Don't Forget About Me// AFI

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Credit to bitchingroupie

"Morning babe," I smiled when Ashton walked into the kitchen, still rubbing sleep from his eyes. He was already dressed and looked ready to head out. "Where are you off to today?" I asked, turning towards him. "Studio, we have a writing session today with Alex," Ashton yawned, leaning in to kiss me and take a cup of coffee. "I'll be back tonight, but I may go out with the guys just to let off steam, ya know," Ashton placed his hands on my hips. I nodded, biting my lower lip. "I'll see you later then," I mumbled. Ashton gave me another kiss before heading out the door. Shaking my head to myself I leaned against the counter, "Not a single mention of our anniversary, wow."

I sat on the couch going through emails when Ashton came home. It was already almost nine by the time the front door opened. "Hey sweetie," he smiled at me. "Hi," I didn't look up from the computer. He hadn't called or texted all day, much less mentioned anything about our anniversary. "You alright?" He sat down next to me, cautiously moving towards me. "I'm fine," I hummed, continuing to ignore him as best I could. "Okay, c'mon baby, I know something's up," Ashton leaned his elbows on his knees and watched me intently. I didn't crack. "Wow, you know I'm actually really tired. I think I'm going to bed, night babe," I closed the laptop and pressed a kiss on his cheek. I stood up and went to leave the room. Passing by the desk in the hallway I stopped. I opened the drawer to find the little cassette tape I had made for Ashton. Pulling out a small cassette tape I headed back into the living room. Ashton looked up expectantly when I walked back over to him. "Uh, here. I thought you'd might like to have this," I muttered quietly handing it out to him. "What-" he started to ask but I had already left, heading up the stairs. I slammed the bedroom door and left him alone downstairs.


I turned the small cassette tape over in my hand, reading the label.

Happy Anniversary!

Songs that make me think of you<3

"Fuck," I groaned, leaning back against the sofa. I had completely forgotten today was our anniversary. I put the tape into the cassette player and pressed play. Crash by You Me At Six came through the speakers, making goosebumps pop up along my arms. This was the song that Y/N and I had first danced to when we went to our senior prom together.

"Oh my god I love this song," Y/N pulled me towards the dance floor. "It's so slow," I whined, trailing behind her. "So, it's so beautiful. I love it. Please dance with me," she pouted at me. I couldn't say no to her, while she stood there in a white dress, the lights bouncing off her skin and making her glow like an angel. I took her waist in my hand and she wrapped her arms around my neck. As she leaned her head against my chest she smiled up at me, "Thank you for taking me tonight." "Why would I take anyone else?" I asked her, pressing a kiss on her forehead. "I don't know, I'm pretty great," she giggled. "Yeah, you are. Seriously," I mumbled into her hair.

I fell in love on that dance floor and I would never trade it for the world. I held my ear in my hands, how could I forget something as important as this. Shit, I fucked up. I heard footsteps behind me, causing me to look up. "Hey baby," I whispered as Y/N stood behind me. She was wearing my t-shirt and some shorts, nervously tracing her foot on the ground. "So, did you really forget?" She asked quietly. I sighed, "Yes, I'm sorry. I don't even have an excuse it just, slipped my mind. I didn't mean to, just time got away from me. I don't know, I'm sorry." Y/N walked over to me and I pulled her into my lap. Tracing my fingers over her bare leg, I pressed small kisses onto her shoulder. "I love you, Ash. I really do," she mumbled, playing with her fingers. "I love you too," I turned her chin to look at me. "Just don't forget about me, okay. You can forget about my birthday and our anniversary and where we had our first date, but just don't forget about us, and how much we love each other. Don't forget about me," she spoke softly, watching me watch her. I nodded, holding her face in my hands, "I won't, don't worry."


I rolled over to an empty bed the next morning. Groaning to myself I assumed Ashton had already left for the studio. I kicked the covers back, but something caught my eye. A little cassette tape sat where he should have been laying. I picked it up, reading the label.

Don't Forget

Songs that make me think of you<3

I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face. I ran out of the bedroom and followed the scent of breakfast cooking all the way down to the kitchen. Ashton stood, staring out the window and I ran, jumping onto him and latching my legs around his waist. "I love you, I love you, I love you," I pressed kisses all over his face. Ashton laughed, holding onto me. "When did you make this?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck. "This morning, I woke up early," Ashton smiled. I hopped down from his arms and made my way into the living room, putting the cassette in the player. Check Yes Juliet came blasting through the stereo. "Throwback to our first kiss in my car, when it broke down in the middle of the road," Ashton said as he came into the room behind me. I turned around, a massive grin on my face. "You remembered," I wrapped my arms around his torso. "Sometimes I don't forget," Ashton laughed. I stood up on my tiptoes to press a kiss on his lips, "This is why I love you."

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