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This chapter is from Louis' P.O.V

There was a huge crashing noise.
I jerked up from my fox-made bed, my eyes wide with fear. What was that? "Jay?" I turned to see the small vixen sitting up in her nest, her ears pricked up with alarm. I turned in all directions, looking for a source. "Do you know what that was?" I whispered, my voice tinted with fear. What was happening...?
"Might as well go outside and see..." I trailed off, crawling out of the burrow. I stood and stretched my arms and breathed in some crisp, morning air. Maybe around 7:00? I looked around, the fog floating gently above the dew-soaked blades of grass. Jay scrambled out of her home, whimpering. "What's wrong?" I sounded like a worried mother to her child. Jay dashed off into the mist, so I followed her.
The fog got thinner and thinner until we got to the edge of the forest. Jay pointed her long, slim muzzle to the sky, and I looked up. I almost fell down due to the sight coming down the mountain.
On both sides of the mountain, rocks were bouncing down the the ground. But on our side? A freaking avalanche of snow and ice! Sliding down the mountain was a white nightmare of ice. Jay's ears flattened on her head and she ran. I can't run that fast, so I let her go. The ground was starting to rumble as the snow got closer. My brain yelled at me. Move your feet, you fucking moron!!
I turned heel and ran for my life. My hair was blown back from my face as my body glided through the thick fog of the forest. The snow and ice was catching up, and my heart raced from fear. Was this the end of the road for me, a sparkling pop-star, stranded in a mountain range with a fox?
The ground was now shaking violently from the ice, and I was only around 150 feet away from the killer snow. Shit, shit, shit!!
100 feet. I sprinted faster. I could hear the trees being ripped from their places and tossed carelessly around in the mass of winter.
75 feet. I could hear the squeals of animals that got killed, smashed with the ice. Hopefully Vixy wasn't with them...
50 feet. My shoe flew off of my foot, and I swore. Now I have one shoe and a bare foot thudding the ground. My breaths were coming short and I was about to collapse and just give up and let the avalanche swallow me whole. Can't I just die instead of go through this madness?
25 feet. I looked behind me and saw the white clouds speeding down the hill I was running on, so close to me I swear I was already in there.
10 feet. Forget thinking.
5 feet. I tripped.
A huge chunk of ice slammed my back, pinning me down as the freezing snow rushed over my head, vicious snowballs slamming my face and head. My fingers and defiantly my bare foot turned numb as the ice paralyzed me. Oh my god, what are you doing!? I told myself frantically. Move yourself and get out of this mess--
"SHIT!" I heard myself cry as a razor sharp blade of ice sliced my side. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt warm blood gush out of my side and pour into the cruel river of crisp snow. I peeked open my eyes, my eyelashes dotted with snowflakes. I saw streaks of scarlet falling down the mountain with the snow. When will it end!? And it was just then when a rock coated in ice collided with my head, and everything slid into darkness.

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