Chapter 3: A Date for Keira

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Hey guys i got too excited so I had to add the next part in. Hope you enjoy it. Much Love Abbi xxxxXxxxx


I only messaged her a minute ago and she's already replied! Blimey! I messaged her saying

Hey Keira, Hows it going with you and Lou ;) OMG you'll never guess what?! Lilly's going out with Liam! awww how cute is that! I hope Lou's treating you well and he's being a gentleman. I'm gonna let you go now so you can resume YOUR DATE WITH LOUIS TOMLINSON! hehe. what time are you gonna be back? Abbi xx

and what she replied was

Hey Abbi, Its going great with me and Lou hes being so nice to me :D really?! Is she really going out with Liam! OMG that is sooo cute! I always knew she would get to be with him one day ;) dont worry Louis' being a gentleman! Is it possible to over love someone? haha thanks, he needs someone to take care of him :) and i think im gonna be heading home soon. Keira xx

N'awww this is all too cute for me to take in. I think I'm gonna go and jump in the shower. Keira will be here soon.


I had just got out of the shower and I heard a knock on the door. Keira was here! OMG I wasn't even dressed, I told Lilly to make her a drink and everything so I could go and get changed. I heard part of their conversation from downstairs. The main words I heard was 'kiss, love and girlfriend?!' was Keira going out with Louis?! If she was I was the only left who wasn't going out with anyone.

I rushed downstairs and gave her a hug, she had a smile the size of a Cheshire cats! I demanded details of what happened with her and Louis and she told me everything! To put this in details this is what she said:

Keira: well we got to Thorpe park and I was about to pull out my purse and pay for my ticket, but Louis stopped me and told me he was paying for us both. I didn't want to let him pay but he wouldn't take my money. So after he payed he took me by the hand and we walked into Thorpe park. We got mobbed by screaming girls and some girls gave me the dirtiest looks. Louis said to them "sorry girls but Im busy, maybe later." We walked over the bridge and Louis dragged me straight to saw the ride. I wasn't too confident on rides so I told Louis I was a bit scared, he nodded and held me close. We got into the carriage and Louis asked if we could be in a carriage on our own. The man looked at us weirdly but let us have our own. Then once we started moving my heart started beating faster and Louis put his arm round my shoulder. He whispered in my ear and said "Its okay babe, I'm here, your safe with me and I promise I won't let anything happen to you." 

After almost throwing up when we got off the ride, I then got dragged to a big ferris wheel ride, it was called Peeking Hights. I dont like heights so I was really scared! As we got to the top of it he winked at me? I was curled up in his arms so I didnt want to let go. He looked at me with a massive grin on his face. He quickly leaned down and kissed me! it wasnt a quick kiss either. It was a long passionate one. The moment was perfect being alone in a ferris wheel kissing Louis Tomlinson! He said to me "so i guess were a couple then?" and winked at me again. I just kissed him in reply.

After about 5 mins we got to the bottom and jumped off. Thats pretty much all that happened after that we went on the rest of the rides apart from stealth and got a few photos. I told Louis it was time for me to get home and he drove me back. In the car we were blasting out the radio and Louis started singing. He sung Look after you by the fray and it was beautiful. Do you want to see some of the pictures we brought in thorpe park?

*back to Abbi*

I looked at the photos of my cousin and her new boyfriend. They were so cute together. So we have Lilly and Liam, and Keira and Louis.


so thats the next bit up, I wont be uploading until after christmas so enjoy :D much love Abbi xxxxXxxxx

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