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"Louis. Louis. LOUIS," I repeated his name over and over until he opened his eyes wearily. I was dressed and hovering over Louis' body under the sheets of the bed. "Huh...?" He groaned and sat up, rubbing his head and stretching. "I'm going to go to town and try and get that wonderful Italian bread we all heard about," I explained.
"I'll come..." Louis started but I shook my head. "You rest a little bit; you did it hard last night, just relax, baby," I whispered calmly and rubbed his shoulders until he laid back down. I pecked him on the lips and pulled away, seeing he was asleep. I grinned at the beautiful man before me, who was mine. I wrote a little note telling him where I was going and when I should be back. I summed it up with 'Luv u, baby. --Harry'
I smiled and dropped the pen next to the note, which was on the nightstand next to Louis. He was already in a heavy sleep; I felt bad on how much he did it last night. Yeah, it was pleasurable for both of us, but Louis was doing most of the work and he really wore himself out. I slid my feet into my black shoes and grabbed my back hoodie; I was wearing the simple white t-shirt, blue jeans, black sneakers and hoodie, and even a little dash of eyeliner. Louis got me hooked on using hair gel for the stupidest reason, like just to walk out of the door for a moment or two.
I slid my fingers around the cool, golden doorknob and turned slowly, staring at Louis the entire time. I backed out of the door, closing it silently enough not to disturb Louis. As soon as I stood outside of the door and made sure I had the key to the room, I turned heel and dashed down the hall.
The elevator doors opened to Ellie, of course. He smiled at me and I laughed. "Always in an elevator," I snorted and said, "Lobby."
Ellie pressed the button, but the minute he pressed it he had some sort of seizure like spasm run through his body, as if he got struck by lightning. As soon as he removed his finger, he smiled and went back for more. I shook my head and chuckled as Ellie pressed every floor and repeated the same process.
The elevator dinged and I stepped out, saying, "See you later, Ellie!"
"Later, Harry!" He called back. My phone started buzzing and I felt around in my pocket for it. It better not be Louis. If it is, I'll tell him to get back in bed. I glanced at the screen, which read 'Niall.' Oh, great. Something about Storm or Kubo, maybe?
"Hey Niall!" I chirped into the phone and waited for his response.
"Hey, Harry" He replied into the speaker.
"What did you call for?" I was curious to what this was about.
"Nothing, really. Just wanted to know how the honeymoon was going for you and Louis!" I blushed and looked to the sidewalk. I was outside of the hotel, just leaning on the brick wall.
"Lovebirds!" I heard a feminine voice in the phone cheer.
"That's just Liam," Niall laughed and I pictured Liam on the black couch with a bag of chips, some diet coke and the remote in front of his, feet in fuzzy batman slippers on the glass coffee table in front of him, some horror movie playing, himself in a simple black t-shirt, black and batman pajama bottoms,
"How are Storm and Kubo?" I asked, almost worried.
"S&K!" Niall exclaimed and I snickered. "You nicknamed them?" I laughed a little. "Yeah! Kubo bit my finger around five times, and Storm just loves rolling and around and plays with her toys and chasing Zayn!" Niall snorted and continued. "Zayn runs around the house, terrified, with a white puff fluttering after him, ready to pounce on his ankles." I grinned, picturing that perfectly.
"Kubo bites me a lot, thank god he isn't poisonous." I laughed at that. "He bites you because you're weird," I reminded Niall and I heard Liam chuckle. "Well, I'll leave you and Louis alone, plus I have to get over to my family, and so does Zayn, so Payno is stuck with S&K."
"Okay, see you soon, Niall!" I smiled as Niall said, "Bye!" And the line went dead. I snapped the phone shut and shoved it in my back pocket, turning and walking down the sidewalk and to the bread store.

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