my god.
Vix, Moon and Diamond were here!!
They walked down the aisle, throwing flower petals everywhere. One hit Louis' stepdad in the eye, making him flinch. Vix snorted slightly, but his back the laughter. After all, they ARE on live television. Moon almost tripped, and Diamond shook her head as if saying, 'Oh you guys.' I had to smile at their awkward walk down the aisle. I suspected they were drunk on root beer.
They stepped up next to us, patiently waiting. Ellie finally made his way down the aisle, carrying a pillow with two, glowing rings cushioned in the fabric. As he got to us, Louis took my ring and I took Louis'.
"With these rings, the lives ahead of you both will be watched over by God. It will be casted with love, devotion, protection and happiness. Louis, you may place the ring on Harry's finger."
Louis grinned and slid the ring onto my finger. It felt cool against my burning hot skin, but I remembered this moment, knowing that ring will never come off now. The ring was golden, and I looked closer at it. Engraved was: "Hazza."
My eyes widened only slightly. I had did the same thing for Louis, except it said 'Boobear.'
"Harold, you may place the ring on Louis finger."
I smiled and gently pushed the ring onto Louis' finger. He, too, saw the word, and smiled.
"Louis, do you take this man as your husband for the rest of your life, to protect him, to care for him, to watch over him, to love him?"
"I do."
"Thomas, do you take this man as your husband for the rest of your life, to protect him, to care for him, to watch over him, to love him?"
I said the two words without ease. "I do."
"I now pronounce you husband and husband. Louis, you may kiss the groom."
Louis gave me the smirk and my heart lurched. Now is the moment I can't forget. Ever.
His lips pressed to mine and everyone clapped and cheered. I think I heard Vix and moon scream, "ORANGES!" I smiled while still kissing Louis.
He pulled away and we both smiled. Clutching Louis' hand, we both walked down the aisle. 'More Than This,' was playing.
Today was the unforgettable day.

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