Chapter 19: All you need is love

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"HAZZA BUDDY!!! GOOD TO SEE YA!!!... Woah what's going on here?" Ahh great, way to make things awkward Lou!

"LOUIS, ZAYN, LIAM!! Come give me some love!!" I saw them all run up to me and Niall and pull me in for a huge hug. I hugged them back but looked over their shoulders and saw Keira get up and walk out the doors. This means I have to chase after her. I saw Harry look a bit annoyed but Louis did just ruin the moment. They all let go and sat down on their seats, of course Louis sat next to Harry.

"Niall help me out here I need to go see Keira now" I had to whisper it to him so the others wouldn't hear, he helped me up and gave me my crutches.

"Ermm ill be back in a minute guys I just need to do something quickly" I hobbled up to the door and looked back at Niall, he gave me the 'I've got it look' and I carried on walking.

I need to find Keira now otherwise something might happen to her. I searched all the way down the hallway looking into each room but I still couldn't find her. Where's the one place she likes to go when she's upset? OUTSIDE! Of course! She likes fresh air when she's upset! I took the elevator downstairs and was just about to walk out the main doors but a nurse came up and stopped me.

"Woah too early for you to leave yet m'am, maybe tomorrow" she had her arms around me holding me back but I pushed them off.

"Let go! I need fresh air! Its so stuffy in here and that's not good for me! I get major headaches!" She let go and gave me a nod. Erghh I hate nurses.

I tried to walk as fast as I could but its a bit hard to do when you've got crutches. It took me a while to search the car park and she still wasn't there. I checked round the back and found her sitting on a curb with her head in her hands. I knew she was upset but she needed to accept the fact that Louis was here to see the boys and maybe me? I couldn't exactly hate Louis for checking up on us, but I was quite annoyed that he cheated and hurt her. Keira looked up at me as I slowly walked over and sat down difficulty resting my crutches against the curb. I put my arms around her and pulled her in for a hug. It hurt but I'd rather me be in pain then Keira.

"Hey, I know it hurts now but soon that will go and all your feelings for him will vanish. Trust me on this one, come back inside and you don't even have to look at him, just sit by Harry and I'm sure he'll cheer you up. Come on its cold out here and I'm not supposed to be out yet" I saw her try and put a smile on but it soon disappeared.

I got up with the help of my crutches and offered a hand out to her hoping she wouldn't take it and get up on her own otherwise I was in for some more pain. But nope she took my hand and I slowly pulled her up showing no expression of pain. It was getting better so it didn't hurt that much anymore, besides I think I was more cold than in pain considering it was the middle of winter and all I was wearing was Lou's red sweat pants and Niall's short sleeve t-shirt with a pair of TOMs. The hospital was warm though, sometimes a little too warm and you just have to go out and get some fresh air otherwise you would fry. We walked in and got the escalator back up to my room. Niall was sitting next to Harry and Louis, whilst Zayn and Liam were sitting opposite. Bromances much?

"Abs! There you are! Where have you been? I was worried you might get cold... Come here and warm up" I looked at Keira and she gave me an 'its okay' look. I hobbled over and curled right in to Niall's chest shaking and shivering, he wrapped his hoodie round me and I called Keira over.

"Belle come sit down over here, there's heat over here" I gave Niall a wink and he smiled down to me. Keira walked over and took the seat next to Liam in which he engulfed her into a big bear hug. Ahh gotta love Liam he always gives good hugs at the right time. Soon after Harry came over and Keira cuddled into him instead. Anyone could see Lou and Zayn were confused but I think Liam had already figured it out.

"So are you two like together then?' I guess Louis directed that question to Haz and Belle

"You got a problem with that? At least I know Harry won't leave me for someone else" ouch! That was a bite and a half.

"Look I'm sorry but It wasn't working between us. I know I should of told you instead of kissing El but..."

"You think?!" awkward... The whole room fell silent and I knew I had to step in some time to release the tension.

"Sooo guys! I think we should throw a party when I get out. Not for me or anything just like out of the blue" I gave them a wink and waited for their reaction.

"Great idea Abs! Okay Harry you can do the venue, Niall you deal with food but please don't eat most of it, Louis your on decorations and entertainment, Liam you can handle who's coming. As for me ill sort out the music" haha! Trust Zayn to go for music!

"Wooop! DJ Malik is back! What about Friday night! Its Wednesday now and I should be out tomorrow! Oh my god! This party is gonna go down in history! I can't wait now! Niall I'm hungry? Can we get some food?..." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he gave in. He lifted me up and placed me onto Liam's lap where I got a big bear hug as well :D. Niall knows who I want to go to at the right times.

He walked out the door and Louis followed him. At least now we can explain to Zayn what's going on. I got Zayn to check if they were gone and he gave a nod.

"Okay Zayn, basically Harry loves Keira and she loves him too so there now together. What happened was last night me and Harry had a chat cause he was nervous about asking Keira out so I told him to just relax and be himself. Then Keira fell asleep on Harry's lap and me and Niall went for food and I woke Harry up to tell him to ask her now. Harry woke Keira up I guess and told her so then just as they were about to kiss me and Niall walked in. And then they were just about to kiss again but then Louis walked in at the wrong time and made it awkward" he looked confused.

"Hang on? I thought Louis and Keira were going out? Did I miss something?" Oops forgot that part.

"Oh yeah I missed that part out, the other night Keira and Louis went out clubbing and it turns out that well emmm..." How was I supposed to say this?

"He kissed another girl whilst still with me! The worst part is that he wasn't even drunk! He meant for it to happen" I shot a look over to Keira as I forgot she was there! I'm such a douche. But at least now it was out.

"Woah! Did not see that coming! So basically Lou cheated on Keira with someone else? That's rough man!! Love is something that conquers all" how I've missed Zayn's life quotes :')

"So yeah, but don't make a big deal out of it when he comes in just act like you never knew otherwise Lou could get upset and walk out and we might not see him for a while. Okay?" I gave him my serious look and he gave an understanding nod. Sorted. Now where's my food?

It was about 10 minutes before they came back both of their arms full of bags. Nom! More food!!!! Niall walked straight over to me and handed me 3 bags. I guess this was mine, Niall's and Liam's bags then? Keira and Harry had a bag each and so did Zayn and Louis. All of us started searching through the bags and we all had everything we like. There was some trading here and there but that's what you get when there's 7 of us. We all tucked in and it was silent all you could hear was food being chewed and swallowed.

"Soo does anyone wanna talk?" Louis...


Sorry not much happened in this chapter, it was just a filler but I can guarantee more excitement in the next chappie :) Follow me guys @1DsNation_ Abs xxxxXxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2013 ⏰

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