Chapter 18: More Than This

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Since I owe @keiraabelle A LOT of chapters I'm uploading this one pretty quick so it makes her happy :P


We finished all the food down to the very last drop. Niall had most of it as you can probably guess and I for once was not as hungry as I thought. Keira and Harry finished there food because they were feeding each other so it went down pretty quick, and most of the mini eggs were on the floor where we tried to catch them in our mouths. The cleaner is definitely going to have fun cleaning my room with the mess we made.

I've now been in the hospital for 3 weeks and I feel so much better. I'm still struggling to walk but I'm slowly getting there. My eye is now back to normal and so is my jaw and chest. I just have to wait for my ribs and leg to go down and heal a bit before I'm released from this hell hole. My mum and dad havn't been up in 2 days but thats because my dad is moving house so he's packing and my mum has 2 other kids to deal with. My little 3 year old brother Harvey and my little sister Isabel who's not even 1 yet.

Harry and Keira were both sound asleep in the chair next to me. Harry was sitting down and Keira was sitting on his lap with her arms round Harry's waist. They looked like a couple but they weren't one yet, Harry still needs to tell Keira how he feels for her. I'm sure Keira likes Hazza because she keeps looking at him in a flirtatious way. It's really funny because he's a pro on flirting and he knows all the tricks in the book. Niall was asleep on my bed next to me with his arm around my shoulder and I was the only one awake. That might be because its 2:37AM.

"pssttt! Harry!! Are you awake?" No reply

"Harry?!" still no reply so I decided to carefully grab a sweet wrapper roll it in a ball and throw it at his head.

"what? who threw that! Oh Abs. What you doing up this time in the morning?"

"Shh you'll wake Keira! and I was just wondering when you were planning on telling Keira how you feel for her?" I could see he was thinking because he had his 'concentrating face' on.

"I dont know, I was hoping you could give me a sort of hint when to tell her. Any ideas?" How would I know when the right time is!

"Wait until me and Niall are up cause she's always the last to wake up, then tell her when she's still on your lap. I'll try and get Niall to help me down to the cafe so you can be alone when you tell her. ok?" Go me! What a perfect plan!

"Sure. Thanks. Can I go back to sleep now?"

"I guess so yes. Remember wait till were out and she's still on your lap" With that I left him to go to sleep.

My eyes were getting tired as well. I snuggled back into Niall's chest and snaked my arms around his body. He tightened his grip on me before kissing me on the head. We both fell asleep again in each others arms.


"Morning! How'd you sleep?" I knew that sleepy voice. Nialler was awake. This means breakfast which also means Harry can tell Keira now!

"Good morning! I slept okay thanks. I'm a bit hungry, wanna go to the cafe and get some breakie?" Now I needed to wake Harry up without waking Keira.

"Great! The rest of the boys will be coming to see us today. Is that okay?" WOOOO this meant Liam was coming so I could tell him about Keira and Harry!!! Liam was my bestfriend in the band. I could tell Liam anything and he wouldn't say a word to anyone. It also meant Louis was coming. I don't know how Keira's going to react to him being here.

"Brilliant!! I can't wait to see the boys!! Come on let's get some food"

I sat up and Niall picked me up in a fireman's carry, my arms were round his neck because if he dropped me it would mean another 2 weeks in the hospital with another broken leg.

"I need to talk to Harry quickly first" He sat me down onto a chair next to Harry and I poked him.

Harry soon woke up after 5 pokes and he looked around confused and tired.

"Harry me and Niall are going for breakfast downstairs. We'll be about 20 minutes do you want anything?" I winked at him waiting for him to latch on and remember the plan.

"Oh right okay and no I dont want anything thanks. I'll see you in a bit"

"Okay. Nialler!! I need help again please?" He picked me up again and we walked out the door carefully. Food was on its way.


I guess I better wake Keira up and tell her. It's early morning so hopefully she'll understand. I didn't realise she was sitting on my until I tried to move. I kissed her forehead lightly and her eyes slowly opened.

"Good morning Hazza. Your very comfy to sleep on by the way" Really? thats a good thing I think.

"Morning and haha thanks. Listen I know its early but I have something to tell you" She looked up at me worried.

"Dont worry its nothing bad. It's just, I know Louis hurt you and I know you probably dont want another relationship at the moment but if you gave me a chance I could fix that. What I'm trying to say is that I've fallen in love with you Keira and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I was wondering if maybe you feel the same for me and you would give me a chance to prove I'm right.

"Harry, I really don't know what to say. I'm still upset about him but I guess I do need someone else's shoulder to cry on because I'm sure Abs is getting fed up of being my crying pillow. So with that in mind, I guess I need you too. I love you Harry"

With that answer I leaned up and cupped her face in my hands. She rested her head on mine and I leant in to kiss her. Just as I was about to kiss her Abs and Niall walked in!

Back to Abs' P.O.V

"WERE BACK!!" I don't know what I done cause Harry gave me a mean death glare along with Keira's annoyed face?

"Perfect timing Abs! Crash the moment much?"

"What did I do?" I looked at Niall and he was giving Harry evils.

"You walked in at the wrong time!" Ooopsies

"Oh right. Sorry guys" now I'm latched on

We walked back over to the bed and Niall put me down. The pair of us tucked into our breakfast whilst Harry and Keira just sat there staring at each other. I saw they were just about to kiss before...



Oh god! Who's ruined the moment this time? Cliff hanger for ya until the next chap Abs xxxxXxxxx

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