Family Feud // AFI

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Credit to michaelxcastaway

You had known Ashton for as long as Luke had, since you were his younger sister. When you'd first met him, you could tell that you were developing some feelings for him, because you always got nervous around him, and wanted to impress him, while still being yourself. After a couple of months, you finally admitted how you felt, and luckily, he said that he felt the same way. For the first month of you two officially being a couple, you didn't tell anyone, because you knew that if Luke knew, he'd freak out. Once you finally told him, he was slightly upset, but once Ashton promised to be loyal and kind to you, Luke loosened up a bit. After the two of you dated for a couple of years, Ashton asked you to marry him, which surprised you, since you both were still pretty young. You said yes, and the two of you had a beautiful wedding. Everything was going great for the both of you, until about a year later, when you found out you were pregnant. Right after you found out, Ashton explained to you that this didn't bother him, and that he was excited for you to have this baby, which was a huge relief to you. But, after the first couple of months had gone by, Ashton had started to be very argumentative. You'd ask him to help you get something, and he'd just groan, and do it very reluctantly. You'd ask him how stuff with the band was going, and he'd say as little as possible in a very annoyed voice. Sometimes, the two of you would just have full on screaming matches about the stupidest stuff possible. You hadn't talked to Luke about this, because you didn't want to stir anything up, since the band had so much coming up so quickly, the last thing they needed was tension between them. You had wanted to talk to Ashton about this, but he wouldn't talk to you long enough to actually have this conversation, and you knew that even if he did, it probably wouldn't end well. Currently, the two of you were at a department store, deciding on some furniture for the baby's room.

"Ash, what do you think about this crib? I think it would look good with the way the room is," you say, pointing to a brown crib.

"It's okay I guess," Ashton replied, sounding unamused.

"Well, I want to be sure that we both like whatever we buy, because this is a big investment, and an important one," you explain, trying not to get annoyed, which was pretty hard if you were being honest.

"Yeah, I know. Just get whatever makes you happy, Y/N," Ashton said, now sounding annoyed.

"You know what, let's go look at armchairs," you replied, leading Ashton over to where they kept the plush chairs. After looking around for about ten minutes, you found a light blue chair that was soft, and reclined back.

"Ash, do you like this chair?" you asked, gesturing towards the chair.

"Y/N, that is the ugliest chair I've ever seen, there's no way that's going in our house," Ashton said, laughing.

"Didn't you just say that we should get what makes me happy?" you ask, stunned that he was doing this here, in a public store.

"Yeah, you should do that, but not that chair. Like, I'd rather have anything in our house but that," Ashton replied. You couldn't help but start to feel angry now.

"Ashton, if you're going to be like this, then maybe I should just do this shopping by myself, or see if Luke will be decent enough to help me," you say, now in a stern tone.

"I am helping you, Y/N, what are you talking about?" Ashton asks, confusion evident in his voice.

"What do you mean what am I talking about? You're not really giving me your opinons on stuff, and when you say anything aside from 'whatever' about something I point out, you're saying it's stupid, and that we shouldn't get it," you reply, using everything in you to not raise your voice.

"Y/N, I think you're overreacting," Ashton replies nonchalantly.

"I can't believe that you don't see the problem here!" you exclaim.

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