Chapter 14: In a Rush?

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Like I said when I sent the message it deleted this chapter so I have to re-write the whole thing. Sorry its been so long and I know I keep saying it will be up soon and then its not but this time it will be up sooner :) Abs xxxxXxxxx


I didn't know what or who had hit me but I know that it was a good hit. A lot of places where hurting. My jaw, my eye, my leg, my ribs and my head! I laid there and didn't want to move incase it hurt. I needed Rhys' or Niall's help, but they were no where near me. I was surrounded by a lot of screaming girls and I'm guessing they were fans of One Direction because Niall was surrounded. He couldn't get any where near me without being jumped on. My only choice was to get Rhys.

I called for him and he ran over to me so quickly. He lifted my head up and I put my hand on my eye. It was bruised and I was going to end up with a black eye. I couldn't understand what Rhys was saying but I could tell he was trying to call Niall over. My hearing came back and Rhys started asking me if I was okay? Well I'm obviously not if I'm laying here and cant move. I didn't say that of course but I was thinking it, so I just shaked my head.

I think I have a broken leg though as its throbbing and very swolen and my jaw I cant move at all. I was definately punched in the jaw and eye, my leg has been trampled on and ribs I don't know why there hurting.

Niall finally got over to me, he had to push a load of fans out of the way. He took over from Rhys from holding me up. I could see the tears falling from eyes clear now. I couldn't bare seeing him cry so I just grabbed for his hand and squeezed it to let him know I dont like seeing him cry. He snivled and nodded at me, he pulled me into a hug and cried into my shoulders again. I needed to go to the hospital, this was serious injury. The fans were still trying to get to Niall but Rhys was like the security guard and held them back along with the police. A whole croud had gathered round us and some were trying to get to us to help.

Niall picked me up and carried me out to the car in his arms. It didn't help with the fans pushing the police into us. Everytime a fan pushed Niall was knocked and so was I.

Rhys came back to us and got straight into the drivers seat. Emily got round the other side to open the door for us. I was laid down on the backseat. My head rested on his lap and he had one hand on my stomach whilst the other wound round my neck stroking my cheek. I get car sick easily and was now feeling woozy. I was now also tired so decided to take a snooze. As my hearing had come back all I heard the whole journey was Rhys asking Niall if I was okay. It didnt help with my sleeping. Every now and then I would move my head a little to let them know I was still conscious. Now what was going to happen. I would probably spend the next 6 weeks on crutches! That was not how I had planned it to go. Especially not when my brother from America was coming to stay for a while!

My eyes were shut now and I couldn't be bothered to open them so I just tried to remember who hit me.


As we walked up to the doors I looked around to see who I was surrounded by, and I saw someone familiar. She swung for me as I got closer and I landed on the floor. I looked up to her and saw it was a girl from school named Chantelle. She was the school bully but mostly I was her target. She was the one who hit me! I knew it wasnt a fan. They're too loving for that. All Directioners stick together. I should know, I'm still one of them. All I wanted to know now was why she hit me? I've never done anything wrong to her but yet even though I'm not in school she still bullies me. It's heartbreaking to know someone doesn't want you to be happy. As I looked up to Chantelle I could see she was laughing after what she'd done. She started taking pictures! How can someone be so cruel. Yes I was bullied by her and many others in school and they all LOVED One Direction. Well who's the one dating Niall Horan from them? Who's laughing now. I wish I could say that to them but I dont have the guts. The last thing I remember seeing as I fell was her walking away with a huge smirk on her face.


We arrived at the hospital and I was woken by the sound of Rhys and Niall battling it out on who should carry me in there. In the end Rhys was the one who was signing us in and Niall was going to be carrying me. He doesnt give in very easily to things but Rhys does. When we walked through the doors the receptionist immediately called us over and asked what the problem was. Rhys didn't really know what to say as he wasn't too sure himself what had happened. I saw Emily budge him out the way and talk to her. I guess she saw the whole thing cause she was talking a lot.

The receptionist told us to go straight ahead into the emergency room so they could X-Ray me. If my ribs were damaged then this was serious and something would need to be done immediately. Serious action would need to have been taken.

Doctors had asked Niall to lay me down whilst everyone else left the room. How was I going to tell Keira and Lilly this? I don't want to tell Kiera as she would panic and start asking questions, but I have to sooner or later.

I didnt really want to see what was happening so I just looked away and waited for it to be over. It was quite boring sitting here doing nothing whilst waiting for your body to be X-Rayed. The light in the room was really bright and then went dark and then really bright again. 

It was finally over and I was taken out by doctors. It felt really weird being carried by doctors as they were complete strangers and it wasnt the same as Niall carrying me. They were rough and I didn't really feel safe in their arms. But with Niall, he was gentle and slow, he didn't like seeing people in pain so took great care of me. I felt completely safe in his arms.

I was put in a wheel chair and taken to another room. I was now fully conscious and wide awake as ever. The pain kicked in and my jaw started hurting again. It felt more relaxed though and I felt like I could talk. I tried asking the doctors something but the words wouldnt come out. The nurses all worked together and laid me onto the bed that was in the room. My leg was rested on top of lots of blankets and sheets so it was lifted and not flat. My eye was covered with a wet flannel and an eye patch. They couldnt do much about my ribs so just left them where they were.

"So is this my room to stay in then?" I looked at the nurses and then to everyone surrounding me

"You know thats the first time you've spoke since the airport?" I heard Niall say in a sarcastic but worried voice.

"Yeah, well its not my fault I couldn't move my jaw is it now?" He laughed and walked straight over to me. He got close and reached for my hand. I moved my hand closer to his and I finally reached it. He entwined our fingers so no one could break us apart.

His lips got closer to my ears and he whispered.

"Dont you ever scare me like that again"

"I'm sorry, I promise I won't"

I left it at that and he bent over me and kissed me softly before sitting back down again.


Guys I am so sorry I've taken ages to upload. But its taken so long to re-write this as I couldn't remember half of what I'd written ahaa. It's up now so enjoy :) Abs xxxxXxxxx

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