Chapter 7: Twister, Dogs, and Harry?

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So guys what did you think of the last chapter. I didn't know what to write so everything is written from the top of my head. Nothing is planned its all just my mind being clever ;) haha. well enjoy this chapter, much love Abs xxxxXxxxx


The van pulled up in a parking space and I knew where we were. We had arrived at my dad's house. I could hear the dogs barking from inside. My dad had 4 staffordshire bull terriers. These dogs weren't normal sized staffs though, they were about twice the size of a normal staff. Thats all the weetabix my dad and Petra (step-mum) feed them. They treat them like people.

We got out the van and the girls had never been to my dads house so they didn't know about the dogs. I told them when we started walking up to the door about the staffs and their faces dropped in horror. I could tell this was going to be a long introduction.

We walked throught the door and the dogs were sitting there at the gate waiting for someone to pounce on. I told them how to handle the dogs when they walked through the gate.

"Right, now there are a few things you might need to know. First of all, when you walk through the gate completely ignore the dogs. That means no eye contact or physical body contact. Second of all, if they jump up at you slightly knee them in their chests so they get the message not to jump on you."

I showed them a demonstration so they knew exactly.

"Thirdly, walk straight to the table and sit down. Still no eye contact. Some of them might be muzzled as they nip a bit but I'm sure you'll be fine. If one of them is sitting by your feet quietly and they're being calm you can reach your hand down to stoke them but still no eye contact. Finally they will eventually be settled and you can give them contact and move about a bit. Look I'll walk in first so you can see how it's done"

With that I walked up to gate, opened it and walked through. I already had them jumping on me. I gave them the knee in the chest and they bucked down. Some of them still jumping. I walked straight over to the table making no contact at all with them. Sat down and one of them came and sat straight at my feet. This was Pagan. He was like a big puppy. He loved attention and he was the one who always sat by me whenever I was here no matter what. I petted his head slightly and looked over to the girls.

Their mouths were wide open and I could see they were worried.

"Dont worry. You'll be fine as long as you do exactly what I done"

Lilly walked in and copied my exact movement. She got over to me fine. She sat down and started petting one of them.

Keira on the other hand was so clumsy. First she tripped over on the gate and nearly fell flat on her face. Then she trod on one the dogs' paw. When she had finally reached the table she tripped on the chair leg and fell forwards. Lucky enough she fell onto the chair and she was okay. That's just like Keira. Tripping over all the time. You gotta love her though and I do.

I decided to them know the names of the dogs pointing them out as I went along so they wont get confused.

"OK, so the small plain black one is Harley. Shes the mother of the two biggest ones. Then the white, brown and ginger one. Thats Lucifer. He's the father of the two big boys. Then you have the black and white one, his name is Spud. He was one of the pups of Harley and Lucifer. Finally this plain brindle one here *pointing to the one sitting on my lap* is Pagan. He's also one of the pups and he's also the biggest attention seeker"

The dogs finally settled and so did we. My phone buzzed but I couldn't answer it now. I was spending quality time with my dad. I havn't seen him in a while. I couldn't resist so I looked at the reciever and it was Harry.

Why is Harry texting me? I thought it would be Niall or something but nope it was Harry?

I opened the text and it read:

Hey, it's Harry, I just wanted to know if you were okay?

Hazza x

I wondered if Niall was with him and his phone had run dead battery or something.

I wanted to know so i asked him if Niall was with him.

He replied:

ermmm no Niall isn't with me. Thats why I'm texting you cause he's not hear and I wanted to talk to you x

Ok this is weird now. Why wouldn't he want Niall to know about him texting me? I hope something hasn't happened between them. They're in the same band so it would be very awkward if they're arguing.

I text him back saying:

Harry? Has something happened between you and Niall? If not then why don't you want him to know about you texting me? It's a bit strange.

I heard my phone buzz against the table and I knew he had replied but I couldnt answer. I was playing twister against my dad and I was winning. I get competitive so I don't like losing!


Next chapter done. So guys whats gonne happen? Is Harry going to make things difficult or is he just checking up on her? Wait for the next chapter to find out! Much Love Abs xxxxXxxxx

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