The Quiet Amongst The Chaos // LRH

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Creds to cliffyluke on Tumblr


We always saw each other at parties; a glance here, a smile there. Eventually always finding the other in the quiet amongst the chaos.

We clicked from the moment we met. It was through a mutual friend at a party casually bringing me into a silly debate about whether or not his sparkly boots were cool. His cheeks had run red and he automatically shuffled into an odd stance with his feet.

Adorable was the word that came to mind.

A slow smile took the place of my once startled expression. "I love em." Simple and true. Luke had smiled from ear to ear exhaling an anxious breath. I'd never forget that night. I'd never forget that feeling.

We became 'party friends' after that, a familiar face wherever we ended up. Soon it seemed I was only showing up at these houses flooded with people I hardly knew just to get a minute with him.

He was one of a kind. Like no one I had ever encountered at these parties. His presence was a light; his smile always bringing a certain kind of warmth to the chilly night.

I fell for him before I even really knew.

My heart raced with every step he took in my direction, my breath hitched at the slightest touch, my lips were in a permanent state of bliss, my hands ached to touch him, and my stomach never failed to tie into the worst knot possible at the mere mention of his girlfriend.

It seemed I wasn't the only one who knew how wonderfully strange he was or how effortlessly stunning he looked. And rightfully so. I'd be crazy to think I was the only one drawn to his sunshine-like aura. See he had this way about him, a way that magnetized anyone and everyone in the room. He had this way about him that had you smiling at his jokes despite his lack of humor and made you want to listen to whatever he was saying though half the time it was nonsense.

He had a way of making anyone feel on top of the world.

I was so far gone for the blue eyed boy that I knew it was time. My last party. Because although my heart raced and my breath hitched and my lips felt like they might fall off and my hands were itching for him, the knot in stomach was only growing larger and larger.

He wasn't mine and I wasn't his.

So for the last time, we found each other. He walked in with his girlfriend on his arm moving around the party with his vibrant aura beaming, making people feel at ease. His eyes locked on mine and I watched in slow motion as he calmly made his way through the crowd.

I could hear the thumping of my heart. I could feel the blood pumping through my veins. My hands starting to clam up with sudden butterflies that erupt in the very core of my body. I try to take in as much of him as I can. His black jeans so tight I know he undoubtably tumbles over trying to shuffle out of them every night, his striped shirt hung nicely under his distraught jean jacket, his sparkly boots traded in for plain black ones.

But it wasn't just his appearance I took in. I soaked up every last word uttered from his insanely alluring lips, and the heavenly sound of his laughter. I took in the way the light of the moon glistened in his eyes and the way his light freckles mimicked the stars in the sky. I did my best to capture this moment from every nerve in my body that I could feel down to the single strand of his grown out sandy blonde hair that escaped from behind his ear and outlined his bearded jaw perfectly.

And as the night comes to an end, his girlfriend ready to leave, I find myself wanting to cling to his hug and tell him. Tell him that he sends my world upside down in the greatest way possible. Tell him that I've fallen so completely in love with him that it hurts to breathe. Tell him that this was my last party because I can't bear to watch him with her for another second.

But I don't.

I take in his cologne and the way his strong arms feel around my body and store it for safe keeping with the rest.

We say our usual goodbyes and part ways, though he doesn't have a clue I think part of me goes with him that night.

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