Untitled part// MGC

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Credit to 5sos-imaginations on Tumblr

Your POV

Michael and I were laying on the couch, both of us immersed in our phones. I was scrolling through Tumblr, occasionally showing him things I saw that made me laugh. He laughed along with me, that is, until he didn't.

I hadn't seen Michael in almost three months since he started touring. He came to visit with me as soon as he could, and we were making the best out of it. He never went home, and stayed with me the entire time, claiming he missed me so much, he had to make up for lost time.

So on one of our days that we weren't doing anything in, which was most of them, we were just hanging out and enjoying each other's company. It made my heart happy to just know he was there, after so long of him not being there.

I noticed he stopped laughing when one picture of a dog made me laugh so hard, and when I showed it to him, he just briefly smiled before looking back to his phone. My head was resting on his lap while he sitting upright. I sat up, and looked at him. "Michael, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he responded. He never liked to tell me about what it he was feeling, especially when it had to do with me.

"Something's obviously wrong, you're frowning, looking at your phone."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he breathed, tossing his phone on the cushioned chair beside him on the other side of me. He rubbed his eyes with his hands, trying to get whatever he saw off his mind.

I got curious as to what he was upset about, so I started to reach for his phone. "Don't," he stated plainly, his hands over his eyes.

"I just want to see what's wrong so I can make it better again, Mikey."

"You can't, it's always like this," his voice was shaking, and he was concentrating really hard at nothing on the ground. I can always tell when he's trying to stop himself from crying. He hates crying in front of me, and thinks that he shouldn't even cry to begin with.

"What is, babe?"

"This, us, you." He paused for a moment, before looking up at me. "Me." he whispered the last part.

"Michael, what are you talking about?" I asked him, obviously confused.

"Just look at it," he sighed, hiding his face from me. I couldn't tell if he was crying, but I knew he was close to it. He let me grab his phone and I looked to see what made him so upset. He was on Twitter, scrolling through his mentions.

There were a couple of funny ones. @Michael5SOS 's pants are tigther than my grip on reality. And @Luke5SOS 's Twitter game is far stronger than @Michael5SOS 's.

Then there were the ones that made me gasp. Out of all the people in the world, no one is stupider than that dude that caught his fucking FACE caught on fire. Yes I'm looking at you @Michael5SOS.

People were bringing up painful memories. Remember that time @yoabbaabba roasted @Michael5SOS in that one song? That was hilarious.

People were downright insulting him. It baffles me as to how @Michael5SOS has a girlfriend when he's the ugliest one out of @5SOS.

I didn't bother reading the rest of them. Was this always how Michael was treated? My special love, and people thought he was annoying and ugly. All he's ever done is love everyone, and this is what he gets?

"Do you believe them?" I asked him. He finally lifted his head up from his hands and looked over at me. His eyes were red, and I saw evidence of his tears.

"Why do you love me, Y/N," he sniffled. "All I ever do is annoy people and disappoint them."

"Hey, babe," I whispered, wrapping my arms around him. He nestled his head into the crook of my neck. "That's not true at all," I told him, rubbing his back up and down over and over. "You remember the time my grandmother died?"

He nodded, while trying to contain his sobs. "Who was the one that brought me out of my slump? Who was the one that made me smile again?"

He shrugged his shoulders, but continued to keep his face buried from me. He never liked me to see his crying face, and the truth is I've only seen it once when we were watching Up. The first eight minutes of that movie, and he was tearing up. He didn't hide it from me, because he felt like the movie deserved it.

"Who is the one that constantly picks me up when I'm down? Who's the one that constantly tells me how lucky he is to have me? Michael, you're more than good enough for me. You're too good for me, but I've come to terms with it, and I can't choose who I love. It's not my fault that my boyfriend is too perfect."

"You're just saying all that," he sputtered, taking a shaky breath.

"When have I ever lied to you Mikey?"

"That one time when I asked you what you thought of my hair," he mumbled quietly. His shakes had ceased, but he was still upset.

"You ask about your hair all the time, you're going to have to be more specific than that."

"I can't."

"Because there's no specific event." I smiled triumphantly, and he stayed laid against me. "Michael look at me," I told him, lifting up his chin. "In no fucking universe are you ever or have you ever been unattractive. For one thing, it's preference, and for another you're the most attractive person I know, inside out. And as far as being annoying, you're only as annoying as I am, and I'm not that bad, am I?"

One sly tear fell down his cheek, and he was quick to wipe it away. "No," he muttered softly.

"And you're clumsy, but who isn't? You perform in front of thousands of people for a living, you're bound to screw up. Just think about it, some people have broken their leg in front of crowds, you fucking burned yourself. It was an accident. Don't worry about it love."

"But," he stated, looking up at me with his red stained eyes. "Do you really want to be with someone like me."

"Baby," I started, giving him a small smile. "I've been looking for people like you all my life."

He smiled at me, and nodded before wrapping his arms back around me. He hugged me harder than I remember him ever hugging me. When we finally pulled away, he closed his eyes in content. "I'm so lucky to have you," he breathed out, placing his lips on mine ever so gently.

A7N: I cried with this one

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