Up High

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  "Louis, no way..." I grinned and laughed a little. We were both curled up in bed, just waking up. Yeah... we were still cloth-less... I nuzzled closer to Louis and repeated what he had said. "We're seriously going to see a mountain today!?"
"It's cloudless," he whispered and kissed my head, and I let out a small moan, reaching out my arm and wrapping it around his back. We stayed in that position for a few minutes, simply cuddling and making small noises here and there. "The ride is at six tonight... what do you want to do for the day we have time to waste?" Louis asked me. I didn't reply for a while. He must of thought I fell asleep. But... what did I want to do? Maybe Louis and I could just... relax in the room or something...
"Why don't we just relax and chill out in here?" I turned my head up to look at Louis, my face blushing just at the sight of his perfect, flawless face. He raised his hand and ran his fingers through my hair, which only made me want to kiss him. With that feeling, I stretched my head up to connect my lips with his and stayed there. Louis made a few perverted noises now and then, which made me smirk a little. Louis was so weird... but I loved him so much...
"Do you wanna get--" Louis started but I tugged on his hair to force his lips to slam mine once again. I could tell he was trying to say 'Do you want to get dressed,' but I didn't, so the kiss was my answer, and Louis took it.


"Mount Solaro, is it?" I asked wearily while gazing up at the giant mountain before Louis and I. I reached a hand up over my eyes to block out some of the sun. Louis nodded and I dropped my hand. "It's so cool!" I exclaimed and stared at the enormous rock. Louis clutched my hand and led me forward. "Come on, I have a surprise," Is all he said until we got there.
"Right this way, sir," one of the workers for the attraction led me and Louis outside. "What..." I started, but didn't have to ask as I looked up and saw the surprise. A chair lift ride! I looked to Louis, smiling. "This looks great!" I gasped and rushed forward, eager to get in a chair. Louis followed me... you could probably mistaken us for father and son by the way I was acting. "I've always wanted to ride one!" I rambled on about how excited I was. These always looked wicked and I've been dreaming about them since I was a little ten-year-old.
"The chairs don't stop," Louis told me as we got closer to the chair-lift entrance. "Do you want help on?" Louis rested his hand on my shoulder and I nodded. He grinned, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head for a minute. I leaned into his touch, and we stayed there for a few minutes until finally, an empty chair was approaching us.
Louis handed the man at the entrance our tickets and led me forward. I hesitated to get on... what if I fell or something!? What would Louis do then...
I let a surprised squeak leave my lips as Louis lifted me up like a dead princess and got on the chair. There was no safety bar or equipment whatsoever, and I found myself trembling and squeezing Louis' jacket. Louis only snickered and pet my head. He was acting as if he did this at least six times before! I glanced down at Louis' feet dangling off the edge and noticed we were thousands of feet in the air. I looked away, scared out of my skin. But it looked sort of pretty...
I shot a look down at the land beneath us. It was so... colorful! Wildflowers spotted every inch of ground under the chairs of all different colors. Purple, yellow, pink, orange, red, blue, green... almost every color you could imagine. I laughed a little, loosening my grip on Louis' jacket. My curly locks whacked Louis' face due to the wind, making him sputter and push them away, laughing. I chuckled and tucked the annoying tuft of hair behind my ear. "Sorry 'bout that, Boobear ..." I laughed again, staring at the landscape.
Only did I find myself gaping in awe.
Just being Mount Solaro was the most beautiful sunset I've ever experienced.
The sky was a light pinkish orange color, cotton candy colored clouds drifting around the ball of fire. The sun was a fiery red; and it wasn't burning your eyes, either. It was a soft tone of light, soft enough so you could stare at it for a few minutes and not blind yourself. The chairs slowed down, making the scene more breath-taking. Louis stroked my head as we both stared at the amazing scene before us.
"It's... gorgeous..." I fumbled for the right words. "Indescribable!!!" I burst out, the breeze gently ruffling my hair. "You are," Louis murmured, and I realized he just called me gorgeous and indescribable. I turned a deep red as I turned to Louis, to his oceanic gaze. We locked eyes, staring into each other. The chair in front of us had a straight couple with their tongues down each other's throats; that's probably what Louis had in mind. My heart fluttered in my chest as I leaned forward and pressed my lips gently to his. We had an innocent kiss; not fierce and hungry, not a peck, not puppy love, but it was calm and gentle. Of pure-hearted romance...
I slowly removed my hands from Louis' jacket sleeve and up to the back of his neck, gently rubbing the soft and tender skin. Louis was so good to me... he took me on all of these amazing tour sites, the Isle of Capri for God's sake... this place is expensive! I would've been pleased with some family friendly place, like Disney World! Not that romantic and appropriate to be making out wherever you want, but as long as I'm with Louis, anywhere is fine.
"You're so cute," Louis said during the kiss, and waves of heat flew through my body. "I love you," I simply replied to his random outburst. Louis' response was a deeper kiss.
"So adorable!!"
Louis and I broke apart for a moment, looking around, confused. "Did you hear that?" I asked Louis in a quiet tone. He nodded and looked behind us, just to widen his eyes in shock. I raised an eyebrow and turned to where Louis was staring. I almost jumped off of the chair-lift to what I saw.
Four girls were perched on the chair behind us. And they weren't just any four girls. There was the first, with a light brown, sort of caramel colored hair and glasses, and next to her a was slightly shorter, dark-chocolate brown haired girl with hazel eyes. After her was another one around the same height, but with shorter hair, a midnight black and icy eyes, like Louis. Then the shortest of all four; with darker toned skin and long, black hair. She was so small and skinny!
"Moon, Vix, Krys and Diamond!?" I said their named in order of how I described them. "What... What are you doing here!?" My hand was still on the back of Louis' neck, rubbing it contently.
"We followed you through the airport!" Vix squeaked and bounced a little, making the chair rock. Diamond yelped in fear and grabbed onto Krys, who just let her stay like that. "But how did you afford all of this!?" Louis asked, confused. "I make lots of money on a daily basis due to my job, but you guys..."
"Louis," Krys spoke up, snickering. "Let's just say your bank account password is way too obvious." Louis turned a deep red and looked to me, then back at the girls. "Wha..." he started, but Moon was counting to three.
"One... two... three!" She exclaimed and all four girls shouted, "Hazzabear1!!" Vix cracked up in hysterical laughter with Moon, Krys rolled her eyes and Diamond was playing with a butterfly that had wandered to their seat. Louis groaned in protest. "How did you find out, and how much did you take?" Louis grumbled angrily at the girls. Moon giggled. "Hazzabear is what you call Harry," she started. "February 1st is his birthday, and we took $2,000."
"You have a LOT of money in that account," Krys pointed out. "God, it's like, at least $40,000..." Louis shook his head, grinning. "Alright, fine. Just don't take my money on a daily basis."
The ride was ending, so Louis turned back to me and chuckled. "They're so crazy, aren't they." That wasn't a question. I nodded, wrapping my arms around Louis' neck as he lifted me up in the princess position again, leaping off of the moving chair. He set me down on my legs, but I didn't remove my arms from him. "Where's Ellie?" I asked Krys as the four girls got off, too. "In an elevator somewhere on this island," she shook her head. "I always find him."
I laughed and trailed my eyes back to Louis, dropping my arms. "Back to the hotel to eat?" I suggested. "It's around 7:30."
"Good idea," Louis commented and laced his fingers with mine. "Let's go."

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