Journey Completed

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"Holy shit LOUIS!" I screamed, running after the raven-haired man that I loved so much. The space in between us was closing rapidly; my heart was pounding, we were finally meeting again!
"Louis!" I gasped as we collided into each other in full force, his arms wrapping around me in an instant and picking me up, spinning in circles like the moment we got married. We were both laughing uncontrollably, just happy to have each other once again! Fuck, I couldn't believe this was happening!
"Harry, god you're so skinny..." was the first thing Louis said before getting a good look at my face, just wanting to see me again. I was taking in the time I had with Louis when he DIDN'T have any makeup on; it was a rare time. "Louis, you're hair! It's half red!" I teased him, seeing the top of his head was his original ginger color and the other half his midnight-black. Some blue still remained, but it was in the wrong area now, lower than it should be.
"I love you so much..." My voice cracked; I found tears of joy starting to form in my eyes as I pulled him close, locking him in the kiss I've been waiting for all this time we've been apart...
Once we both needed to breath, I turned, my arms still around Louis'waist. Moon and Vix were about to hug each other and spaz, but Moon tripped and knocked both Vix and Diamond to their backs and into the snow, making them scream at the top of their lungs and get smashed by Moon. Vix squirmed and sat up, growling at Moon. Soon everyone was standing, but Moon ruined that once again by ramming into Vix's stomach with her head like raging bull, shoving her back to the ground again. Louis could care less that I smelled like a dead skunk; he held me close anyhow, and I did the same.
"I thought we'd never find each other again!" Louis gasped and kissed me again, just wanting, just needing this. "I thought you were dead..." I squeezed him so much; almost too much, seeing he could barely breath. "Sorry!" I laughed as Louis made a choking noise as I tightened my grip around him. He just chuckled and kissed my head, forgetting it was full of who knows what kind of earthy crap.
"Glargle!" Was all I heard from Vix and Moon as they wrestled each other in the snow, pinning each other down and Moon even bit Vix a couple of times. Diamond poked them here and there, curious to see if they swiped at her or tried to eat slash kill her. Louis just shook his head and whispered, "I had to put up with macaroni girl for a month and a half by myself!" I snickered and replied, "All three of them for around two months!"
"Poor you," he smirked and kissed me again, softly and quickly this time. I sighed happily and turned my head to the pilot. He nodded, smiling and beckoning for us to come to the plane. Louis tugged on my shirt, forcing us to kiss again. As the kiss got deeper, all I heard was, "You look like a squirrel..."
Louis made a confused face and tugged away, seeing Moon staring at Vix with a sort of dreamy, dumb blonde look plastered on her face. "Wow," was all Louis said, snickering and hugging me this time. "Come on, let's go home..." Louis picked me up and started to carry me like a helpless princess to the plane, but I squirmed and muttered in protest. He just smirked at me, kissed me and set me back down on my feet. That left me red like an apple and grumbling to myself, saying things like, "Why do I have to be the girl of the relationship..."
"Because you're freakishly short and you act like a girl!" Moon retorted at me, and I glanced at her with narrowed eyes. I growled at her, making her squeak like a frightened mouse and jump backwards. "I'm not the one who wears a butt load of hair gel in this relationship!" I said loud enough for Louis to hear. He punched me in the shoulder, and I tumbled to the side, forgetting he was twice as strong as me, even though he lost as much weight as I did. Actually, I lost no weight, since I didn't have any before anyways.
"What if I dressed you up in girly Polly pocket clothes?" Louis threatened, and I slapped him in the shoulder. "Never," I hissed, and he just shook his head and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, making me nuzzle into his warmth. "You're hair is two-toned again," Louis pointed out, and I nodded wearily. "My hair is weird," I replied simply, thinking about how my hair magically changed color during the time we were apart.
As we hopped into the helicopter, and as the mountains left us, me and Louis both looked out of the window, and saw something below us. A cougar and a fox, sitting in the middle of the field, both watching us with big eyes. Louis glanced to me, and smiled at the surprised look I had. Just then, I turned to Louis and saw his hands clasped together. I saw his wedding ring, and my heart sank. How am I supposed to explain how I lost it? Surely he'd be disappointed...
"Louis, about my wedding ring, it's-"
"Right here!" Louis whipped out my ring in an instant, and I gasped. "Oh, god! How did you get that back!?" I took the ring from his palm, and slipped it back to where it belonged. "It's a long story, but why don't we just enjoy what we have now?" Louis suggested, and I tilted my head. "Which is what?"
Louis opened his mouth to reply, but Moon slid in between us. "You both look like squirrels," she stated, and slid back down and away, leaving us confused and dumbfounded. "Okay...?" I grumbled as Moon crept away to her two spaz friends.
"The answer to what we have?" I asked Louis, and he smiled.
"Each other... the best Christmas gift ever."  

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