Chapter 17: Taken

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  • Dedicated to My Grandad

I owe you guys a few more chapters so heres another Abs xxxxXxxxx


"Oh my god Harry! Awwww that's so cute!!!" I got so excited that I accidently hit my elbow on the draw next to me. Great another bruise.

"Really? You think so? I need to show it to her somehow though, do you think you can help get Keira to like me and forget about Lou? I love Lou like a brother but he hurt Keira and I wanna fix that!"

He had a point Louis had hurt Keira and now she was upset. I think Harry had a good chance of getting with Keira because right now she needs someone to care for her other than me. Things don't always go the way you want them to though so its gonna be difficult. Keira really liked Louis but now that she's seen him with Eleanor she's going to flip out at him and for that reason Harry will need to be with me.

"Harry I would give her a couple of hours to calm down and release everything from her body. She needs to let everything go and just empty herself. Dont rush this because otherwise it could ruin it."

"Okay. How long does Keira usually stay upset for?" Really?! He was really going to ask that -.-

"HARRY! What did I just say!! Give her time and dont rush it. Besides I dont know, she could be upset for a week if it really really hurt her. Let her come to you, give her a few flirty things or whatever it is you do to attract women and then let her come to you for the rest" Wow, its amazing how well I actually know my cousin!

I saw the door trying to be opened and I could tell it was Keira.

"Harry, be a gentleman and open the door for Keira. She must have a lot of food if she cant open the door?" I gave him a confused face before he walked off to open the door.

Keira came in and had both her hands full with shopping bags in each. She also held her keys and a packet of crisps in her mouth.

"WOOOOOOO FOOOD!!!!!!!" Either I shouted that really loud or Niall heard the word food because he soon woke up really quickly, and I just realised how similar I am too Niall. We both get excited over food? AWESOME!

"Huh what I heard food was here?" awwww Niall had a really gorgeous sleepy face and his morning voice was so God damn sexy!

"I thought you was asleep? Wow Directioners weren't kidding about how much you love food? If me shouting doesn't wake you up but the word food does then you must love it so much" I had to laugh at my own joke

"Well I - ermm.... Hey why was you shouting? Who upset you?" ooopsies dropped myself right in it now.

"no one, I wasn't shouting in a bad way. It was an excited way. Dont worry I'll explain to you later when were alone" Now Keira was looking at me weirdly. 

"Keira you'll find out sooner or later" She still looked at me confused and I just gave her a massive cheesy smile :D.

"So errm Belle what food did you get?" Belle is a nickname I've had for Keira since we were kids. 

"Well why dont you have a look yourself" Oh no. I knew what this meant. SCRABBLE FOR THE FOOD BAG!!!!

Niall, Harry and I all pounced for the food bag and started acting like children over a new shiny toy. 

"I bugsy first look"

"No I'm youngest I get first look"

"Well I'm the one obsessed with food!" Niall and Harry both argued with each other

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