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Credit to redpowerrangermuke

You were trapped between Ashton's armpit as he giggled and pressed your face closer to it, you were struggling to get away as you pushed and shoved at his chest.

"Ash!" You whined and he finally released you, not, of course, without ruffling your hair, causing another whine to emit from your mouth.

"Butt head." You stuck your tongue out and all the rest of the boys strode into the studio.

"Hey Y/N! What are you doing here?" Calum asked and you simply replied with holding up the bag of bagels and pointing to the various amounts of coffee cups that were displayed across the table.

"You brought food!" Michael cheered and grabbed a cup before practically tearing the bag out of your hand.

"Thank you!" Both Calum and Michael said with mouth fulls of bagels. Luke had just entered the room and you felt your stomach flip in the cheesiest way, he sent you a bright smile to which you returned as he thanked you and grabbed his cup.

"Imma go record with those two," Ash said and pointed to Michael and Calum who gave sheepish smiles, "I'll see you after." He noted and you nodded and rolled your eyes as he cooed as if he was talking to a baby.

"Go." You huffed, faking annoyance and he planted a small kiss on your forehead.

You were left alone with Luke and your heart was beating like a hummingbird as you picked up one of the remaining cups.

"Whatcha up to?" You asked the blonde haired boy as you sat on the other side of the couch.

"Song writing." He mumbled with his pencil in between his lips as he scanned over his paper with his messy handwriting sprawled across it.

You nodded and just stared ahead, trying to accept the awkward silence which was permeating the room. You glanced at him only to find him gazing at you, you looked away quickly but looked back to see him studying you again.

"What?" He pouted and he smiled to himself as he shook his head and wrote something down.

You shrugged it off but another 'what' left your lips as you caught him staring again.

"Sorry, you get this tendency to twitch your nose a little and it scrunches up slightly here," He leaned over and tapped your nose, you covered your nose and he let out an amused laugh.

"Don't. It's cute." You pretended not to be affected by his comment but on the inside you were squealing and prancing around.

You heard Luke let out a frustrated sigh and the sound of his pencil hitting the paper snapped you out of your thoughts and you gave him a questioning look.

"I was going to write this song to try and ask you out but I'm having writers block so will you just go see a movie with me this Sunday?" He rushed and his face was turning unbelievably red.

"You were going to write me a song?" You gushed and his nodded before sliding the paper your way.

"Romance, Action, or Comedy. So what do you say? Go on a date with me?" You read and bursted out laughing.

"You got yourself your next single here, this is gold!" You giggled and Luke pouted.

"Is that a yes?" He practically begged and you laughed shortly before giving him a nod.

"Yes!" He cheered and his arms engulfed you as he picked you up and spun you around.

"So you were serious?" Ashton said suddenly and you both turned towards your brother as he analyzed both you and Luke.

"I'm so happy!" He shrilled like a school girl and bear hugged both of you.

"I've got to start naming the children!" He began and both you and Luke rolled your eyes at him.

"What about we reschedule that date to right now?" Luke whispered and you both left the studio stealthily before heading down to the sandwich shoppe around the corner

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