Chapter 4: Me and Him

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Hey guys so it's been a while since i last uploaded but thats because of christmas and all. So yeah this is my next chapter. Enjoy. Much Love Abbi xxxxXxxxx


I was getting ready to go out on my date with Niall. We had already arranged it but he didnt tell me where we was going. He just told me to wear casual clothes. When we were on the phone arranging it he said it was a secret and he wanted it to be a suprise for me. I wasn't too confident with suprises because I never knew if I was going to like them or not, so I was worrying about this one.

I was being stupid. This is Niall Horan and I'm sure he's going to choose something super romantic. No matter how hard I tried, (and I tried) I couldn't work out what he had planned. He hadn't given me any hints or clues as to where he would be taking me. The only thing he said was to be ready at 5 o'clock.

The girls had already had their dates with their boyfriends and now it was my turn. Except there was one problem. He wasn't my boyfriend. I truly love this boy and I have for ages and now's my chance to prove it to him. Hopefully he feels the same way but I very much doubt it.

Lilly and Keira decided they were going to help me get ready because I was more of a tomboy then a girly girl. I was put in a chair whilst Lilly did my hair and Keira helped with my make-up. They had boyfriends before so they knew how to impress. Lilly was curling my hair so it was wavy with a few ringlets in it. She kept fiddling round with it and she burnt me a few times as well. I guess it was hard to get my hair looking decent because it was so thick and naturally messy. Keira on the other hand knew exactly what she was doing. First she told me to shut my eyes, and then open them again, then shut them again. I couldn't keep up. I hope they knew what they were doing, and I told them to make it look like I hadn't put much of an effort into it.

They both took a few steps back and took a long look at me. They both nodded at the same time which I found quite funny. I laughed and they both had confused looks on their faces.

Lilly went down my wardrobe whilst she tried to find something for me to wear whilst Keira kept telling me to stop messing around with my hair. Lilly chucked me my skinny jeans, a red strap top, my flowy crop top and my converse. She told me to get changed as I only had 10 minutes left until Niall was going to be arriving at my door.

I quickly rushed into the bathroom and got changed not bothering to look into the mirror to see what I looked like. As I walked out the girls' faces dropped. I looked at them as if to say 'guys I am here you know?'

"You look amazing!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

I just laughed again and said thanks. My doorbell rang. Oh no. It's time. He's here. Don't get me wrong I wanted to go on a date with Niall but I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of him

My mum had answered the door and let him in. Is she mental?! The house is a tip! I couldn't bare to put him through the torture of my step-dad constantly asking him questions. It's like he thought I was going away for a week! They always get too protective over me. I know it's cause they care and all but sometimes it's just too much.

I walked down the stairs, shaking cause I was so nervous. I took one last glance at my cousin and best friend standing at the top of stairs and winked at them. I mouthed thank you to them and they smiled back in return. I honestly couldn't have better friends than these two. They've done so much for me tonight.

His mouth dropped open. I waved my hand in front of his face waiting for him to come out of his trance.

"Abbi, you look absolutely stunning. Your smile completes your outfit though"

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