You're Perfect for Me // LRH

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Credit to vaprsmalums (Tumblr user).

Warnings: Violence, Swearing.

Summary: Y/n is the lead singer in a worldwide famous band. She's dating professional boxer Luke Hemmings. After an incident involving a fan, some people really start to wonder if Luke is good for Y/n.

"Babe, get dressed." I heard a gruff voice speak from the doorway. I stopped playing my guitar and set it down beside me against the side of the bed. I stood up from my spot on the floor and turned to see Luke looking at me with a sort of adoring glint in his eyes.

I smiled and walked over to our closet. "Why? Where are we going? What's the occasion?"

I couldn't help but ask. It's not everyday both Luke and I go out together due to our busy schedules. When he's free I'm either in the studio with my band writing music or I'm performing. When I'm free, he's either in some other country fighting or training.

Sure we can go with each other to our events and support when the other is free, but soundchecks and training still get in the way.

Despite our busy lives we still manage to make some time for each other which is probably why we're still together a little over 2 years.

"We're going out clubbing at your most favorite club in the city."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You know I hate clubbing."

He chuckled and walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin atop my head.

"You might, but I quite enjoy getting plastered and dancing with you." I can feel him grin which causes a giant smile to break out on my face.

I turn around to face him and give him a peck on the lips. "Okay, but I'm not gonna wear any dresses or shit. I don't roll that way."

"I know you don't."

Luke walked back over to the bed and pulled out his phone, scrolling through sites while I looked around the closet, pondering on what I should wear.

I just quickly pulled out some back hi waisted shorts, black crop top, and black leather jacket. I went into the bathroom and had a quick change. I decided I wouldn't do much with my hair and applied a couple touches of makeup before walking back to my closet and pulling on some boots.

"You look like you do everyday." I heard Luke say. I scoffed and turned to face him.

"Sorry, fam. I don't have any clubbing type of clothing. You know it." He just shrugged and went back on his phone.

After checking to see if we got all we needed, we headed to Luke's favorite club in the city. As soon as we got there, photographers were already standing on the sidewalk, being held back by security guards.

I shielded my eyes from the flash and we quickly entered. "How did they know we'd be here?"

Luke shrugged. "Calum is here so that's probably why."

Calum is Luke's trainer and best friend. They're pretty inseparable.

We walked further in and spotted Calum with his girlfriend Toria on his lap. They were both laughing at whatever while drinks were carelessly spilling from the glass of their drinks to the floor.

They spotted us and they're smiles widened. "Hey, how are you all doing?"

"Great! How about you!?" I shouted back as I hugged Toria and sat beside her in the booth. She handed me a glass of alcohol. I paid no attention to what it was and just took a sip of it.

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