It's Here

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This chapter is from Moon's P.O.V

"Run," Vix hissed.
She turned and dashed away, Diamond following close behind. Harry's head was tilted curiously at the rocks punching the mountainside. "Come on!" I growled, grabbing his wrist and tugging him along as I ran down the hill after my two friends. My breath was becoming short and I could feel my sides clenching. Damn asthma at the wrong times! I tried my best to ignore it and keep a good grip on Harry's small wrist.
"What IS sex?" Harry screamed over the earthquake-like sound of the rocks. I knew I could never make him shut up, so I decided to reply while shouting. "WELL WHEN A MOMMY AND A DADDY LOVE EACH OTHER VERY MUCH, THEY GET IN BED AND THE DADDY SHOVES HIS PE--"
"MOON!" I heard Vix shout somewhere in front of me. "NOT THE RIGHT TIME!"
"SORRRRYYY!!!" I screamed back, leaving Harry clueless. "Idiot," I scolded myself while starting to run faster. The freaking avalanche was so close now...
"PICK UP THE PACE!" Diamond called over the loud pounding of monster-rocks. I gasped and ran as fast as I could. I could care less I could barely breath now; either hold your breath or die! I chose live!
"THIS WAY!" Vix called, waving her hand and swerving to the left. I made sure Harry was still there as I followed her messy, dark brown hair down the slope and to a ledge of rocks. Strong rocks, too. Most likely they won't give way from the insane avalanche. I turned around the corner of the rocky pile and saw Vix and Diamond crowded in a cave behind the rocks. I dove in next to them, my throat closing up slowly. "Gah... asthma..." I explained while holding my throat. Dammit! Why now!?
"Just breath," Vix patted my shoulder encouragingly, and I nodded while chocking on a few coughs. I heard - and felt - the first rock slamming the top of the cave we were in. Soon another. And another. And another. Every time a rock hit the cave, there was a deafening crack and the whole cave vibrated. We could all see the rocks rolling down the hill and crushing the trees below. I shook with fear, my asthma finally gone. Vix was staring at the ceiling of the cave in terror, and Diamond was wincing at every sound. "The... roof..." Vix peeped and pointed, and I looked up. My heart stopped in dead fear as I saw huge cracks shifting in the rocks.
"IT'S GONNA COLLAPSE!" Vix howled and stood up, grabbing Diamond and trying to shove her out of the cave.
It was too late.
The rocks came flying down on all of us, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. It wouldn't help at all, but I was scared shitless! We're going to die under these rocks! A huge chunk of a boulder whacked my head, leaving my vision blurry. The spot on my head was throbbing with pain, and my finger was gushing blood. "H-HELP!" I cried out, though nobody could hear me through this godforsaken rockfall.
It felt like it lasted for years, but the entire landscape was finally still. I could hear the moans of Vix as she struggled to stand, her leg sticking out in a funny angle. My finger stopped bleeding, but it was coated in dry blood. My head was throbbing... gosh, when were we ever getting home...?
"Moon..." Diamond shook uncontrollably. "Harry's ... gone!"

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