Chapter 1: How it all began

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Hey guys so this is my first upload and its a working progress :). I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think. Abbi xxxxXxxxx


Were just your three average girls still at High School, taking a stroll down Brighton pier. We were sitting outside a cafe and we'd just finished our lunch. These five hooded figures walked past us and I got a glimpse of one of them, he had brown curly hair and a cheeky smile on his face. For a minute I thought it was Harry Styles from One Direction, but it couldn't have been. Why would One Direction be walking down Brighton when they all live quite far away.

I called the girls and asked them what they thought they were doing, Lilly also thought she saw one with blonde brownish hair. She said that he looked like Niall Horan. That's it I was convinced. I called the girls to follow me and they did exactly that. We managed to stop them and I asked them where they were going. They kept their hoods up and said they were trying to get away from a couple of girls. That's when it hit me.... I asked them the question that was on my mind. I said to them "If you don't mind me asking, but who are you?"

They took us by the arms and dragged us into an alley way where no one could see us. They all looked up and pulled down their hoods...... OMG ONE DIRECTION.


So I met One Direction yesterday, not that much of a big deal really. Who am I kidding, I met ONE FLIPPIN' DIRECTION. The hottest boy band currently in existence. After coming 3rd place in the X Factor, I don't think there isn't a single girl who doesn't know about them, or their names at least.

The best part is we practically saved their lives from mobs of screaming fans and boy do they owe us big time! I had to bring them back to my house. I had One Direction sitting in my living room. The moment didn't last very long though as they got called back home. Then me and the girls had a sleepover and we didn't talk about nothing but them. We were all so excited and hyper from our day.

Anyway at the caffe I got speaking to Niall, only my favourite member :) we started talking normally asking about each other and making jokes, then the greatest moment of the day happened. Niall asked if I wanted to hang around with him the next day. Me, Niall Horan wanted to hang around with me, I felt like I was taking crazy pills here or if I was just dreaming.

Obviously I took the opportunity immediately and Niall asked me for my number :D I mean this isn't just some ordinary guy were talking about this is Niall Horan, The Niall Horan from the band One Direction. I scribbled down my number on a piece of paper i took out of my bag and handed it to him. It was getting on for 3 o'clock and I had to be home at 4 to help my mum with something at home.

I told Niall it was time for me to go and he looked a bit down when I said this, but I said to him to make sure he calls me as soon as he gets home to let me know that he didn't get crushed by screaming fans or paparazzi. I was about to walk out the door when Niall grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in close to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. I didnt want to let go, I wanted this moment to last forever. We pulled away and he gave me quick kiss on the cheek. I left to make my way home, not remembering about the girls.

I got home and text them to meet me back at my house when they were done. I instantly recieved a message from Lilly. It read

Hey Abs on my way home now had a really good night with Liam, we had a nice meal and then I got a kiss off him :D

Lilly xx

I waited for Lilly to burst through the door and expect details of how it went with Niall, and was I right? Yup. I told her everything, I didn't leave out one bit. She was smiling the whole time whilst I was telling her and I could tell she wasn't interested in what I was saying she was too busy thinking of Liam. I left her too it.

Keira walked in and she looked like she just had the best night of her life. She came up stairs to join me and Lilly immediately and we talked away telling each other how our day went. Keira was the first to speak.


It was Sunday morning and it was 8am. Keira was up straight away as her alarm had gone off, she had arranged to meet Louis today, and Louis was going to take her out to Thorpe Park theme park. Lilly and I had nothing planned for the day, so we decided we was going to have a girls day out and go shopping. We were both left sitting in Mcdonalds having our lunch. After that the we decided to head home and take our bags back. Yesterday we got One Direction's numbers and today we go shopping. Pretty good weekend if you ask me.


I was sitting at home on my blackberry with Lilly when it started vibrating.

"hello" I answered.

"hey" They replied.

I instantly knew who it was....


So guys let me know what you think of the first chapter, comment and vote. Would really appreciate it. Abbi xxxxXxxxx

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