Why were you staring back // MGC

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Credit to 5secondstoloml

You've always had a thing for Michael, but hasn't every other girl in your school. Michael Clifford was the school bad boy, the most popular guy in school, and he knew it. He would always walk with his head held higher then everyone else, like he knew he had the whole school wrapped around his finger, which in some ways he did. You, you were barely even noticeable, you didn't play any sports, you weren't valedictorian, you were just you. Nothing special. You would say you were decently pretty, curvy but not to curvy, long hair that hung down your back, but you could never be good enough to be one of the girls Michael dated, or even one that he fucked and left. So here you were, one of the many girls that would think about him all the time and wish you were the one he thought about.

Today at lunch you and your friends were all talking about different things, but you weren't really listening, you were mainly looking over your best friends shoulder at Michael. He was laughing at something his side kick, Luke said, and Ashton and Calum were laughing too. Wherever Michael was, they were there too, you never saw any of them alone. Michael averted his gaze from Luke and began to scan the lunch room, and his eyes caught yours, and they stopped. He was looking dead into your eyes and it didn't seem as if he would look away any time soon. His friends looked back to see what he was staring at, and when they almost were fully turned around he moved his eyes in Calum's direction and kept talking to them like nothing happened.

The rest of the day you couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Michael Clifford had been staring at you, of all people you. The only class you had with him was the last class of the day, and when you walked into the room he was sitting in the back, as usual, but he locked eye contact with you as soon as you walked into the room, and when you took your seat in the middle of the room he kept looking, but you didn't look back.

Physics was the worst class of the day, the teacher hated you and the kid in front of you, Dan, was always bugging you and never moving his head so you could see the board, finally you couldn't deal with it anymore and snapped. "God damn it Dan will you shut up for 5 seconds so I can here what the teacher is saying?" you screamed out, immediately regretting it after because the whole class got quite and looked at you.

"Y/n detention, report to my class after you pack up your things at the end of the day." You had had a detention before, so you didn't care about it to much, but the next thing that happened was even more surprising.

"Can I have a detention to?" You hear the one and only Michael Clifford say from the back of the class. "You know what, I know you were trying to be funny but you can. Report to my room after school."

What the hell, why would he want to have detention with you. As the end of the day came you couldn't stop looking at the clock. Finally after what what felt like days, the bell rang. You packed up your books and went back into the physics classroom to see Michael sitting at a desk in the front of the room, with the teacher her desk in front of him. "Okay you two, do homework for another class or the next hour, and don't talk or you will have detention for the next month." She says, and thats exactly what you did. About 30 minutes into detention another teacher came into the room and said something to her that you couldn't make out, and she got up and walked out of the room, telling the two of you that she would be right back and to not get up.

"Y/n I have a question." Michael said from beside you. He had never said your name, or anything to you for that matter, so you thought it came from your head, until you looked over and saw him looking at you.

"Whats the question?" You turn your head to face him. "Why were you staring at me in the lunch room?" He said smiling like he already knew the answer.

"Why were you staring back?" Suddenly he leaned in and kissed you. It was all and more that you had imagined. His lips were soft and he was gentle, kissing him was something you could do all day, and you kiss him back. When the kiss breaks he asks you if you want to go home with him after detention, and you say yes with no hesitation.

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