Chapter 12: SNOW!

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Sorry I havn't uploaded in a while. Just been really depressed lately but I'm okay now cause its finally snowed! :D Everyone make sure you follow me on twitter @1DForeverTorn    Much Love Abs xxxxXxxxx


I unravelled myself from the blanket and untangled my arms from Niall's waist. I stood up slowly and stretched. He grabbed my hand quickly and pulled me back down. I fell on top of him and we both laughed. I kept trying to get up but he kept pulling me back down again. In the end I gave up and laid there instead.

"I have to get up and call my brother. Your gonna be spending another few nights with me anyway. I'll be back on the sofa with you soon. Keep warm for me and I'll come and join ya when I'm finished"

"Okay but dont be too long otherwise I might get cold"

I walked off leaving him with a wink and went to call Rhys.

I dialled the number and went into the garden. It started ringing.

"Hello, Abs is that you? Oh my god. I havn't spoke to you in ages! How's life going?"

"Yeah it's me. It's been 2 years to be exact. Everything's going great. I'm in a relationship so thats brilliant. What about you? How's life in America?"

Just hearing his voice made me miss him even more. He was my brother that I had grown up with for 17 years. He was only a year younger than me and was already out to America! Alright for some eh?

"awww you have a boyfriend, thats cute. What's his name? You need to tell me everything about him. Is he taking good care of you? If not I'll come and err have a few words with him shall I say. Life's good in America. I've also got someone and I'm in a relationship as well. Her name's Emily. She's amazing! I can't wait for you too meet her!"

"yes he is dont worry and his name's Niall. Niall Horan. Recognise the name anywhere? and aww you have a girlfriend too. Sounds like she's keeping you happy. About meeting, errmm well when are you next free for a couple of weeks? You know from work and all that."

He worked as a trainee pilot out there. It's something he's wanted to do since he was a kid. Since he was 11 he's always wanted to become a pilot and now he's gone to fulfill his dreams.

"Oh my. Course I remember him! You used to be crazy about him a couple of years back! and now your actually with him. Wow! You've done alright for yourself aint yaa? haha good times. Well I have 3 weeks off starting tomorrow. So yeah tomorrow I suppose. Why? What you got planned"

He knew I was up to something cause he always asks why when he's trying to work something out.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come and stay back in England for a bit. You could stay at my house for a couple of weeks or whenever you want to go back. You could stay and catch up on things. Emily can come too if she wants. I have a 3 bedroom house. What d'ya think? Wanna catch up on old times and meet Nialler"

There was a bit of a silence on the other end of the phone and then I heard talking. Guess he must have been talking to Emily about it. She has to decide as well. He came back on.

"Yeah sure Emily and I would love to stay over. Do you want us to get tickets for tomorrow or do you want more time for some reason?"

"No tomorrow's fine. I can't wait to see you. I'll come get you at the airport. Drop me a text later of what time your flight is and what time you land amd I'll be waiting for you at your gate thingy"

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