Chapter 5: Coinky Dink?

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Hey! okay so its late at night and i thought i would write the next chapter seeming im so bored. so here it is. Much love Abs xxxxXxxxx


I woke up from my bed, not knowing how I got there. Last thing I remember doing was telling everyone about last night. Wow I must have fallen asleep, and Rob must have brought me up to bed. I wonder if I finished the story. If I hadn't then they will hear it today.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs to find everyone already up. Keira and Lilly were there too. I bet they stayed the night.

"What time is it?" My eyes were still half asleep and I still felt really drowsy.

"1 o'clock!" they all said together

No way was it 1 already! I've been asleep for hours! I have to get ready, the girls and I were going out today. We were gonna head down New Addington to see my dad and then go bluewater after.

Keira grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs. I guess she knew what I was thinking.

"quick, go get in the shower and I'll get ready myself"

I ran to the bathroom and got in the shower.


When i walked out Keira and Lilly were already done and were waiting for me. I rushed to get my clothes on, whilst Keira chased me round the room with the hair dryer. It must have looked quite funny from Lilly's view because she stood there and laughed.

"Lilly will you please stop laughing and help me!" I said this to her and I ended up laughing.

so there we were. 3 of us running around my room like loonatics. My mum walked in and started asking questions

"what are you doing? where are you going? what time are you coming back?...." blah blah blah.

"MUM! CHILL! First of all stop asking me questions! Second of all I'm going out with the girls, were going shopping and I have no idea what time were coming back"  -_- ! I gave her 'the look' she hates it. That's why I did it.

She just sighed and walked out. FINALLY! Do you hear that? Exactly. Peace and quiet.

We carried on getting ready. It was now 2 o'clock and we were all ready to go. I grabbed my bag, phone, purse, and lipgloss and walked downstairs.

I said bye to my mum and Rob and walked out the door. We were getting a lift from my dad and he was gonna meet us at the shops at 2:30. I eat a lot of food and I dont care what anyone says about it. I got hungry on the way and decided to go in the shops and get some food. hmmm decisions, decisions on what to get. I chose to get something simple so I got a cheese and ham sandwich with crisps, a strawberry milkshake and maltesers (I crave maltesers a lot).

I was walking to the counter and who did I bump into? Niall. He must have got hungry too as we all know how much he likes food.

"hey gorgeous, I see you came for food as well"

I love it when he calls me that. It makes my heart melt. 

"Hey and yeah we were waiting for my dad to come pick us up and I needed food to survive the journey" He laughed when I said this and we both walked to the counter.

I paid and waited for him to pay as well. Once we had both paid we stood outside the shop and found that Liam and Louis had already found Keira and Lilly. Harry and Zayn were there as well talking to the girls. We joined the group and we were all waiting.

"so what you boys doing here?"

"well we were on our way to the studio to record a new song and Nialler got hungry and wanted to get some food." Harry replied. He looked at Niall and gave him a stern look.

"hey, it's not my fault. I havn't had breakfast this morning!" Niall looked at Harry and stuck his tongue out at him.

We all laughed. My phone started ringing

'your insecure, dont know what for. Your turning heads when you walk through the dooor'

I answered and everyone fell silent.

"hello. oh okay. yeah im fine. alright be there in a min. see ya" Niall looked at me as if waiting for an amswer on who it was.

"sorry guys that was my dad and he's waiting up the road for us. We gotta go" Niall came up to me and gave me the biggest bear hug I've ever had and a kiss.

"I'll give you a text later then" he said releasing my hand


"bye babe"


The girls said bye to Lou and Liam and both got kisses too.

We walked up the road and before we turnt the corner I looked back at Niall and waved to him. He waved back and got in the car. I saw my dad and ran to him. He hugged me but it felt nothing like Niall's hug. There was something special about Niall's hugs that always make me feel so special and like nothing can hurt me


Sorry it took so long to upload guys but I've been really busy with exams and stuff. I know its only short and not very good but the next few chapters will be more interesting. Much Love Abs xxxxXxxxx

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