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"Okay, does suite 29 sound good to you, Harry?"
I turned to Louis, who was at the counter and waiting for my answer. I apparently was drifting off, thinking of the horrible nightmare... why did it happen? I was certainly not thinking of death or sewers the day before... and why was it so real? Why was Vix, Moon and Diamond there? Why was it actually in Italy, where we are now?
"Harry, Hazza?" Louis pressed on again after not getting an answer. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. "Sure, that sounds okay," I murmured.
"Is there something wrong, baby?" Louis squeezed my hand in concern as we headed toward the elevator. "I'll tell you when we get to the room," I grunted as the doors opened... and Ellie was there!?
"Ellie, what the heck!?" Louis scolded the small redheaded boy in elementary school. I had said he looked in his teens, but that was the first time. For some reason, now that I think of it, he really looks nothing like a teenager.
"I'm following you guys," Ellie simply said while sitting on a small box in the corner on the elevator. "Do you hear ticking?" He asked wearily and I snorted, until I realized there really was ticking.
"Crap! Ellie, the elevator..."
"It's a clock."
"I hate you!" He really scared me for a moment there.
Ellie giggled and opened the box, which had a small alarm clock. Louis still was holding my hand, and we were both still gripping each other protectively. The elevator doors opened and we both walked out, leaving Ellie to dial the psychic hotline and ask what floor he's on. I heard a terrified scream and "STALKER!!" as the doors closed, along with the click of a cell phone snapping shut.
"I forgot to tell Ellie he invaded my dream," I pointed out as Louis gave me a confused look. "He what!?" Louis sounded shocked.
When we walked into our room and dropped our bags off, I stared at Louis for a moment before grabbing his arm and turning him. As soon as our eyes met, I slammed my lips to his and held the position. Louis let out a soft moan as I kissed him just slightly harder before pulling away. "Never... leave... me..." I begged and nuzzled my face into his chest.
"Honey, I'd never leave you," Louis murmured and stroked my back lovingly. "I love you too much."
I turned my head up to Louis' ocean eyes and froze like that, my eyes watering. I held the tears back as I hugged him tighter. "I had a terrible dream that you drowned in a sewer on the plane..." I gripped his leather jacket. "Don't go out for fresh air tonight, please."
"It's okay, I'm not going to die on you, Hazza. I'm here for you."
"I'm sorry for being such an idiot when you got into it with Eleanor."
"That was a long time ago," Louis whispered and stroked my back more. "It's okay now. It's all okay now."
"I overreacted and wanted to kill myself. Just because I heard those few words. Only the stupidest person would do something like that." I grumbled into his shirt, listening to his steady heartbeat.
"It's not stupidity. It's love."
I froze at Louis' words. I buried my face even closer to Louis as he kissed my head. I hugged him tight again before letting go and plopping down on the bed. Louis followed me, crawling over my body like a cat. His brown bangs brushed my forehead lightly, making my skin tingle. Louis' hand come forward and trailed down my jaw, making me smile gratefully. His other hand was clasped with my hand.
"To our honeymoon... I love you," Louis whispered calmly to me. I didn't leave his oceany gaze as I repeated, "To our honeymoon... I love you too." I didn't even get a chance to take a breath before Louis' lips met mine. I kissed back gratefully, more than happy to have him here, not dead in a sewer. He was here, with me, and with me only. I tugged on his hair, signaling to come closer to me. We fell asleep together within the next two minutes, Louis' arms protectively around me, my head nuzzled under his chin.

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