Chapter 16: Gotta Be You!

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Well it's been a while since I last updated but thats because of all my exams going on and revision! I've had a bit of free time to plan this out but not much so bare with me... Thanks :) Abs xxxxXxxxx


I've been in the hospital for 4 days now and I'm sick of seeing plain white walls and people in blue outfits! I just want to get out and explore the world again. Have fun! I should be released from this institution within the next 2 days. It's 11:36pm and Niall's fast asleep on the other bed next to me. He doesnt count for visiting hours because he has to help me with everything. Everyones gone home and Louis and Keira are out at a night club. Lucky for some!

Each and every day Niall has been here for me, the only time he leaves is to get food and go to the mens room. It's nice to know he's here if I ever need him, and he keeps saying he's sorry for what happened when it's not even his fault? Apparantly my parents approve him but my Dad keeps giving him looks, so I'll talk to him about that later on.

Lately I've been struggling to get to sleep because of the pain I'm in with my leg and eye so I text Keira every night to keep me going. I quickly droppped Keira a text just to see how she was going with Louis and waited for a reply. 

I knew I was going to be able to stay up much longer because my eyes were slowly closing now. I didn't want to wake up Niall so I tried to turn over as much as I can without making any major noise. It was hard to do because the beds are very squeaky in hospitals. My eyes slowly closed and I was asleep within 2 minutes of twisting and turning. 


I woke up again to the door of my room being opened and someone walking in. They came and sat next to me and I could tell they were crying. I turned round to see Keira with her head on my bed crying her eyes out. 

"Hey whats up? Why are you here so late at night and how on earth did you get in here?!"

I had to whisper otherwise I would have woken Niall up. He's not in his best of moods when he's woken up late at night or early in the morning.  

"Hey, I got the cab here from the club because I didn't want to be there anymore with that two-timing    cheater!"

She was mumbling under her breath and I couldn't quite make out what she was saying so I shh'ed her and told her to let me speak. 

"Okay who is she? Was he drunk? Did he do it on purpose? What did he do?! I swear to god if he hurt you I'm going to screw at him" 

My fists were clenching up now and I could feel myself getting worked up! It hurt my ribs and my head but I didnt care at the moment.

"ABS! Stop bundling me with questions that I dont know the answer to! All I know is that he wasn't drunk and he kissed another girl! Her name is Eleanor Calder. I only know this because he introduced me to her before and said she was an old friend! That's all I know! Please dont ask me to talk about it anymore otherwise I will end up punching something" 

I backed away from her a bit and curled my arms up because I didn't want to be punched and get even more injured! She broke down in tears again and I pulled her onto my bed into a hug. She cried into my shoulder whilst I whispered things to her to try and calm her down. It wasn't really working though! What she needs right now is someone who cares for her majorly and really loves her! I care and love her but I think the person she needs is one of the boys. (Not Louis of course) 

Now who would be up at this time and would be able to come over. Liam? Nahh he'll be getting an early night. Zayn? Maybe but I'm sure he wouldn't want to get a taxi over here at this time. Niall was asleep here so the only one left was Harry. I didn't really want to call him but I knew he could make her feel better. And he can drive! So he doesn't have to get a taxi. 

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