Quiet // MGC

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Creds to littledovemikey on Tumblr.

Warnings: cursing, smut, exhibition sex (sorta... ) unprotected sex  

  Y/N's thumb smoothed over her love's brow, and she sighed in contentment, enjoying the moment of calm; during the past week, it seemed as though they were moving constantly, so it was nice finally be able to settle down. Her fingers wandered into his hair, which had thickened significantly over the past few months. She huffed as, yet another, snore sounded through the hotel room, ruining her intimate moment with Michael, even though he was sleeping; her nose rumbled with irritation, and she turned over onto her side, glaring at the blonde, who occupied the bed across from hers and Michael's.

Y/N's sudden, brash movements caused her boyfriend to awaken. After he fully became conscious, he slowly rolled onto his side, just like she had done moment prior. "Hey, babe," he breathed out groggily, molding his lips onto her shoulder. He wrapped a palm over her hands, which were bundled together against her lower abdomen, while the other was pushed underneath her side. When he didn't receive a reply, he asked, his voice holding a sense of bewilderment, "You still awake?"

Y/N snickered sarcastically, tilting her head back against his, "How could I not be?" His chuckles sifted through the air, and he pulled her further into him.

He sighed, "Yeah, he snores a lot, sorry." Y/N merely shrugged in return; she had hoped that when she accompanied Michael on tour, the two would be able to spend more time together. She, sadly, found that was not the case. It seemed as though she was seeing more of his mates rather than him, and a part of her was angry at that fact. She knew there was no reason to be, and she had no right to be, but wanted to spend time with him. Was that too much to ask?

She closed her eyes and sighed, pushing past her moment of irritability; she soon smiled as he tucked himself closer behind her. She hummed, "I'm just glad to be here with you." Y/N tugged their entwined hands to her lips and pressed a kiss to the symbol imprinted on his knuckle, breathing in the scent of his skin; he smelled of cotton, fresh and pure. She relished in these small, intimate moments for she didn't know when the next would happen to occur. Her heart ached as she noted how they slowly were becoming more and more scarce; it gave her a sense of security and warmth being with him for a time in unadulterated tranquility.

Y/N nuzzled their conjoined extremities in the curve of her throat, although, his didn't remain there. Teasing fingers trailed along her cleavage, and she could feel his, seemingly ever-present, smirk pressing into the skin of her back. She bit back a smile, but couldn't help giggling, "What're you doing?"

"Nothin'," he grinned, running his thumb around the now hardened nub peaking through her tank. He moved to cup the underside, pressing his fingertips into the mound; he kissed her shoulder blade and massaged her roughly. He nestled his nose into a lone fleck on her back, grinding his hips into hers concurrently with his ministrations. A low moan passed through his lips at the feeling of her quivering against him. The sound, however, did not fall to deaf ears, and Luke flinched awake momentarily. At the sight of his slitted eyes, Mike ripped his hand from her breasts, afraid of his friend's prying gaze, even though he wasn't fully conscious enough to comprehend anything.

Her breath hitched as the blonde across from her shifted from his placement on the mattress, eliciting a squeak from the worn cushion when he moved onto his opposite side. Y/N stared at the boy with wide eyes, trying her hardest to suppress a moan. Despite the chance of him fully awakening at any given moment, her cunt fluttered with stimulation. Luke sunk back into the mattress, sighing contently before falling into a slumber once again.

Her ears thudded with each beat of her heart. Her skin warmed; although, she wasn't positive if it was induced by the fear of nearly being caught or the arousal that, oddly enough, accompanied the spike in anxiety. She hooked their fingers together and tried to pull his hand back onto their previous placement.

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